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Old 09-29-2017, 03:12 PM   #61
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Here ya go, Ellen...

Good one!
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Old 09-29-2017, 04:12 PM   #62
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Default Let’s cut the bullshit, shall we?

“Those Americans who today think patriotism means unquestioning obedience and mandatory respect to a flag...would, 240 years ago, have thought the same about a King.” - Jim Wright

Jim’s a veteran, as am I. Kneeling is a sign of respect, and has been for centuries; conservatives and alt-right pussies (who have mostly never heard a shot fired in anger, and would shit their pants if they did) aren’t mad about the kneeling, let’s be honest; they’re mad at mostly non-white groups who defy their notions of propriety. They see that white male supremacy is dying out, and it scares the fuck out of them. Too fucking bad. Stock up on kleenex and lube; the world is changing, and you can either get on the right side of history, or get run the fuck over by that change.
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Old 09-29-2017, 04:27 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by derek303 View Post
He speaks for me on these kneeling poor black millionaires. Shut the fuck up and play ball. I can say after what the Jaguars and Dolphins did in Europe today I'm done. Dozens took a knee and then stood for THEIR anthem. FUCK these cock suckers! I'm a huge sports fan but I will only watch my team the Cowboys now because Jones told them they must stand. I might change my mind but it will take a while. The Steelers of all teams announced they will not be on the field for the national anthem today. Yup...I'm done with the NFL!!!!!
What I find interesting all this love America stuff is coming from a man who didn't serve I, the military and get his products made out of the country. He is a real patriot.. I can't believe trump supporters are that stupid
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Old 09-29-2017, 04:57 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Dr Hackenbush View Post
What I find interesting all this love America stuff is coming from a man who didn't serve I, the military and get his products made out of the country. He is a real patriot.. I can't believe trump supporters are that stupid
Also from a "man" who said America wasn't great. So how do you make America great again if it is already great? 45 is calculated, he knows how to rile up his base, now he has everyone thinking hey they are protesting the flag, and it never was about that.
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Old 09-29-2017, 05:33 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by PrettyBoyG View Post
They are weak minded pawns. Fake ass Patriots. I'm a die hard Cowboys fans and there is no way I would let a Racist POS like Donald Trump convince me to stop watching football or Boycott the NFL. How long has it been since KP first took a knee and now these Fake Ass Patriots want to act like their feelings are hurt?

The Government paid the NFL to act Patriotic. They kissed the NFL's ass. The NFL is too big and powerful and will be just fine. Anyone with half a brain know what Trump is trying to do.

He has a point. It's been quite some time since the first protest knee but not until Trump trumpeted did everyone suddenly make it a national pride issue.
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Old 09-29-2017, 06:17 PM   #66
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Trump's latest comment regarding Puerto Rico.

'This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water"

OK Trump supporters there's your guy. Any of you STILL think he's not a complete idiot?

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Old 09-29-2017, 07:42 PM   #67
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Ima gona let my girls speak for me........
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Old 09-29-2017, 07:54 PM   #68
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Ima also gonna let this marine speak for me - coming from a military family - I can't think f anything better then what he says. God bless him.
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Old 09-29-2017, 08:12 PM   #69
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I can't believe that you are that stupid.

Originally Posted by Dr Hackenbush View Post
What I find interesting all this love America stuff is coming from a man who didn't serve I, the military and get his products made out of the country. He is a real patriot.. I can't believe trump supporters are that stupid
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Old 09-29-2017, 09:14 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post

Ima also gonna let this marine speak for me - coming from a military family - I can't think f anything better then what he says. God bless him.
Yeah this video isn't great.

First the guy saying that those players haven't done anything in their lives, which is crazy since the line before he says they are multi-millionaire athletes.
He goes on to insult them implying that they aren't REAL men. Why aren't they real men? Because they didn't serve?

This players aren't disrespecting the flag or the vets. These players have the right to protest. These players have said that they aren't protesting the flag or the vets. Yet, some people refuse to take their word for that. People don't even want to accept the truth that they speak. Because if you accept that truth then maybe you can say they have a point, let's fix the issue so that they don't have a reason to protest. Instead you say don't protest that way.

Plenty of vets have came out and said that they have no issues with it. That they fought for the players right to do that.

Also, people saying that they are disrespecting the flag/vets are inherently saying that they don't have loved ones fighting/who have fought for our country. That they didn't have someone die so that they can enjoy the freedom they are expressing. Anyone talking about this players disrespecting vets should maybe go back and read the history of African Americans vets who were treated horribly after coming home. They fought for the rights of people overseas that they didn't have at home. They came home to Jim Crow laws. They were lynched. They weren't given the same benefits of the G.I. Bill that whites got. That's disrespecting vets. What these players are protesting are the evolution of the issues those vets faced. I hear everyone talking about the vets but not nearly as many people talking about issue at hand. Trump tweets non stop about the NFL but hasn't said a word about the injustice facing African Americans. No all I've seen from him was to be more harsh with suspects.

Funny, these multi-millionaire players are saying that America isn't living up to it's potential when it comes to the civil rights of minorities. Kinda like a billionaire telling the country that America isn't great anymore but he will get it back there. That same person sells hats with the American flag on them, which violates the flag code. But we don't say anything about that. That same person who loves the troops so much wanted to kick out transgendered troops. He wanted to get rid of DACA, which would have affected troops. Does the guy in this video think Trump is a REAL man? He didn't serve, he actually ducked out of service 4 times. The players are no different in their service than Trump.

No one can tell someone they aren't patriotic. Also you can't tell people what they are saying isn't true because you don't agree with what's going on.
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Old 09-30-2017, 09:09 AM   #71
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Athletes can't have an opinion but "providers" can and we should listen to them, ooh this has got to be the funniest shit ever!
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Old 09-30-2017, 03:06 PM   #72
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Of course, athletes can have an opinion. Everybody has an opinion - and since this a hooker board - you bet this provider has an opinion too.

Originally Posted by Aroundagain View Post
Athletes can't have an opinion but "providers" can and we should listen to them, ooh this has got to be the funniest shit ever!
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Old 09-30-2017, 11:55 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Aroundagain View Post
It's better to be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt! I can see your intellect is lacking, you go on and believe it's a word! Did Merriam Webster tell you it was a word? Didn't think so, take your ass back to the Pittsburgh forums!
The one whose intellect is lacking is the person who thinks language is stagnant rather than changing and dynamic. Do all Austinites share such backward views? You must like to be refudiated.

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Old 10-01-2017, 06:53 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post

Ima also gonna let this marine speak for me - coming from a military family - I can't think f anything better then what he says. God bless him.
I love how all these middle-age and old-age WHITE men are condemning BLACK men for their actions. I am a white man. Racism exists in this country, certainly not equal to the racism in the 1950s and 1960s in the south, but still there. I go through every day without experiencing racism. Very few black people would say the same thing. At a recent Boston Red Sox baseball game, ballplayers on the opposing team were called the n-word. It happens more frequently than you would think.

Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed multi-billionaire, donated $1 million to the Harvey fund-raising efforts. Very nice gesture. Colin Kaepernick, the first NFL player to take a knee and no where near Trump's financial status, also donated $1 million to the causes he is protesting, and is working in the black communities to help young people to a a better life. I'd be willing to bet that most of the other NFL black players are doing the same. And many whites.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump did this on purpose to deflect criticism away from his failures to repeal and replace the ACA. Had Trump not shot off his mouth and tweeted, there would be a couple or 3 black players taking a knee in obscurity at NFL games. Now just about everyone in the NFL has rallied behind the kneelers and supported them, maybe not totally for what they are saying but supporting their right to say it.

Maybe kneeling during the national anthem prior to NFL football games is not the proper venue for protests. But anyone who believes that black people in this country are treated equal to white people has his/her head in the sand. I have worked for black managers. My company has blacks at high levels in the corporate ladder. 50 years ago that was not the case. I am proud for the progress this country has made over the last 50 years regarding race relations, but we still have a long way to go. As long as this racism exists, I will support any lawful protests that try to bring this to light.
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Old 10-01-2017, 11:45 AM   #75
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Google Rick Monday saves the flag. Now that's a great sports moment. 2 hippy punks (liberals) ran onto the field and were trying to set the flag they carried with them on fire. They poured lighter fluid on it and was lighting a match and Monday who was playing Center field rushed in and scooped it up. The crowd ended up all standing and sang "God bless America." Would you liberals on here stood and sang as well? Or would you of cheered on the flag burners? This all happened in 1976.
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