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Old 10-30-2017, 12:01 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by centexguy View Post
Trump isn't mentioned in the indictment. But all trails are leading back to the Democrats. Manafort was working with the Podesta Group back then, and as you know one of the brothers was Clinton's campaign manager. This will lead back to Uranium One. Trump is going to win again!
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Old 10-30-2017, 12:01 PM   #362
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Trump won't pardon him - he fired him.
Right but again if he pardons him will you be up in arms?

Because there's a good chance he will. You may think he won't but plenty people think he will. I take it from your dodging the question that you won't be up in arms about Trump pardoning a man charged with conspiracy against the United States.
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Old 10-30-2017, 12:56 PM   #363
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If he is found guilty- yes. Alan Dershowiz - the famous attorney and life long Dem - said- they are going after Manafort that apparently has nothing to do with Trump.

Originally Posted by Austin Dude View Post
Right but again if he pardons him will you be up in arms?

Because there's a good chance he will. You may think he won't but plenty people think he will. I take it from your dodging the question that you won't be up in arms about Trump pardoning a man charged with conspiracy against the United States.
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Old 10-30-2017, 01:05 PM   #364
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I just want to add - as a Trump supporter - I didn't like everyone he picked - and Manafort was one of them.
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Old 10-30-2017, 01:06 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
If he is found guilty- yes. Alan Dershowiz - the famous attorney and life long Dem - said- they are going after Manafort that apparently has nothing to do with Trump.
Dershowitz has been less Dem for some time actually. But I didn’t say anything about Manafort being linked to Trump with the question I asked you. All I asked was if you would be up in arms if Trump pardons someone who conspired against the US? Because that’s definitely anti-country. I would expect all those attacking the NFL to do the same if our president pardons someone operating against this country.
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Old 10-30-2017, 01:21 PM   #366
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Originally Posted by Observing View Post
Ha ha, you would bring up Joy Reid.

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Old 10-30-2017, 01:23 PM   #367
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Ok, the answer is yes. What does have to do with the NFL?

Originally Posted by Austin Dude View Post
Dershowitz has been less Dem for some time actually. But I didn’t say anything about Manafort being linked to Trump with the question I asked you. All I asked was if you would be up in arms if Trump pardons someone who conspired against the US? Because that’s definitely anti-country. I would expect all those attacking the NFL to do the same if our president pardons someone operating against this country.
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Old 10-30-2017, 01:31 PM   #368
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Ok, the answer is yes. What does have to do with the NFL?
As I pointed out, the supposed issues with NFL players protesting social injustice was people who said they were disrespecting the flag, anthem and vets. People who feel that way can’t then support the pardoning of a person who conspired against the country. That is clearly anti-country. So the way they attacked the NFL and asked for owners to push players, they should come out against say Trump for allowing someone off who hates this country apparently.
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Old 10-30-2017, 01:33 PM   #369
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Originally Posted by centexguy View Post
Ha ha, you would bring up Joy Reid.

Thing is literally everything she said was fact and that’s why the lady didn’t push back and agreed with facts she presented. Classic Trump minion move, attack the black woman.

Someone has already posted the politifacts debunking Uranium One.
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Old 10-30-2017, 02:20 PM   #370
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Ok, I just don't see the analogy on that. For people who have had loved ones in the armed services - it is disrespectful what the players are doing. I've had PMs where they show a soldier kneeling in front of a cross and a grave or a soldier kneeling to a widow - and they say it's the same thing. No, no it is not. When a solider kneels in front of a grave or a widow presenting the U.S. flag - it is a sign of respect to the fallen soldier and for the service he or she gave to our country.

Originally Posted by Austin Dude View Post
As I pointed out, the supposed issues with NFL players protesting social injustice was people who said they were disrespecting the flag, anthem and vets. People who feel that way can’t then support the pardoning of a person who conspired against the country. That is clearly anti-country. So the way they attacked the NFL and asked for owners to push players, they should come out against say Trump for allowing someone off who hates this country apparently.
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Old 10-30-2017, 03:00 PM   #371
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Ok, I just don't see the analogy on that. For people who have had loved ones in the armed services - it is disrespectful what the players are doing. I've had PMs where they show a soldier kneeling in front of a cross and a grave or a soldier kneeling to a widow - and they say it's the same thing. No, no it is not. When a solider kneels in front of a grave or a widow presenting the U.S. flag - it is a sign of respect to the fallen soldier and for the service he or she gave to our country.

You don't get it because I think you don't want to get it.

1) Those players who are kneeling also have loved ones in the armed services. I hate that people try to use that as a defense. In fact many of their family members fought in wars so that they can do things like kneel in protest to the social injustices facing minorities. You don't get to overlook the feelings of vets who agree with them and support what they are doing. There are plenty who agree with them so that's a flawed defense.

2) The players have routinely said that they aren't protesting the anthem, flag, or vets. Yet you are continuously calling them liars when you say that's what they are doing. You've actually decided in your mind what they are doing as that because you don't like it. MLK wasn't boycotting buses or food with his protest. Those were just the vehicles used to get the message across. You can't dictate what someone means by their protest.

3) What Manafort is accused of is far worse than what the players are doing. How do you know? The players haven't been arrested and charged for kneeling. Manafort is accused of a crime against this country, if you aren't more outraged over that than a player kneeling for social injustice, I'm going have to think it's not about the flag or the reason but the person doing it.

4) Have you heard why they kneel? It's to show that our country is injured. That we aren't providing the wishes for the nation that we talk about the anthem, Declaration or our constitution. That sadly not all men are treated like we are equal. That there is injustices happening that people refuse to talk about. Case in point, no one talks about the issues the players are kneeling for. They instead decide what players are doing and discuss around that.

So yeah maybe the analogy doesn't work. Manafort has done illegal activities that were against our countries interests. You know the country that is represented by the flag, that's protected by vets. The players are fighting for the interests of people in our country whose voices aren't being heard. If Trump pardons Manafort he's ok with disrespecting our country as long as it's not by black athletes. Or as long as it's in the interest of Putin.
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Old 10-31-2017, 04:14 AM   #372
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What have we really learned from the Mueller investigations?

The Russians tried and failed to get their tentacles into the Trump campaign. They tried and succeeded with the Clinton campaign. Hell, the dimretards paid them upwards of 12 million dollars for the privilege! That and a pile of worthless, made up bullshit information and 1/5th of the US uranium supply.

And, the anthem is still being played whether you like it or not. At least pro baseball doesn't let anything stand in the way of their patriotism...

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Old 10-31-2017, 06:31 AM   #373
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Which is more realistic:

A. Clinton working with Russia hacked John Podesta, the DNC and the RNC. Decided not tickets release anything on Republicans but instead release emails from Podesta which hurts her. Then works with the Russians to create a dossier and never release anything from it? All to ensure she would what.. lose the election?

B. The Trump campaign wasn’t sure they could win. So Trump started a narrative about rigged elections being why he would lose. He tells Russia to release emails 2 months after a member of his campaign was told of emails. His son tries to get emails from Russians. His campaign changes their party platform to pro-Russian ideas. His future AG meets with a Russian and forgets. His campaign manager is working for a Putin stooge. He refuses to say Russia hacked anyone when it’s known. He praises Putin. He still refuses to enact sanctions he legally has to against Russia.

Sure Tony Podesta may have done some shady tax stuff like Manafort and he will pay. But he didn’t work for the campaign. All of the Russia stuff with Trump has ties to campaign members.

But to lie to yourself and say this is about Clinton/Russia is idiotic. Denial will not work when more indictments come done.
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Old 10-31-2017, 06:34 AM   #374
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Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
What have we really learned from the Mueller investigations?

The Russians tried and failed to get their tentacles into the Trump campaign. They tried and succeeded with the Clinton campaign. Hell, the dimretards paid them upwards of 12 million dollars for the privilege! That and a pile of worthless, made up bullshit information and 1/5th of the US uranium supply.

And, the anthem is still being played whether you like it or not. At least pro baseball doesn't let anything stand in the way of their patriotism...

Trump: I have never heard of this man pictured here sitting 4 feet away from me. I have the best memory.

Also Trump: I have never heard of this guy I am literally mentioning by name in this recording.
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Old 10-31-2017, 07:33 AM   #375
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Originally Posted by centexguy View Post
Ha ha, you would bring up Joy Reid.

Analysis | The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’.

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