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Old 04-09-2014, 12:39 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The Indian??? Are you some kind of bigot?
No, but it is a very rich accusation coming from a racist like you.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The point of the argument was that his treaty predated any organization or rules about controlling grazing land. Without that the government can make any rule at any time and you are stuck with it.
No, that si NOT the argument. His treaty did not predate ANY organization or rules. The treaty that gave him his land rights was between the federal government and the Indian tribe. And the state/county laws are subordinate to the federal treaty. So the state loses. Do you get it now?

The guy in Nevada is grazing on FEDERAL lands. The federal government can change the rules for grazing ANY TIME IT WANTS. It can terminate grazing rights for everyone if it so chooses.

This asshole does not have any property rights in federal land. His past grazing has been at the pleasure of the federal government.

And you are just making shit up to see what works.
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Old 04-09-2014, 12:42 PM   #32
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JD arguing legalese ....

now that's funny, I don't care who you are
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Old 04-09-2014, 12:43 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You lying piece of shit. Have you never heard of Ex post facto. For you I'll make the explanation simple; you can't make a law and hold people's earlier actions illegal because of that new law. This is the same thing but this is the insignificant part of the story.
You are an ignoramus of epic proportions. This isn't a case where ex post facto applies.

The change in the law did not punish him for his PAST grazing.

The new law prohibits him from FUTURE GRAZING. Along with everyone else.

Once again, you are just making shit up to see if anything works.
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Old 04-09-2014, 02:28 PM   #34
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Wow, with all the other problems the world (and the U.S.) has, all this over a guy in Nevada & his cattle. Every time I get back State side, I just can't help but scratch my head & wonder...
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Old 04-09-2014, 02:40 PM   #35
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Glad to see you made it back alright Wolf. Yep, sometimes it does make you wonder...
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Old 04-10-2014, 02:38 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
No, but it is a very rich accusation coming from a racist like you.

No, that si NOT the argument. His treaty did not predate ANY organization or rules. The treaty that gave him his land rights was between the federal government and the Indian tribe. And the state/county laws are subordinate to the federal treaty. So the state loses. Do you get it now?

The guy in Nevada is grazing on FEDERAL lands. The federal government can change the rules for grazing ANY TIME IT WANTS. It can terminate grazing rights for everyone if it so chooses.

This asshole does not have any property rights in federal land. His past grazing has been at the pleasure of the federal government.

And you are just making shit up to see what works.
The other word for federal is public. He has been grazing his cattle on public lands. That means they belong to everyone. Any socialist should appreciate that. This is the first time this is going to be mentioned here; why was the land not exactly placed off limits? Because of the desert tortoise. A second here. If the desert tortoise is endangered then why isn't the land off limits completely? It is only partially off limits as long as you pay a fee. It is nothing more than another federal shake down. I can't see how anyone can accept or endorse the ends that the federal government seems to be willing to go for money. That's what it is. The government says that Bundy owes them over a million dollars. It is robbery.

Of course, the mainstream media has finally discovered the story but you guys were all 36 hours ahead of them for reading my thread.
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Old 04-10-2014, 07:36 AM   #37
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JD is dodging fro cattle to terrapins when the bottom line is none of the other cattlemen have issues with the BLM and get permits to graze there cattle there. Plus the cattlemen's assn isn't touching this issue.
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Old 04-10-2014, 12:26 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The other word for federal is public. He has been grazing his cattle on public lands. That means they belong to everyone. Any socialist should appreciate that. This is the first time this is going to be mentioned here; why was the land not exactly placed off limits? Because of the desert tortoise. A second here. If the desert tortoise is endangered then why isn't the land off limits completely? It is only partially off limits as long as you pay a fee. It is nothing more than another federal shake down. I can't see how anyone can accept or endorse the ends that the federal government seems to be willing to go for money. That's what it is. The government says that Bundy owes them over a million dollars. It is robbery.

Of course, the mainstream media has finally discovered the story but you guys were all 36 hours ahead of them for reading my thread.
If the land belongs to everyone, can I go build a house on it? Can I go graze my cattle on it? Can I hold a rock concert there? Your arguments, as usual, are superficial and silly once somebody starts breaking them down. Back to the drawing board Admiral.
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Old 04-10-2014, 01:41 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The other word for federal is public. He has been grazing his cattle on public lands. That means they belong to everyone. Any socialist should appreciate that. This is the first time this is going to be mentioned here; why was the land not exactly placed off limits? Because of the desert tortoise. A second here. If the desert tortoise is endangered then why isn't the land off limits completely? It is only partially off limits as long as you pay a fee. It is nothing more than another federal shake down. I can't see how anyone can accept or endorse the ends that the federal government seems to be willing to go for money. That's what it is. The government says that Bundy owes them over a million dollars. It is robbery.
No, ignoramus, federal and public are NOT synonyms.

However, even if they WERE synonyms, that changes NOTHING.

Because the public (ALL of us) can forbid ANY of us - including this asshole rancher - from using public lands - for grazing or any other purpose. That is why we elect governments: to make those calls for us.

And the desert tortoise issue is a red herring. The federal government does not need to justify closing off the lands to grazing. It can close it off to grazing for no reason at all.

And fees will reduce usage - at least compared to free unlimited usage. So, the tortoise will benefit.
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Old 09-11-2017, 04:49 PM   #40
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Old 09-11-2017, 11:12 PM   #41
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Can't believe you're willing to sacrifice 9/11 for this stupid shit.

Well it's on you, LLiarMan.

Fucking narcissistic closet queen.
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Old 09-11-2017, 11:37 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
its disturbing to me, and rightly it should be disturbing to all

the number of government departments that have police power and an armed cadre of enforcers

its not just the FBI, or the secret service, of the ATF, or the Postal Inspectors, or the one section of the IRS called special agents

its the BLM and the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the parks department and all manner of these bureaucratic gobbledygooks
I agree. AND imo, WHY Do we need so many departments anyway?
Why doesn't the Bureau of tobacco and Alcohol/firearms come under the FBI anyway> AND WHAT the flip does the Oceanographic admin need with armed troops??
Parks dept though i can understand as i have SEEN Poachers and such SHOOT cops trying to arrest them for breaking the laws..
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Old 09-11-2017, 11:43 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
I agree. AND imo, WHY Do we need so many departments anyway?
Why doesn't the Bureau of tobacco and Alcohol/firearms come under the FBI anyway> AND WHAT the flip does the Oceanographic admin need with armed troops??
Parks dept though i can understand as i have SEEN Poachers and such SHOOT cops trying to arrest them for breaking the laws..
What the FUCK does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
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Old 09-12-2017, 07:31 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
...They were being watched through telescopic sights of snipers (why does the BLM have snipers?
Who said the "snipers" were BLM employees?

The FBI, DOD, ICE/INS, and SS have "snipers"!

In addition .. most, if not all, state and major city LE departments have "snipers" as you are using that term. As I understood the facts, there's nothing wrong with the Feds having "snipers" in the area ... so long as they been sufficient trained to avoid the results of Ruby Ridge.
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Old 09-12-2017, 08:49 AM   #45
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Another day, another bumphazi fest. It's on you, LLiarMan. ENTIRELY on you.

Notably, we've now got jerkall bumping. He obviously hasn't figured out why he's doing it, but maybe it came to him during one of his "head movies."

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