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Old 08-29-2017, 02:02 PM   #1
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Default Question for the providers...

How hard are you to set up appointment with? I have someone I see but it literally takes weeks to get in touch with her and ecerytime we set a appointment she backs out. I don't want to bother her too much so I just told her I'll find someone a bit more convenient. It's a 25 year age gap so I'm guessing I'm too old and creepy for her.

I'm the type who really gets in a mood at a certain time so I can't really do the guessing game thing.

I didn't want to offend her but she's young so she's not good on time management so I just ended it and told her to get another john and I'm sure she has no problem with that but I need to be taken care of especially if I'm paying.
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Old 08-29-2017, 02:12 PM   #2
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My parents taught me to look for little realities to base my decisions on. What were they called? I'm going blank here. Oh yea now I remember.

They said learn to take a FUCKING HINT.
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Old 08-29-2017, 02:22 PM   #3
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Lol I learned and I did. No sensible worker turns down free money.
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Old 08-29-2017, 06:41 PM   #4
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The sensible ones know that not all money is good money.

The attitude that causes you to think "No sensible worker turns down free money" is very short-sighted, and probably why she is avoiding you.

She has options. As with all things in life, if time with her is something that is important to you, make sure you are the better option.

Or not. It's all up to you.
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Old 08-29-2017, 07:35 PM   #5
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Did you just state that? "Make sure your the better option for her?" Wtf!!!??? Who is the customer?? Are you guys so fucking desperate for pussy you will pay for it and be a pussy too? If you want women toake you the better option first suggestion stop being a wimp. This is a business and we are the customers it is her job to make her the best option for me, not the other way around. This is sex for cash, and no woman on here is so important to spend time with that I will forget who the consumer is. If coca cola wants my business they have to earn it. Same principle here is she wants to earn money as a prostitute she has to earn it from a wide variety of men. My job is to be kind and pay and that is it. If she expects me to earn her time by doing more than that, fuck her, on to the next. This is sex not match.com.

I see posts lime this and know which ladies to stay away from and I am a very generous customer always pay for every minute and dependable and reliable and repeater. That's all I have to d, if she wants more from me than reduce her price or iove on.
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Old 08-30-2017, 12:05 AM   #6
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Last I looked we were talking about a two-way economic venture. Buyer AND seller get a vote in whether the transaction happens.

So if a lady has options--as in more than enough clients to fill her dance card--then yes, any prospective client does need to make sure his overall offer is better than his rivals.

Being polite and paying the going rate are certainly big parts of the equation--and are likely enough in many situations. But for ladies in high demand, they are sometimes not enough. Basic supply & demand at work.

By the way, for someone who makes a point that he is always polite in sessions (and I have no reason to question that) you can come across as impolite in some of your posts here.
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Old 08-30-2017, 12:52 AM   #7
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I agree with Solitaire
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Old 08-30-2017, 05:55 AM   #8
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If her dance card and RL are so busy it takes weeks to see her, then absolutely yes, you need to figure out how to be the one she makes time for.

Gentlemantoo is delusional. As solitaire said, its a two way street. No woman here has to take your money. She may need it, but given limited time, Why should she take as asswipe instead of someone who treats her like more than a piece of meat?

All money is not good money. Its a hard lesson, especially for your providers to learn, but short term pain can lead to long term gain.

And unless you were just gifting her money, why do you consider it free money? I suspect you want something for your money. That ain't free. Thats work.

All that said, move on..lots of providers out there.
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Old 08-30-2017, 06:06 AM   #9
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I have worked in many industries and it blows my mind how much in this industry I see this attitude posted. Every other industry attempts to work hard to grab morearket share, woe more customers to their products and services. Here I see women post pics and then attempt to make clients woe them in order to pay them.

Some women have learned though that woeing the customer works. These are the women in high demand, women driving $100,000 vehicles, owning multiple houses, living a life of luxury. Yet, I see many more scratching to get by, or better earning a decent middle class income.

I agree Old T the demand is there, but if she was stop thinking she knew it all and advertise properly she would would thrive and business would kill!!! Coca cola sells a great product that is in high demand, do they cause people to work them to earn their product and pay for it? Nope, they are smart enough to dominate their industry by making a great product and continue to woe the consumer. They do not raise their prices to outlandish numbers, nor do they have an attitude of "we will sell only to those we want." They are number 1 in the soda industry, they know it, and they have stayed number for almost a century now.

It is astounding how this industry works to me. It is not a date and her job is not to make you fall for her.

There is so much low self esteem here from guys and galss. I guess that makes the advertising different. Guys think only way to get laid is pay, and I better do as she pleases cause she is agreeing to fuck me, and forget that if you refuse to follow her rules or do things you are uncomfortable with another lady is right there. You do not have to give your full name and employment info if uncomfortable for you. Another will see you. If she wants me to give her my full name then I need hers, why is her safety more important than mine? Howany ladies have set men up to be robbed?

I suggest to the ladies to remember I have the money, try fory time and you will get it and the money. And your business will grow by large margins and profits. That is my point.
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Old 08-30-2017, 10:09 AM   #10
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It sounds like the age dif is definitely an issue for you, so it likely is for her, too. Or there's some other issue. Try finding a provider who is at least somewhat closer to your own age and you may find more skills and experience -- especially at taking care or business -- as well as more fun. This is supposed to be about fun, isn't it?
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Old 08-30-2017, 04:32 PM   #11
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Gentlemantoo I really think you are assuming that when one of the girls say "I choose who my clients are" you think that we are asking for the moon.

What you think are the basics are NOT as common as providers would like. Being respectful of the girl's time, not having hygiene issues, and being kind are wonderful things that every provider wishes every one of the hobbyists that shows up at her door will be. When a woman states "not all money is good money" they are mostly referring to men who lack one of these qualities.

Then you have many providers who really get into "building connections". Those girls definitely encourage those who they click with and tend to have a stable of regulars. They will mysteriously with always be "busy" if they don't enjoy spending time with certain clients. If I can earn the same amount seeing a guy who effortlessly makes me forget I'm working versus someone who I had to mentally and emotionally force myself to get to the same state I'm scheduling the first guy every time...Even if the second would book twice as long. I'm very aware my brand is "genuine". As in, genuine orgasms and genuinely happy to see my hourly partners. I'm staying true to that brand by not seeing someone who makes me go against that. Consistency of message is important to continue to attract the type of clients I most enjoy and who are looking for that experience.

The "come and woo me" attitude is also another type of marketing. It works for certain types of men and the women who employ it only want to see those kind of men.

I'm not saying that every provider is conscious of how she presents herself attracts certain sets of customers but there are quite a number who do.
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Old 08-30-2017, 07:28 PM   #12
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If a regularly available working lady is taking that long, and then still cancels out, you are on the very bottom of her list. Maybe she doesn't straight out want to tell you no, but she isn't interested in seeing you, and wishes you'd get the hint and quit asking.

If you are making the lady feel shitty about anything, you move down to the bottom of the barrel, reserved for if and when she thinks she can handle seeing you, or hits a bump in the road financially.

Move on and find someone who is okay with the person that comes with the money---both parts matter in this industry.
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Old 08-30-2017, 11:22 PM   #13
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I am looking for my beloved. Whither has my beloved gone?
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Old 08-31-2017, 07:25 AM   #14
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There are huge differences in provider's business practices. Since you don't have any reviews, screening is going to be difficult for you. A provider who values her freedom and safety is going to want to know who you really are and will want some kind of reference. Other providers are bold and rely on their street sense when they talk to you and meet you. The strategy that works for me is to review providers as accurately and fairly as I can, this helps my fellow hobbyist and it helps a provider to know who she can contact to get information about what kind of customer I am.

Also, some providers are brisk and business-like and make their decision quickly and others are very lackadaisical about business.

Good luck!
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Old 08-31-2017, 09:59 AM   #15
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If your rude or nasty with me I won't see you. I don't give a shit about your money.

Just because we are providers DOES NOT mean we HAVE to see you.
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