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Old 11-11-2017, 05:59 PM   #1
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Question To Write...or Not to Write...that is the question

I sincerely would like your opinion on writing a ‘no’ review or not. I’m aware that a negative review could adversely impact a lady’s business, but then again it could also encourage her to make positive changes. I know the clients generally appreciate such feedback.

I’ve been fortunate in my adventures as a hobbyists, to not have had such terrible sessions to warrant a ‘no’ review…until this past week. As of today, I have not written a ‘no’ review (have written over 40 ‘yes’ ones). That is not to say that i’ve had all stellar sessions…it’s just that they haven’t been total busts. Of course, I’d also like to know if the ladies take into account the client’s quantity of ‘no’ reviews when screening the client…in other words, could ‘no’ reviews lead to failing a screen test or worst, to blacklist.

I respect the ladies wholeheartedly, as they have sincerely blessed my life in more ways than one. As of late, my sessions with independents have been just average. I’m one of the guys that yearns for the GFE kissing (LFK/DFK) activity, perhaps as much as the actual insertion. That’s why I’m visiting the Dallas studios more and more, where kissing is pretty much a sure thing…for it is encouraged by management. Independents, on the other hand, are their own bosses and can pretty pick and choose who enjoys their deep kisses (YMMV).

This is how my session went…

- no LFK/DFK (the lady’s showcase clearly states GFE menu, with DFK/LFK)
- no kissing of titties, they’re too sensitive (pretty much accepted activity where GFE is stated)
- no 69 (showcase says DATY/DATO on the menu)
- MSOG is allowed (lady only had 2 covers, 1st one broke (go figure, i’m small, this had never happened before). I used 2nd condom for entry but did not pop, as I am a one-pop an hour guy, so i generally safe my pop for the end). Since there were no more covers, I was forced to self-relief (she did not allow for CIM). Note, I normally bring my own covers, but when i offered, she stated that she had this covered...no pun intended.

- I was allowed pecks on the lips
- I did do DATY, but not 69
- I did get BBBJ, but it was short...she does not like cum, and my disliked my unavoidable pre-cum
- there was penetration, just not to completion…my choice

Session info: session was an hour, 250 roses. I did bring up the fact on how much i enjoyed kissing, and commented on how i had switched to visiting the studios more as GFE is pretty much guaranteed…she remained standoffish when it came to kissing.

I’d like the community’s input, in deciding whether to write a negative review or not. Please comment and either state ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’. I will take the first 10 comments…and will go with 6 of 10.

If the poll is goes to not write the review, I will go ahead and submit a mini-review in the men’s lounge as FYI. but it will not be tied to the provider’s showcase.

Thank you all for your feedback.
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Old 11-11-2017, 06:25 PM   #2
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I think the problem is that you tried to pay in roses instead of cash.

You've been around a while and have a ton of reviews but I'm like you in that I don't take writing a negative review lightly. Many reasons for this including some you listed. There is no rule you have to put "NO" in recommendation. You can put yes, then go edit the review and change it to Yes but see ROS for details. In the review just state what you did here. This was listed on the showcase and this is what actually happened. Leave emotion out of it and just detail the session. Then don't go back and read any replies...just be done with it. Just my $.02
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Old 11-11-2017, 06:26 PM   #3
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After 42 yes reviews I doubt a single NO will cause the other ladies to refuse to see you. Bottom line, would you recommend her to someone else who is seeking the same experience you expected based on her showcase and ads? You can also give her a 'qualified' yes, i.e. "YES - but see ROS".
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Old 11-11-2017, 06:41 PM   #4
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Fyi, this lady has ‘no’ reviews to date. Before we met, I expressed my intention of repeating with her if she ‘elected’ to c me...n she would do this by providing a true gfe session. Since she did not, i will not b visiting her again, n can recommend only if she corrects the deficiencies she demonstrated with me. If she included “YMMV” in her showcase menu, i would not have scheduled with her. S i m not young, n not a stud...I realize that GFE sessions r not guraranteed, no matter the showcase listing, or the reviews. Which is unfortunate, s my dollars are the same s the clients who get gfe treatment...such is life
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Old 11-11-2017, 06:47 PM   #5
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In what world is this not a "No"? Of course, you probably can't write it now because you've already put most of the ROS out in public.
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Old 11-11-2017, 07:08 PM   #6
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A good general rule of thumb is if she offered bareback it’s a Yes review, if not then it’s a No. Pretty simple.
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Old 11-11-2017, 07:59 PM   #7
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Yes, sometimes a negative review impacts a provider's business going forward. Most of the time tho, unless she has multiple negative reviews, her business will probably not be effected at all. Guys want an honest review, good or bad. Why are you worried about how it will effect her future business? She should have thought about that before accepting an appointment and then providing a shitty service, especially from a known reviewer. This is an info sharing site.

Many times, guys do not let providers know what they want in a session, expecting the lady to be a mind reader, and then bitches about not getting what he wanted or expected out of the session. IMO, those guys that hope for the best are precisely what is wrong in this situation in the fact that a provider can do as little as possible, but you were still able to get your nut, and even tho you did not get your likes in a session you pay for, then she will feel she did a good job, deserving a positive review if you decide to do one.

IMO, if a guy lets a provider know what he wants out of session, she agrees, accepts the appointment and his money, but does not perform, then she deserves a negative review.

Doing a mini review in the ML, while you are info sharing, but not allowing it to be attached to her profile is doing a disservice to your fellow hobbyists, especially those that do not have ML access.
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Old 11-11-2017, 08:47 PM   #8
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I think it's a YES but a read ROS and point out the problems.

I had a session with a girl where the sex was great and I loved her body but her incall was in a very dangerous area and the duplex was dirty and her sheets were dirty.

I gave her a YES but pointed these out in the ROS as I decided it's up to the reader to decide if these are a big enough problem to warrant them seeing the girl.
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Old 11-11-2017, 09:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post

Many times, guys do not let providers know what they want in a session, expecting the lady to be a mind reader, and then bitches about not getting what he wanted or expected out of the session. IMO, those guys that hope for the best are precisely what is wrong in this situation in the fact that a provider can do as little as possible, but you were still able to get your nut, and even tho you did not get your likes in a session you pay for, then she will feel she did a good job, deserving a positive review if you decide to do one.
So Wile, a lady’s listed menu means nothing? Do u have to get in writing what u seek out of a session? I generally send the ladies a profile of myself, delineating what i lke, n describe myself. I i only visit ladies whose menu i like. And if it had YMMV, i bypass.

To be clear, I'm requesting ur opinion on whether to write the review (or not), not trying to determine if it was a “no” or negative session.

Thx for ur feedback
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Old 11-11-2017, 10:01 PM   #10
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I have to say I'm in the same boat as Gottahavit55. I've even stopped writing reviews altogether for several reasons. However, I may have to start back up because I can no longer read the ROS. I've had two encounters lately where the provider almost didn't agree to the date because I had "no" reviews. My "no" reviews really warranted them and I probably would have had at least one more if I kept reviewing. I guess I'm just too damn picky...

I'm not hot and I know it. I'm middle aged but look a little younger because of good genes. But my cash is very hard earned and I'd like to spend it on someone who is into the session and not closing their eyes the whole time. Or refusing a kiss when they clearly have been doing it with others. I get it if it's YMMV but that should be stated up front. My vote is a "no" especially since you have 42 "yes" reviews. One isn't going to hurt you. It sucks to spend that kind of cash and feel taken or cheated.

I'm still looking for my ATF that can do short notice. I usually end up compromising on ISO posts because I just can't schedule time. I am watched like a hawk at home and seldom have time alone to spend outside of the house.
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Old 11-11-2017, 10:02 PM   #11
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gotta, your concern for the lady is admirable, but your angst over a NO review is unnecessary.
You would not recommend her due to poor performance and not providing her advertised service, thus a NO review is appropriate and justified.
The lady bears responsibility for providing her advertised services.
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Old 11-11-2017, 10:09 PM   #12
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You need to write a NO review and be honest. This is an information exchange website. If everyone would be honest in their reviews there wouldn't be reading about so many disappointing sessions. Giving a YES recommendation and saying to see the ROS is the pussy way out.

Do it! You know you should or you wouldn't have posted this.

The same thing happened to me this week and I would write a review but she was a SB.
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Old 11-12-2017, 12:44 AM   #13
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Be honest, stick to the facts. Would you spend your money to see her again?
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Old 11-12-2017, 01:36 AM   #14
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Default I would not sit

Originally Posted by corona View Post
Be honest, stick to the facts. Would you spend your money to see her again?
Don’t believe i would visit with her agsin...thx all for chiming in.

Any ladies wish to comment?
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Old 11-12-2017, 01:45 AM   #15
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Are you asking for their permission or something? LOL
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