Marketing advice... we have a section here called "Short Term Availability of a Provider"
Generally it's for providers who are available for a short amount of time... check the ads. But it ALSO let's gents know what you are available on short notice!
I've talked to providers who complain about business, who have idle time they want to fill. Why not put a notice there? There isn't a limit like there is in other advertisement sections, and you can literally put in there, "I have an open amount of time between 7-9 p.m. if anyone wants to see me"
Will it work all the time? no, do you have to actually post... YES but it takes a minute or two at most, so it's really not a hassle, the thread doesn't die, and if, by chance someone had a window of availability on say... a Friday night on short notice, for about 3 hours... they might know they could find you! (yep... that was difficult today)
This site is a great way to communicate... use it to communicate! If you're not scheduled, go on over here
and post you have some time! Someone might be looking for someone to spend their time with.
Just a suggestion

Sometimes it's hard to spend money...or you have to go to BP (see other thread on Wichita provider pools).
Make yourself available here!
or here