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Old 11-03-2017, 09:51 AM   #46
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Cancer sucks! I lost my mom to cancer. Make the most out of the time you have, don't regret anything and have fun while you have the energy! Safe travels wherever and whatever you decide to do!
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Old 11-03-2017, 10:24 AM   #47
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No words can express my regret at this finding.

Years ago, after a stressful situation came up at work, the company brought in a counselor. She told the group that each one of us had something we did in our youth that we enjoyed and quit doing. Look in your memories first!

My other suggestion is the book "Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain". Since reading it several years ago I've found drawing to be a very good stress reliever and enjoyable hobby. It's not too strenuous, you can do it anywhere, just buy a good eraser.

Best Regards
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Old 11-03-2017, 10:28 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by greywhol View Post

I don't post here at all, though I am a member of the hobby. Cancer is the great equalizer. It doesn't care who you are, where you come from, or anything about you. It can come for any of us. My father and favorite uncle died from it as well as several of my friends. Though we don't know each other, I offer my heartfelt good wishes and prayers for you and yours. I hope that miracles happen for you......whatever that looks like for you.

Best wishes,

Everything Michael just said Kaylee....Your courage has really touched my heart!

Plus, what I would do.....
I'm not gonna lie, being the addict I am(in recovery) I would have to just say fuck it and start off with a Edit - Staff. Then move on to some good Edit - Stafffor a while. I'd probably skip the Edit-Staff but would have me a few hard drinks with Edit-Staff. Along with some Edit-Staffwhile doing all Edit-Staff. And of course I'd be banging hot providers while this final party is happening. Then repeat repeat repeat! Until that day comes.

I don't recommend you doing this. This is just what I'd do! What can I say, I love me Edit-Staff a good party! I'm sure my family would expect this from me.
Btw, clean since 11/11/04
Happy thoughts to you sweet Kaylee! Godspeed!
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Old 11-03-2017, 10:48 AM   #49
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I'm sorry to read this awful news Kaylee. Most of us never have to face our mortality with a known time frame... some of us see it and make bargains to do better if we can make it through the spot we're in. Most of us, the only lasting thing we will leave behind is our impact on children family and friends. If you have the chance you might want to record something for them and put it online where they will always have access to it. They can remember you as you were before you became too sick to do anything. So go Skydive... get it on a gopro...and leave some messages for your family and friends so that when they are missing you, they can bring you back in their memory and heart.
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Old 11-03-2017, 11:33 AM   #50
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So sorry to hear of this. I am praying for you. If you need to talk I am always here for you. Please don't forget that you are beautiful and loved, and that you matter more than you will ever know.
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Old 11-03-2017, 12:07 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
I'm sorry to read this awful news Kaylee. Most of us never have to face our mortality with a known time frame... some of us see it and make bargains to do better if we can make it through the spot we're in. Most of us, the only lasting thing we will leave behind is our impact on children family and friends. If you have the chance you might want to record something for them and put it online where they will always have access to it. They can remember you as you were before you became too sick to do anything. So go Skydive... get it on a gopro...and leave some messages for your family and friends so that when they are missing you, they can bring you back in their memory and heart.
My idea exactly. I wish it were different for you, and my heart is saddened by it. This is a good idea though, that Texassapper just mentioned. It reminds me of the movie "Ultimate Gift", I think spot on for your illness.
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Old 11-03-2017, 02:21 PM   #52
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More so, why wait until your dying?
I found this to be quite poignant. It is interesting that in your bucket list and those proposed by others it is all about doing rather than having. Didn't see anyone suggesting go buy a bad ass house or car or flatscreen or whatever. Nope. It is see this and see that and experience this and experience that. It is sad that it takes finality before we humans figure out what is really important all along (not directed at you Kaylee, just a generalization of society).

I was fortunate to visit Europe for several weeks a few years ago and while no place has it all figured out, it was quite apparent that most Euros are bit more evolved than much of the world. When I travel, I tend to prefer rubbing elbows with the locals rather than other tourists. So I have lots of long conversations with those living where I am visiting and one from that trip struck a chord, led me to change my outlook on what living means, and I feel is somewhat relevant to share. This couple, visiting Holland from Portugal at the same time I was there, ended up joining me for dinner--impromptu, chatting while waiting for table, then they asked the host for a table for three "if that was ok with me." Combined, they probably made less money than I did, yet they had tales from visits all over the world, many to places I had never considered. When I said how I wish I shared their itinerary but for time and money, their reply was "time is limited only by what you choose to spend it doing or not doing; money is limited only by what you choose to spend it on." They continued with the observation, in our particular comparison of American vs. European, that "you have more things; we have more experiences." That was heavy and enlightening, especially over strong Heineken beers and semi-legal weed!!!

I am not knocking the choices anyone makes. That is individual choice. Rather, to point out that it is interesting how lifetimes are spent chasing the "dream" and in the end, it turns out what was really important didn't require a chase at all. Family, friends, and experiences was where it was at all along.

What should you do with your time? Whatever the fuck you want to do!!! Your list is cool, others have shared some great ideas as well. I will add the following that I have first hand experience with...

-Berlin, Berlin, Berlin for a week or more
-Go see a concert at Red Rocks in Colorado and Lycabettus Theater in Athens
-Watch the sun set on Scheveningen beach in South Holland
-Drive 200 kmh on the German Autobahn...and still have cars pass you!
-see a futbol/soccer game at Olympia Stadium in Berlin and Millerntor Stadium in Hamburg/St. Pauli
-spend as much time in sauna/spas in Germany, Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Poland, anywhere really!
-take an overnight train in a sleeper car
-Red Stripe and Rum punch on beach in Negril
-Canada just about anywhere...Banff, Vancouver, Quebec City, St. John's, Nova Scotia

You probably do not remember me Kaylee but you were my first hobby experience! Years ago, in FTW, back in the old board days before eccie, not long after after your unfortunate incident with an expiring client. I picked you because you resembled a teacher I had a crush on in third grade! LOL I was so nervous but you were sweet and relaxing and very kind. Great experience as first experiences can go, so I always appreciate that.

I am so sorry for what you are dealing with. I am glad you seem to have a positive outlook. I hope you can go and do and live every breath you have on this earth to the fullest. All my best and most positive thoughts your way my dear!
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Old 11-03-2017, 03:29 PM   #53
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Kaylee you have my very hear felt condolences about your cancer & I rarely read the coeds section but something just told me to look at it today probably my good friend upstairs that watches over all of us. Although I have never met you I can tell by your posts it was my loss as you are obviously a very classy & extremely strong lady. May the good Lord Bless & keep you sweetheart my prayers are with you from this day forward
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Old 11-03-2017, 04:46 PM   #54
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Prayers and positive thoughts to you Kaylee.

Live it up out there.
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Old 11-03-2017, 06:54 PM   #55
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I’d definitely flash my man-tits at truckers.

Vaya con Dios, darling.
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Old 11-04-2017, 04:49 PM   #56
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OMG, I am not here to give you pity is a real shame you listen to the third leading cause of death in america, and since the FDA ban cannabis oil and vitamin B-17 is been hard on many people. If there is still time I hope you can go to Colorado and get some of that fine oild your body needs while having fun at it.
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Old 11-04-2017, 11:41 PM   #57
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Multiple members of my family have gone through serious bouts with cancer (my mother twice). I have thought about this a few times as a result.

1. HALO Drop with Oxygen Mask and all right into the big blue hole in the ocean they show on the net all the time.

2. Swim with Whale Sharks

3. Rent a Lamborghini and go ludicrous speed down the DNT in the middle of the night.

4. Walk into a casino and put whatever I can pull out of an ATM for the day all on black. Then put whatever I win or might have left in my pocket on Red.

5. Slap an enemy across the face with a white glove and challenge him to a duel.

6. Eat the most dangerous animal that can be legally purchased

7. Take my daughter around the world.

8. Visit Antarctica

9. staff edit -pk

10. Eat everything I never liked and everything always loved.
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Old 11-06-2017, 08:32 AM   #58
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Wow I just don't know what to say. But do you want to meet up for lunch, drinks what ever?
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Old 11-07-2017, 06:35 AM   #59
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I love all these buckets lists!!!

I'm part of a travel group and they've started a travel fund for me. My cup runith over with love.
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Old 11-07-2017, 08:23 AM   #60
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Cum for the cure, with pink condoms.
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