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Old 08-19-2017, 07:00 AM   #46
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How sad is that? You pay for intimacy, companionship? How desperate are you that you have to pay someone to be your temporary friend? I think you pay for sex but want something more, sex with actual feelings. Not going to happen here in hobby. Come to terms with the fact that you are a John and the sex gets better. If you want intimacy join Match.com and try to find a woman you are compatible with.

Samarie your comments imply a lot. First that you are better than average at sex. I think you are 26 years old and that fact alone typically means you are not experienced enough for that. You also think you clients are higher quality than others? They are the same lying, desperate men as the rest of us. I have paid higher dollar women and quality of service does not go up with rates, my experience. This is an example of GPS, she thinks she is better than other pussy, hard to believe for me at 26 yrs old, she thinks her clients are better than other clients. Her rate does not reflect her attitude, here her attitude reflects her rate, she is on my DNS list, like that is a punishment to ken to be her Majesty's DNS list, lol. I am not saying she is infected with full blown GPS but can see the initial symptoms.
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Old 08-19-2017, 10:35 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
How sad is that? You pay for intimacy, companionship? How desperate are you that you have to pay someone to be your temporary friend? I think you pay for sex but want something more, sex with actual feelings. Not going to happen here in hobby. Come to terms with the fact that you are a John and the sex gets better. If you want intimacy join Match.com and try to find a woman you are compatible with.

Samarie your comments imply a lot. First that you are better than average at sex. I think you are 26 years old and that fact alone typically means you are not experienced enough for that. You also think you clients are higher quality than others? They are the same lying, desperate men as the rest of us. I have paid higher dollar women and quality of service does not go up with rates, my experience. This is an example of GPS, she thinks she is better than other pussy, hard to believe for me at 26 yrs old, she thinks her clients are better than other clients. Her rate does not reflect her attitude, here her attitude reflects her rate, she is on my DNS list, like that is a punishment to ken to be her Majesty's DNS list, lol. I am not saying she is infected with full blown GPS but can see the initial symptoms.

I was going to make a comment very similar to the nature of your post. I believe I could call this "Inversed GPS", where the misconception that those who pay more for the same service or similar service are better quality of men. I found this to be completely false.

Honestly my rates are in correlation to the emotional labor required/desired by those (usually hobbyists) wanting companionship and for me to make like I am their girlfriend. I call it an "hourly sugar baby experience."

To me an actual girlfriend experience does not require me to shove my tongue down a man's throat before even hearing his voice. In GFE, everything is paced out over hours for the sake of *authenticity.

Some gents want to pay the very bare minimum and still have emotional labor as a requirement from the provider. Actually I'm dealing with one now (sigh), that I will unfortunately have to cut loose. I believe earlier I likened this and compared this example as to walking into a Bentley dealership with only enough money for a Bentley keychain but expecting a Bentley vehicle experience and service.

And also again, across the board and in different tax brackets, there are folks of poor character.
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Old 08-19-2017, 01:44 PM   #48
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Yes. When she gets lackadaisical and lets her jaw close a bit too much while I'm skulling her, I tell her to widen up so I don't feel her teeth. She does and that usually makes her gag bc I start driving in deeper and harder to test her.

I am pretty sure there are times she closes her mouth a bit so I start feeling her teeth on purpose. This makes me tell her what to do and she knows I will drive harder and deeper down her throat and make her gag. This way she can get me to get her off by directing her and making her gag at the same time. Again, it turns her on to be used and made to do things. I know this lady well. She has her ways about her and I know how to manage her. This is one big reason why we work so well. I am good at reading women and can tell when they are up to things. I always call their shit tests and they respect me a lot more for it.

RP philosophy says to tolerate shit tests to a degree bc she is only doing what her instincts tell her to do. I am fine w/ that provided it doesn't waste much time or delay what I am getting by much. However if a girl shit-tests me and it costs me or is too much time, I call her on it and walk away. There is tons of other pussy and it's pretty cheap these days. In fact I don't bother with "normal women" any more. If a non-hooker wants to fuck me she has to be drama- and game-free and up-front and ready to get naked. Anything less than that and I don't even bother with her.

The Biggest And Most Successful Lie ever told was by women to men. It's this: Women don't like sex. BULLSHIT. They LOVE sex. Some genuinely do not though (like some men don't) and these, don't bother talking to. Obviously there are lesbians too who love sex, just not w/ men. Again, waste no time there. If a woman tells you she isn't into sex, take her at face value and walk away. Either she is telling the truth and so she is a waste of time or she is bullshiting you, which is also a waste of your time, so in either case, walk away.

Human females are primates, like human males. They desire some token of appreciation for putting out. This is a leftover concern in re pregnancy and all. But in modern times, there are many ways for females to avoid pregnancy. So it is N/A, but the instinct is still there. Paying women for sex is something men have always done and nothing will change it. The ? is, men pay how much? The vast bulk of hookers overcharge and men pay it. Truth is, most women, hooker or not, will put out for very little -- for the right man/men. If you meet a woman who wants more than you are willing to pay, walk away. You can offer less but when she says no, don't haggle. Just walk away. Key to getting cheap, easy pussy is to go meet lots of women. If out of 50 you have 2 into fucking you regularly for cheap, you are fine. The better you are at dealing with women, the more will be ready to fuck you for cheap. So it's a "game" issue. But the basic premise is there: women love to fuck. They also like to extort things from men in excchage for it. Pick your highest price and stick to it. Rule no. 1 however: Never waste time on a dead end. If she won't take your top price, she is a dead end. Why she won't is none of your concern. It's all about bottom lines. Either you are slamming her or you're not. Once you see that it isn't in the cards, immed. move on. And NEVER go back for a second chace no matter how much her attitude toward you suddenly changes. She is playing you and in any case has shown she's too stupid to recognize a good fuck when she meets one and doesn't deserve to have your DNA sprayed all over her uterus.

Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Does she have teeth, just asking.

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Old 08-19-2017, 01:55 PM   #49
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Default I Cannot With Some Of These Responses...

Just, wow
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Old 08-19-2017, 07:16 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by GenesisNicole View Post
*Looking around*...I thought I was in the Diamonds and Tuxedos forum...

You could class it up with taint photos.

Originally Posted by papadee View Post
It's the 21st century. Women are more than barefoot & pregnant, waiting on a man to take care of them. Many women make as much, if not more than men, so the idea that wives, GFs, etc are the same as escorts (sex for the money) is and always was, offensive & wrong. And to read a woman (Eva) espousing this attitude is even more confounding.

As much as this hobby likes to think we're progressive & open-minded, I see so much closed-minded old fashioned thinking. It's the world's oldest profession, and some of the thinking here is just as old.
In some regard wives and girlfriends are the same as escorts. Maybe they do not take cash but the house, car, insurance, standard of living costs someone some cash. So your wife is a high dollar hooker ... one that does not fuck and suck or you would not see providers or be on icky.

Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
How desperate are you that you have to pay someone to be your temporary friend?
The hobby is no different than a fraternity or sorority. You pay those tards to be your friend, too.
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Old 08-20-2017, 07:19 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
You could class it up with taint photos.

In some regard wives and girlfriends are the same as escorts. Maybe they do not take cash but the house, car, insurance, standard of living costs someone some cash. So your wife is a high dollar hooker ... one that does not fuck and suck or you would not see providers or be on icky.

The hobby is no different than a fraternity or sorority. You pay those tards to be your friend, too.
My EXACT , point, precisely.

Plus one on the Greek analogy.
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Old 08-20-2017, 07:56 AM   #52
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Other than the fact that the OP doesn't like the term GPS, I'm not sure why this is a discussion. One of the basic rules of the game is that the ladies can set their rates where they want, and the guys can pay it or not.
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Old 08-20-2017, 08:45 AM   #53
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I dont know if the op has gps but she has nice titties in that avatar.
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Old 08-20-2017, 02:30 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by rcinokc View Post
Other than the fact that the OP doesn't like the term GPS, I'm not sure why this is a discussion. One of the basic rules of the game is that the ladies can set their rates where they want, and the guys can pay it or not.
The purpose of this topic is to dissipate the idea that rates are a direct correlation of a person's character.

What motivated me was that I received backlash strictly based off my rates, assuming I think my s*** doesn't stink from another lady in Dallas coed. She assumed I have an assistant Etc and basically depicted my entire life based off of looking at my rates and website at the time. Now I'm actually glad she did. Now, I have no rates and I no longer have a website. Instead, I am open and am not leaving any money on the table whether a gentleman has $7 or $5500, there is a package for him. Despite her research however, she overlooked the fact that in nearly every single advertisement I place I do not label myself as "VIP"/ELITE/etc or imply that I am better than anybody. As a matter of fact, I label myself in the titles of my ad as "down-to-earth". Rates are not an indication of Personality, kindness, and overall great attitude.

The reason for the discussion is because this is a board. We discuss Topics. If you wish not to participate, you do not have to. That's the wonderful thing of having free will
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Old 08-20-2017, 02:36 PM   #55
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Actually, WAGs are the same as hookers. I have yet to meet a human female who wasn't a hooker. Some are just a lot more pricey than others. Wives are the most expensive, which is why I don't have one (had one, not anymore... much cheaper now, thank God no kids or "joint assets", which as we know husbands pay for, not wives, so getting rid of the extra 250 lbs. of unnecessary baggage only cost me abt. $1500, best $$ I ever spent), then gfs, finally hookers.

Hookers are a much better deal. Marriage artificially inflates the price of pussy. When the market where I live is left alone, pussy is $5, assuming ur ok w/ banging chicks who make really bad life decisions. Not my thing but that is in fact the actual price of fucking a girl. Paying her more than that is an act of generosity/love/decency. Tbh 120 is a lot for pussy these days. 60 for QS = all 3 holes happily from some 19-YO SW where I live and she'll BEG you to hit her up again soon.

Ordinary escorts in my area complain they aren't getting as much business as they used to or now have to go on the road to make ends meet. Yet many still are trying to get 160 or even 200. No one can cheat economics. Lower your prices, you'll get more clients. Maybe in $$-soaked places like Si Valley that are short on pussy, you can charge 300 or 350 for an ordinary suck and fuck, but Rochester Fucking NY ain't Si Valley. It's Streetwalker Heaven. The Lyell Ave. strip is crawling with cheap, easy hookers.

Our local escorts I think need to cruise it every now and then to see the competition. Skinny young things with albeit very poor decision-making skills just standing around waiting for their next $5 or $10. Sad but this is REALITY. We all live and die by it. Alas too many these days are dying by it but before they do, they'll sling pussy as much as they can for a few bucks.

Since divorcing my dead-end tubby former mrs., I've saved a fortune in unnecessary expenses for shit I never wanted anyway and fucked dozens of women hundreds of times and on aggregate saved at least 50% as compared to the expense and legal jeopardy marriage inflicts on men.

You young guys: Avoid marriage like the Plague. It is a complication in life you simply don't need. Stick to hookers.

Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
In some regard wives and girlfriends are the same as escorts. Maybe they do not take cash but the house, car, insurance, standard of living costs someone some cash. So your wife is a high dollar hooker ... one that does not fuck and suck or you would not see providers or be on icky.
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Old 08-20-2017, 02:37 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by papadee View Post
I can throw a football. Doesn't make me a QB, let alone a highly paid, pro QB. I can take a picture. Doesn't make me a photographer.

Yes, any woman can have sex. But I'm surmising that you're here to spend money, and they're here to accept it. And if you're spending money, I'm sure you want them to be good at it.
If you're spending money.I'm sure you want them to be good at it.Professionals going to accept money.No freebies in adult business,
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Old 08-20-2017, 02:57 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by spa999 View Post
Actually, WAGs are the same as hookers. I have yet to meet a human female who wasn't a hooker. Some are just a lot more pricey than others. Wives are the most expensive, which is why I don't have one (had one, not anymore... much cheaper now, thank God no kids or "joint assets", which as we know husbands pay for, not wives, so getting rid of the extra 250 lbs. of unnecessary baggage only cost me abt. $1500, best $$ I ever spent), then gfs, finally hookers.

Hookers are a much better deal. Marriage artificially inflates the price of pussy. When the market where I live is left alone, pussy is $5, assuming ur ok w/ banging chicks who make really bad life decisions. Not my thing but that is in fact the actual price of fucking a girl. Paying her more than that is an act of generosity/love/decency. Tbh 120 is a lot for pussy these days. 60 for QS = all 3 holes happily from some 19-YO SW where I live and she'll BEG you to hit her up again soon.

Ordinary escorts in my area complain they aren't getting as much business as they used to or now have to go on the road to make ends meet. Yet many still are trying to get 160 or even 200. No one can cheat economics. Lower your prices, you'll get more clients. Maybe in $$-soaked places like Si Valley that are short on pussy, you can charge 300 or 350 for an ordinary suck and fuck, but Rochester Fucking NY ain't Si Valley. It's Streetwalker Heaven. The Lyell Ave. strip is crawling with cheap, easy hookers.

Our local escorts I think need to cruise it every now and then to see the competition. Skinny young things with albeit very poor decision-making skills just standing around waiting for their next $5 or $10. Sad but this is REALITY. We all live and die by it. Alas too many these days are dying by it but before they do, they'll sling pussy as much as they can for a few bucks.

Since divorcing my dead-end tubby former mrs., I've saved a fortune in unnecessary expenses for shit I never wanted anyway and fucked dozens of women hundreds of times and on aggregate saved at least 50% as compared to the expense and legal jeopardy marriage inflicts on men.

You young guys: Avoid marriage like the Plague. It is a complication in life you simply don't need. Stick to hookers.
Welp, we all agree, then. Marriage is a form of providing. Just less BJ and wayyyy more of a financial burden.
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Old 08-20-2017, 03:04 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
How sad is that? You pay for intimacy, companionship? How desperate are you that you have to pay someone to be your temporary friend? I think you pay for sex but want something more, sex with actual feelings. Not going to happen here in hobby. Come to terms with the fact that you are a John and the sex gets better. If you want intimacy join Match.com and try to find a woman you are compatible with.

Samarie your comments imply a lot. First that you are better than average at sex. I think you are 26 years old and that fact alone typically means you are not experienced enough for that. You also think you clients are higher quality than others? They are the same lying, desperate men as the rest of us. I have paid higher dollar women and quality of service does not go up with rates, my experience. This is an example of GPS, she thinks she is better than other pussy, hard to believe for me at 26 yrs old, she thinks her clients are better than other clients. Her rate does not reflect her attitude, here her attitude reflects her rate, she is on my DNS list, like that is a punishment to ken to be her Majesty's DNS list, lol. I am not saying she is infected with full blown GPS but can see the initial symptoms.
Paid sessions without strings or stress. sessions.When I hear professionals say I'm not in business for money.Clients show up without money see what happens with paid professionals.Paid for wives and girlfriends in the relationship.
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Old 08-20-2017, 03:39 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
You could class it up with taint photos.

In some regard wives and girlfriends are the same as escorts. Maybe they do not take cash but the house, car, insurance, standard of living costs someone some cash. So your wife is a high dollar hooker ... one that does not fuck and suck or you would not see providers or be on icky.

The hobby is no different than a fraternity or sorority. You pay those tards to be your friend, too.
Disagree. Wives are NOT the same as escorts. True, they trade their favors for security, house, car, etc., but they generally commit to their spouses, and don't offer themselves to every monger that comes along. I mean no disrespect to providers, but I also don't want to see disrespect heaped upon wives.
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Old 08-20-2017, 04:27 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Smpslt7 View Post
Disagree. Wives are NOT the same as escorts. True, they trade their favors for security, house, car, etc., but they generally commit to their spouses, and don't offer themselves to every monger that comes along. I mean no disrespect to providers, but I also don't want to see disrespect heaped upon wives.
But you just acknowledged the supporting facts. What disrespect is heaped upon wives?

This is a job. Sex Work is WORK despite how some ladies have a GFE style of interacting with their clients, thus having them believe otherwise. Not only that, several of my vanilla married friends are either in an open relationship, cheat, or swing. Bottom line there is some sexual activity being done for something. That can be sustainability, money, etc, but we all know the saying "What's Love Got to Do With It". Love does not pay any bills, nor does love solve every problem. Neither does money for that matter.

Some married/committed women Will compromise their happiness for the Comforts that their husband has to offer.It's really a sum of all things. Otherwise, If that were the case there would be no such thing as divorce. Marriage as far as principalities is typically about the monetary aspect and it has been since the human dawn of time. Do I believe in love? Of course! Love is a beautiful aspiration. However from experience and wisdom I know that there is more to it when it comes to marriage, and sustainability happens to be a major part for any woman.
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