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Old 08-13-2017, 09:27 AM   #1
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Default I Reject Hate

I hope this isn't seen as pompous, self righteous, or political. It's not meant as any of that, though I can see how it could be perceived that way, potentially.

Like everyone I know, I was shocked and saddened at the events in Charlottesville, Virginia yesterday.

I think they woke me up a bit. I don't mean in that hackneyed sense of me saying I'm "woke". That would be pompous.

What I mean is that I think it's time for good people to stand up and say what they believe, out loud, in front of everyone. I think it's not enough anymore in this day and age to assume you are thought to be against bigotry and racism just because you don't say anything to support it. That's because part of what drives these Nazis and their "movement" is their notion is that "we're just saying what many others are thinking," like there is some kind of huge silent majority out there that agrees with them. Bullshit. Those assholes don't speak for me. They have never spoken for me. I reject everything they stand for. We will never advance in this country until we embrace the idea that we are alike more than we are different and despite our superficial differences and start acting like brothers and sisters and shut this stupidity down.

OK, off my soapbox!
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Old 08-13-2017, 02:29 PM   #2
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22 years ago a building was blown up killing 168 people. These groups of hatred for the government and the ideas that government is against the "white man" . Are perpetuated by alt right talk radio and Fox News.

When you listen to this type of mass brain washing of hatred day in and day out you end up seeking out like minded people that have similar views. They eventually get wrapped up in more and more alt right bs and that is how we get a modern day Nazi movement in America.

This is how we got Trump, because he was not a politician and incited violence against protesters at his rallies. The alt right now feel they can operate without impunity because our POTUS has encouraged them. These fools were doing Seig Heil Trump, they truly believe this billionaire is their Hitler come to purify America and MAGA by reverting it back to "the good ole days".

So as long as the Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Becks, of the world are pushing their propaganda for profit the hatred will continue to grow.

Not to be political or anything...because I don't buy into either "sides" BS.
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Old 08-13-2017, 05:11 PM   #3
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McVeigh, was deeper than just one aspect and his turn to terrorism was not overnight. The disenchantment with the military after Desert Storm, he did not gt to do the fighting he wanted to do to become the war hero he thought he should be, with the Base Realignment And Closures (BRAC)and Reduction In Forces (RIF) he soon found himself on the outside of anything good his follower personality could ever accomplish (should have held out 15 years for next war). When he turned to Aryan Nation he was very accomplished experienced man in their world. Not willing to wait for his next chance to save America, he fell in with the haters and thought his bold aggressive action would bring him the glory he so much sought. Terry Nichols, another follower who served to fuel Timothy's ego knew what they were doing was wrong but could not muster the moral courage to say anything before it was too late.
We all see the crap going down in south Little Rock, please do not fall into the trap of stereo typing or saying "its their problem"(folks in SW LR, not black, white, Hispanic). It is all of our problem and I ask only to have the moral courage to guide those of weaker minds and courage in the appropriate direction.
Violence does not accomplish what you think it will! The penis always mightier than the sword!
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Old 08-14-2017, 09:28 PM   #4
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Another one trying to copy cat. These homegrown terrorist are a real threat to us all.
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Old 08-14-2017, 09:53 PM   #5
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Hmmmm. Interesting
HATE is a terrible thing but I don't see it from Trump??
He rejected Duke and hate back in 2000. I don't want to get into politics here but dang.
#fake news
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Old 08-14-2017, 09:56 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by splitlog View Post
I don't want to get into politics here
Me either. I intentionally made the OP apolitical. I imagine it was inevitable that politics would come into it at some point though.
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Old 08-15-2017, 06:02 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by splitlog View Post
Hmmmm. Interesting
HATE is a terrible thing but I don't see it from Trump??
He rejected Duke and hate back in 2000.
The complaint against Trump is not that his own comments or reaction have voiced hate explicitly, but that his denunciations (of Duke during the 2016 campaign and of the alt-right protesters in Charlottesville) have been too feeble and equivocal, until public pressure forces him to be more forceful in his denunciations.

Make no mistake: Trump's milquetoast reaction to Charlottesville on Saturday (blaming the violence "on many sides") was seen by the alt-right as tacit approval. The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website, said this about Trump's statement on Saturday:

"Trump comments were good. He didn't attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. ... No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him."

The alt-right knows who loves them.


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Old 08-15-2017, 08:53 AM   #8
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To each his own, and this is not meant to be personal to anyone or either side. But for the last 2 to 3 years just for the current players (Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Putin, etc) even longer if you want to change those names around, that's all I have fucking heard. Tainted news on both sides, Left or Right both to damn stubborn to have an intelligent conversation. I'm not a big social media advocate but I do like the family pictures and keeping up with old friends on sites like Facebook but even that has gone to shit due to politics. Dammit, this is an Escort Site. It's all about hooking up with a fine lady for a given time to forget all this shit, to get what your wife, girlfriend, or neighbor won't do because maybe your too damn short, fat, ugly, or just maybe nobody likes your fucking ass enough to fuck you. There will be no winners in a thread like this. I hope to hell it goes away quick, but if not enjoy your damn bickering. I won't be back to it. I'll spend my time searching for that next appointment that will hopefully rock my world, even if it for only an hour or two. Thanks for your time, and now I'm gonna crawl my short, fat, ugly ass, off this fucking soapbox and find me a pretty lady that likes to fuck and suck dick.
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Old 08-15-2017, 08:58 AM   #9
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I have come to the conclusion that all politicians are crooks and liars.
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Old 08-15-2017, 09:20 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rockydoc View Post
I have come to the conclusion that all politicians are crooks and liars.
No argument there.

I really didn't intend to start anything political, but I suppose it was a bit naive to not realize it would veer that way quickly. I just get tired of these and other groups that claim to speak for the "white race" like we all agree with their idiotic asses.

There will be no political statements on my part. I didn't really perceive what's already been said as bickering though, just statements of opinions. I didn't see any personal attacks or anything like that. Yeah, it isn't anything to do with the hobby, but this is the Sandbox, expressly for topics not about the hobby.
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Old 08-15-2017, 02:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SpankyJ View Post
No argument there.

I really didn't intend to start anything political, but I suppose it was a bit naive to not realize it would veer that way quickly. I just get tired of these and other groups that claim to speak for the "white race" like we all agree with their idiotic asses.

There will be no political statements on my part. I didn't really perceive what's already been said as bickering though, just statements of opinions. I didn't see any personal attacks or anything like that. Yeah, it isn't anything to do with the hobby, but this is the Sandbox, expressly for topics not about the hobby.
There are also groups that like to stir shit and claim to speak for all Black, Hispanic, Muslim or whatever groups. We white people don't have a monopoly.
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Old 08-15-2017, 03:05 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by cboat View Post
There are also groups that like to stir shit and claim to speak for all Black, Hispanic, Muslim or whatever groups. We white people don't have a monopoly.
Certainly. I don't mean to say or imply we have a monopoly. In fact anyone who claims to speak for an entire race of people is simply wrong, regardless of who they are. But the only ones I can really address on my own behalf with any authority are the ones who claim to speak for the race of which I am a member.
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Old 08-23-2017, 12:06 PM   #13
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There are extremes on both sides. I reject them all and certainly do not condone the white supremacist/nazi goofballs. Sad to see this great country being torn apart by the lunatic fringe of both sides..
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