what a perfect example of whats wrong with this fucking place. pointing out the obvious is a waste of time and falls on deaf ears. and as fast as i write this the owners,
admins and mods will break out in laughter.
Hell we are still laughing. funny shit right here.
the rules or guidelines mean shit. why because they are selectively used to fuck over boardmembers that don't fit the eccie mold.
you just now figured that out? ricky has been posting like a rabid dog for years. learn to suck dick and you two can get special privileges. or just become a mod.
but what the fuck her goes. Ms ADMIN if the fucking idiots that own, manage and run this site would actually administer the guidelines in a fair unbiased way things would be totally different around here. there are a 100 times more luckers because of how its managed. If "you" and the rest of the fucking staff would get off your fucking biased asses and actually stay on top of the forums none of this shit would go on.
let me get back to you like fucking never on this one!
board members calling other board members rapists? name calling? threats of violence? "join the fun"? are you kidding me? thats fun in your eyes?
hell yes its fun if your ricky and his band of handles.
don't even begin to lie to me about not being able to ban people until they point out. it was just done and its been done before. what happened to upyourrickydicknose? he or she earned enough points to be banned? BULLSHIT! staff just shut the handle down. so they have the capability to do so. yet you jack offs allow ricky the cunt to post relentlessly. you fuckers could swing the ban hammer the second ricky or some of these other cock suckers start shit.
UpYoursRickyDickNose could have been ricky himself. he loves the attention. hell we don't know or care.
hey bb who cares how many handles ricky starts? the second he starts shit press the button like they do on others. board members who offer nothing but shit (Observing, Gavin etc.) ban these fuckers. both the men and ladies have their forums. let them talk shit there. but coed should be managed.
we would have to get real mods to do this. and it sure sounds like alot of work.
ztonk is peeking in? what does that mean? if the mods would start enforcing the guidelines instead of simply turning on the computer and dealing with the rtm's just imagine how things could change?
peeking in now thats funny but probably accurate.
"entertaining or disgusting"? hey lea youre a board member, reader and ADMIN. when rockerrick calls mata leon a rapist and these two go at it in well over 25 threads in coed not included private areas of the site is that "entertaining or disgusting" in your eyes?
it only breaks the guidelines if they REALLY mean it.
So now what lea? what will you do about me? nothing because im posting no different than rockerrick? maybe point me? ban me?
WOW that was one nasty warning. couldnt do it yourself?
why don't you start NOW! go ahead ban me you
fucking bitch. why? because its against the guidelines to disrespect staff. im being rude? insulting? doesn't matter. swing the fucking ban hammer and be quick about it before I really get out of hand. like rockerrick who starts outing people if you don't allow him to play his silly games. wait i forgot this is all "entertaining or disgusting"? not worthy of moderation? right?
shit he is on to us. everyone run. let admin deal with this guy.
then also ban rockerrick, whispers, treetop, winn dixie, observing, mata, gavin and a shit pot of others that offer nothing on this site. and don't forget that idiot sl when he gets back.
not a bad idea.
it will be interesting if ztonk still has his party. just imagine if mata and rockrick show up. it won't be long before the outing starts. its already going on off site but because there is no staff intervention look for those nasty outing posts soon. then will the staff get off their lazy fucking asses? cant wait to see what happens.
its just a poker party. what could go wrong.
ill post this in the staff area as well. i want to make sure it gets ignored in more than one place.
now thats funny shit right there bro.