What is spamoid and how to treat spamoid
What is a spamoid?
Summary Description:
A spamoid is a rectal infection similar to hemmoroids. It is found only in liberals.
Eating too much spam.
diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pains, rectal inflammation, hemorrhoids, uncontrollable controllable urge to spam
Detailed Description:
Spamoids is caused by eating excessive amounts of spam which causes diarrhea.
It causes vomiting, stomach pain, rectal inflammation and/or hemorrhoids.
Diarrhea mutates spam to spamoids in the stomach. It enters the bloodstream. It makes transit to the human brain.
It causes an individual to have an uncontrollable urge to spam nonsense messages or acts.
it is highly contagious.
Spamoid transmission can only be transferred by intercourse with an infected person's anal rectum or by oral by an individual who had intercourse with an infected person's anal rectum or by oral from an infected person.
Before and after pics of Spamoid:
Spam before digestion
Spamoids after digestion under microscope

How to treat Spamoids?
treatment of spamoids involve application of Drano

and Peparation H

Application treatment:
Wear heavy duty latex gloves in this procedure!!!
1st apply preparation H to remove hemorrhoids in the rectum only after copious amount of diarrhea has been expelled.
Apply fisting technique in the rectum to loosen spamoids from the colon. Make sure the heavy duty latex gloves are lubed up in this procedure.
Then apply drano to the rectum to remove spamoids from the system.
<Please note do not attempt this procedure at home; only a qualified technician should do this>
