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View Poll Results: My opinion on escorts with a S.O.
Escorts in a relationship are a boner killer 9 6.92%
Escorts in a relationship make me hard 13 10.00%
Don't care either way 50 38.46%
I don't wanna know. Don't bring it up 58 44.62%
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Old 09-02-2017, 06:11 PM   #1
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Default Do escorts admitting to having a S. O. Fantasy killer or not.

Obviously, I must of had an escort admit to having one.

In my case when I arrived she excused herself for a minute to call her S.O. to say she was okay. Went through with it obviously but I'll admit for a minute my mind ran the whole gamut of:
Is he hiding is the closet?
Are they swingers?
Is he a cuckold?
Maybe her sex drive IS that high?

While nothing beyond the fact that she has an S.O. was brought up. It was my 1st time with this situation. I thought it would be a boner killer, but beyond the safety call it didn't bother me at all. She even kept her ring on.

So what say everyone else? Before I actually had to face this situation the idea was a turn off but ultimately when it happened it didn't bother me.
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Old 09-02-2017, 07:30 PM   #2
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Most providers I've met have SOs. Some are married. But none have stopped mid-session to call their sweetie. Red flag in my book.
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Old 09-02-2017, 08:00 PM   #3
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They don't ask me and I don't ask them
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Old 09-03-2017, 08:51 AM   #4
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I have an SO and I don't ever call him during a session. This is my job. I can't speak for all but its unprofessional to be on the phone while working.
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Old 09-03-2017, 10:55 AM   #5
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Nothing unusual abt hookers not just having SOs but being married, too. If I ever re-marry, it will be to a working hooker. Of course she will need to be drug-free and doing it bc she is basically a nympho and still needs to make a living and is too horny to have a typical job (the kind that gets fired for screwing everyone in the office all the time). I am totally down w/ women being as promiscuous as they want to be. I love fucking a woman right after she's been fucked a few times. Did this in fact just this past Fri. night at a sex party. Love it when they're all warmed up.

In ancient Rome, married women used to give head and/or fuck for extra money pretty regularly. It wasn't considered dishonorable behavior. Professional whores though were, despite being popular, ironically considered unfit for marriage. It wasn't bc they were hookers per se, it was due to "paternity certainty", which was a big issue back then. (Today it isn't.)

But in practice more than a few professional hookers got married after taking it up, usu. to a customer but not always. Interestingly, prostitutes were required to wear togas by law, which were considered masculine dress. This was so that they could be readily identified by customers, thereby keeping customers from accidentally soliciting "respectable" women who happened to be in the same place as hookers were known to hang out. Also, togas were practical. The main part was easily removed over the head, leaving the undergarment which was open at the bottom and had a slit in the front, to allow the wearer to more easily pee and poop w/ it on. On hookers, this was also useful for those reasons but she could also just take off the main part of the toga and leave on the undergarmant and men could still fuck her. After all, it got cold in winter.

Slave girls put to "work" in legionnary brothels in the Army would at times be bought by an officer or well-off NCO and marry the guy. Even Roman privates were pretty well-compensated and at times slave girls vied to get picked for brothel "work" bc it increased their chances of getting bought for marriage by a legionary. Roman troops were also paid in gold. You can be pretty sure they tipped even the slave-girls. Most Romans didn't see a gold piece too often. Legionaries were paid in it. The relative wealth of legionnaries, along w/ their extraordinary physical conditioning and social status, made them very attractive as husbands and bfs. Where Roman legions camped for a decent length of time, all manner of commercial interests followed, including bands of travelling hookers. A fair number of towns and cities in Europe today started out from more or less permanent legionary encampments. Professional hookers also sometimes followed legions but not as often. They were competing with cheaper Army slave girls and local women who frequently fairly threw themselves at legionaries when they showed up. After all, these men had lots of food, gold, and arguably the safest place a person could be in the ancient world was inside or next to a Roman legion camp -- provided of course you were on good terms with them. And fucking ppl is a great way to get on good terms with them.

Aside from having a bf built like a brick shithouse and possessing youthful sexual stamina, the wife/gf of a legionary was also very safe and provided for. On more than a few occassions, civilization-challenged and resource-poor would-be Roman territories fairly begged Rome to annex them and encamp a legion. This brought wealth, stability, healthy able-bodied men, indoor plumbing (a Roman invention), paved roads, etc. Some provinces, notably Britania and Germania, resisted but doing so was ultimately futile. Once most populations saw the huge standard of living improvements Roman occupation came with, it was pretty much over. Learn Latin and watch your women ride/suck Roman cock quite publicly in front of you. That's how it goes, baby.

Prostitution in Europe and later America was only outlawed and branded immoral when Christianity became the commonest religion. Most religions either frown upon or condemn quid pro quo sex between people, esp. men and women, because it undermines attempts by women collectively to control the sex market. By teaching women to suppress their sexual desires or at least refrain from acting on them and instead hold out (ie, extort men) for MARRIAGE, this creates a legal framework for presumed paternity (lacking DNA testing, they had nothing else). In so doing, in a patrilineal legal structure, inheritence from fathers to sons could be established. Thus sons entering the church had legal access to property, real and not, they inherited or would inherit from their fathers. This created a steady stream of property and non-real estate wealth going into the now-institutionalized Catholic Church. Thus the Church had many reasons to condemn sex b4 marriage, prostitution (which is actually standard behavior for primate females), divorce, etc. Money doesn't talk, it screams.

Anyone can see how women would embrace these ideas. This raised the value of pussy from the equivalent of what, $10, to a house, car, and claims on a man's income for years to come all w/o working. It was also a lot harder for women to find higher-paying jobs due to fewer educational opportunities and social value restrictions. So not surprisingly, it caught on.

Today, paternity certainty isn't a factor (we have DNA tests) and the Cath Church isn't the kind of social and political force it once was, thank goodness. Women are now in higher-paying jobs and professions, set in fact to outnumber men in more than a few. Men generally are now foregoing marriage altogether simply bc there is no reason left to do it. Women are still generally looking for marriage bc as deals go, it's great for them: his assets almost immediately become hers but not the other way around, but have much higher standards today than previously simply bc they no longer need a husband as a practical matter. Thus most women price themselves out of the marriage market. That they are not pestering men to propose to them is in fact welcome relief to many men and notice we're not complaining.

Add up all this and you get a thriving market for pussy. Prostitution has gotten a lot more common, incl Roman-style casual hooking, incl. married women (whose hubbies may or may not know about it), what's left of them, single women who just want to get laid some or need help paying for their liberal arts degrees, and of course, girls who've taken up "bad habits", and different kinds of hookers now dot the landscape, many turning tricks for cheap. As supply goes up, price goes down. With the exception of eccie girls w/ bad habits (and some eccie girls do indeed have bad habits, just well-hidden), the traditional professional escort's market position (no bad habits exc maybe smoking, does it for a living, etc.) these days has become quite precarious as other types of hookers bid the prices downward.

Anyway, I used to fuck a married casual. She wore her ring, too, during sex. She used her ring hand to touch my cock and jerk me off. Seeing it on her hand holding my cock was hot. I enjoyed touching her ring while I fucked her and made her come. "I bless your marriage by fucking you." Hot af. She turned tricks behind her hubby's back for $40. She just plain liked being bad. It got her off. She didn't really need the money.

These days, I fuck a married lady, among others, in her and her hubby's bed while he sits in the living room listening to her screams. I don't pay her. I do it as a favor to them every week. It keeps her satisfied; she needs multiple cocks. A lot of women do. I get along fine w/ her husband. Nice guy.

Another spa essay conudes. Cliff's Notes version: Yes, some hookers are married women. Usually their husbands know and approve. It's more typical than you might think. And yes, it's ok.
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Old 09-03-2017, 03:15 PM   #6
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It could have been a number of things. Either she really was talking to her significant other to let him know she's alright. Or she was playing it off and it was just a friend. Seems like either way it was just to let the other person know that nothing seemed off about you. As to the poll question, I couldn't care less if she has a boyfriend or a husband. Escorts are people too with needs and feelings. As long as the man knows about how she's bringing the money home I really don't care. If she were doing it behind his back that would be putting him at risk for std's and is generally just a crappy thing to do.
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Old 09-03-2017, 06:48 PM   #7
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After a session with me the ladies appreciate their SOs so much more.
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Old 09-03-2017, 08:42 PM   #8
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I've found the married providers are generally noticably more mentally stable and laid back. The unmarried ones are generally more off the deep end, crazy, jumping topics quickly and randomly, and talk too much and too fast. There's a reason the married ones are married and the single ones are single.
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Old 09-04-2017, 05:44 AM   #9
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If she has BF, baby daddy, husband or sugar daddy, knowing that doesn't bother me. Only bothers me if they end up interfering in my time with her, which has been very rare in my exp.

The fantasy is that she's yours for whatever time is reserved unless you have some other type of relationship established.

If we're going to have an ongoing arrangment, knowing is essential IMO. Helps coordinate schedules a bit more honestly while keeping things in perspective.
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Old 09-04-2017, 11:40 AM   #10
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It depends on what you want, escorts aren't porn stars, regular girls doing this on the side for money. If you want hot sex, foreplay, dream type sex you might not get that from a escort. I will say overall it's not what I really desired but it's better than no sex at all.

I will probably say the lack of true feelings is more of a mood killer than her having a man.
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Old 09-04-2017, 01:35 PM   #11
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I wouldnt mind watching them fuck so dont care.

If he is in the bathroom while I am fucking his wife I would invite him to watch or join.

Dont care.
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Old 09-04-2017, 08:19 PM   #12
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I hope no one is misunderstanding that I care if she has one or not. I know these ladies have real lives. I've seen tons of ladies on here admit to being married. I can handle that. My issue with it was the way it was brought up. It wasn't casual conversation or a passing thought. It was "Hi. This is my 1st time meeting you. You don't look like a creeper. Let me call my husband."

I will admit I did get a back handed compliment. Was told that out all her clients thus far I was the closet to fucking her as good as her husband.
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Old 09-04-2017, 08:55 PM   #13
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Sounds like her SO was her check in person, not that unusual. Most ladies that have a serious SO, don't flaunt it, but it's often not a secret; in most scenarios, it's hard to keep it a secret, and it's just a lot easier to be with someone that knows, and it often spills over into the clients knowing.

Guys use it in their criteria, either to cross the lady off the list, or be more aware of what kind of partners she has. It's a turn on for some. I've had guys ask if I was married(am not), and if I would wear my ring---perhaps it seems a bit more taboo, a turn on. But many have said it just seems more like the spice of having an affair, two married people stealing away together.
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Old 09-04-2017, 10:01 PM   #14
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Married taint is special taint.
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Old 09-04-2017, 10:22 PM   #15
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WTF should I care if the lady has an SO? However, the SO may want to know the lady is providing. Sadly, it seems in most cases, the SO already knows and doesn't have an issue with it as long as their lazy asses are supported by it as well.
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