Slubby, you weren't complaining when I met you. So why be mean to me now? Those aren't photoshopped they are mildly edited with a free editing app called Picmonkey.
MW76, any luck on finding an indentured slave? I didn't think so... btw, you won't have any luck trying to troll me either. I'd have to respect you to be bothered by you and that isn't happening. So go take your ass to sleep somewhere hunni, you're so tired you can't even open your eyes to see I look nothing like a grandma... that's platinum blonde sweetheart not gray. You don't have to lie to kick it...

Thank you Kendall, that was sweet of you. Yeah, fishnets are great... I just threw these on to cover up all my cellulite I couldn't photoshop off my ass.

I'm joking...
I have considered camming for a while now Ze, thank you btw, I don't know why I just don't go ahead and just try it... I have accounts on cam sites I've never used.