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Old 09-04-2017, 01:00 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by malwoody View Post
There is no mandate to write reviews last time I checked. As far as me being a troll, you'll just to have to bear with me as I thought your so called joke was in very poor taste and the fact that you sought to break protocol and re-post it in private tabs in a public forum demonstrated more lack of character.

If it's so funny, why not re-post it for all to see? The OP already shared her opinion...so why not share it with everyone?
What are you afraid of? Are you concerned that some other providers may see your vile sense of humor??
There is no mandate to post openly in this forum as opposed to privately either my little troll friend. As far as, lack of character, you seem to have the market cornered from what I can tell. You have over 4000 posts about nothing. All you do is go from topic to topic and offend people and start arguments. You have absolutely nothing of value to contribute to this forum nor society, I would imagine. It is you that is the vile joke my little troll friend.
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Old 09-04-2017, 01:07 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by malwoody View Post
Well it's nice to see you too Sweetie...

Did you read the so-called joke?
If so what did you think of it?

I certainly was not intending to scare the locals...LOL
Didn't realize I was such a Baddass....
Dumbass maybe, certainly not badass.
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Old 09-04-2017, 01:22 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
Malwoody why are beating up on our local guys? Never seen you post a review or alert in these parts.. so this topic should irrelevant to you. You don't know the full stories on what's transpired over the last few days since jazzes return to our lovely city. I won't reveal what I know but I also won't let our local guys get beat up during her periodic rants. They haven't done anything to her. This is just my opinion. Agree or disagree but let's settle it like ladies and gentlemen. There's more than enough money and pussy to go around.
Sweetness, he is the definition of irrelevant, you should go through his posts. Also, there may not be enough money to get this little troll some pussy, hence the lack of reviews.
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Old 09-04-2017, 02:15 AM   #19
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Malwoody, I know this is the type of "no value added" string of posts that you thrive on, but I suggest we hash out our differences using the messaging system rather than waste people's time with this nonsense and drivel. You won't get all of the attention you seem to crave but I promise you'll have my full attention.
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Old 09-04-2017, 05:10 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
Malwoody why are beating up on our local guys? Never seen you post a review or alert in these parts.. so this topic should irrelevant to you. You don't know the full stories on what's transpired over the last few days. This is just my opinion. Agree or disagree but let's settle it like ladies and gentlemen.
"beating up on our local guys?" I don't consider taking issue with a so-called classless joke to be beating up on anyone. He's the one who has resorted to name calling and mean spirited remarks. I've done nothing of the sort. I mean he posts his misogynistic remark, erases it, the op expresses gratitude and then he posts it again in private. WTF??...let's sneak over here and pass notes so the girls can't see us and give us cooties....LOL. It was an extremely sexist and demeaning remark and if he is the gentleman you claim he is, he would once again erase it. That's just my opinion mind you and as far as I know, there is no rule in this forum that prevents me from expressing it.

Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
Didn't see the joke. Only know what a gentleman he is to me.
Ok, let me get this straight, as long as he's nice to you, he can say whatever he want's to another provider. I just wonder what you'd think if you saw the so-called joke?
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Old 09-04-2017, 05:19 PM   #21
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In your original comment you didn't see anything unsavory with the comment but you have managed to work yourself into more of a frenzy over it with every post. Do you work for CNN?
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Old 09-04-2017, 05:24 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Mrwoodcock View Post
You have over 4000 posts about nothing.
Wow....you've actually read them all?? All 4000 of them?


Well, since you're such an avid reader, I've taken the liberty of posting a link that speaks to your true character...

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Old 09-04-2017, 05:42 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by malwoody View Post
What's with the private tags?
This is an open forum, not a review. What is so unsavory in your original post that you had to erase it and re-post in private? Seriously? What are you afraid of? What do you wish to hide/keep from others?
Originally Posted by Mrwoodcock View Post
In your original comment you didn't see anything unsavory with the comment but you have managed to work yourself into more of a frenzy over it with every post. Do you work for CNN?
You need to re-read my original post. I believe I see "unsavory" there.

Do you work for Fox news? If not you should apply, with your attitude you'd fit right in. You and Gemma should not bother with any more PMs.. Don't intend to read any of them.

I suggest you show this forum you're the gentleman Gemma claims you are and erase your tastless so-called joke.
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Old 09-04-2017, 05:54 PM   #24
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I only sent you one pm last night asking you exactly what I posted here. Why are you attacking/picking at woodcock? So don't act like I'm just sending you all sorts of pms. Grow up. You're the only one who's still stuck on this thread and making a big deal out of it. When else do you come to our forums unless it's to be rude? I said my peace now I'm done addressing you. Continue arguing with yourself cause you don't contribute anything else to this board.
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Old 09-04-2017, 06:05 PM   #25
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Oh I come here and read the forum. Once again, I've not attacked your "gentleman" friend...I've used no profanity and called no names. I still want to know why he posted the remark and moreover where he finds humor in it? He cannot answer. Maybe you should have him PM his so-called joke to you so you can find the humor in it..I'd love to know what you think.
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Old 09-04-2017, 09:48 PM   #26
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I will be in Wichita soon
Who exactly needs my VIRTUAL TITTIE CLAMPS & Shall I Bring Pepper Jack or habanero cheese for the whine???
Let me know So we can PARTAYYYY!!!
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Old 09-07-2017, 11:13 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Mrwoodcock View Post
I have noticed that you do not do yourself any favors by posting on here. My comment was meant as a joke, hence the lol and just kidding! But you seem to always be in attack mode in this forum. I apologize for upsetting you.

So impressed now. Oh ya biddy...
So nice of you to change your original post to this.

I do believe that because I subscribed to this post I am allowed to share what you posted.

From my social media response, you were way out of line in regards to suggesting that I should have offered the client, who I've not seen in nearly 7 years, bbfs.

Do you joke with other providers and inform them they should offer bbfs?

Or perhaps a "sting" or "bust" is just a joke to you also.

Reading so many posts about how to make the hobby safe for providers here in Wichita, yet when I post I am admonished. In your case, you were very passive aggressive in your "joke" about how I should have offered bbfs to my client who was busted in that sting.

I was under the impression, or at least when I signed up for ASPD in 03, that this was a board for information to keep ALL of us safe.

Due to the fact that you immediately erased your comment, I am a bit partial to the belief that you knew what you posted was out of line.

Then to post for men only & then feign ignorance about "private only" to me after being an avid reviewer for over 2 years.

I am not here to change the hobby. I screen the same as I have since the beginning. Yes, I am a prima donna. Not because I think I'm special; I adhere to stringent screening. Something, it would appear, that a number of ladies in Wichita do not do.

My deepest apologies to you for accepting to see you for a hh. I do apologize for asking you to send me an email with your information, as I have since I started as an escort, regardless of your review presence on this board.

Posting vitriol against me after I turned you down as a client is a heinous act.

I shall now read the rest of the comments as I have finally had time to sit and read these boards.

I am so grateful that the majority of my clients are white collar professionals who rarely read the boards (yet when they do, they like my moxie), and then use their board handle and 33 reviews to schedule.

As I have told you before, this is Kansas. One of the most conservative states in the union, therefore my screening is a bit more strict than when I lived in Phoenix or Cali.

My deepest apologies to Gemma. I am not trying to change how Wichita hobbies. No, dear, I am simply adhering to my screening standards that have been in place for some time. Unfortunately, providers in ICT have lied about who they have, or have not seen and I have had the fabulous experience of having to "fly blind"

Way to go Mr. Woodcock!!!! You have now allowed me to write honestly and in full about my experience with you, and go figure I've never seen you BCD.
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Old 09-07-2017, 11:17 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
I only sent you one pm last night asking you exactly what I posted here. Why are you attacking/picking at woodcock? So don't act like I'm just sending you all sorts of pms. Grow up. You're the only one who's still stuck on this thread and making a big deal out of it. When else do you come to our forums unless it's to be rude? I said my peace now I'm done addressing you. Continue arguing with yourself cause you don't contribute anything else to this board.

I'm so sorry Gemma that you were left out of the pm loop on this. I forgot that I ought to include you in everything I do.

I also am so sorry that you feel as though Malwoody's post was rude. I am sure that you take time to review what you post on these boards as well as what you send in a pm. Therefore, gosh, he and I are so out of line and obviously not up to your standard.

You were such an advocate about providers sharing information with each other. Had I known that "some provider" would share my women's only post with the clients I posted about, I'd wouldn't have posted.

So sorry you were privy to that information.. WOW!!!! are you a mod now???

Have a wonderful evening, and know that I am so grateful for your assistance in informing the gentlemen of this board my private posts.

Have a wonderful evening. So happy to know that sharing is truly caring here.

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Old 09-08-2017, 07:44 AM   #29
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Default Geez, give it up!

Enough is enough...this thread began discussing a report of a possible sting in Wichita and degenerated quickly into nothing more than a mess with more thread hijacks and insults than normal.

I kept hoping common sense would prevail and the topic would reappear, but thanks to y'all, it didn't.

It ends now! Discuss the sting or go post somewhere else or on another site.
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Old 09-08-2017, 08:09 PM   #30
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The OP was not about a sting. It was about why she never does bbfs...and the Wichita welcome wagon sprung into action.

A wise moderator once told me that the board worked best when the members policed themselves...which is apparently now forbidden, if the Wichita welcome wagon trips in their own pile of shit and need a lifeline.
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