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Old 07-21-2017, 03:32 PM   #1
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Default Wanna be a foster parent, then don't own a gun

WOW.. I was shocked when i saw this, and its NOT just michigan that has laws like this..

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Old 07-21-2017, 04:14 PM   #2
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this is a fucking OUTRAGE! first, on what right did child services search this man? they aren't cops. how is that not illegal search? second, it appears the grandson is the biological grandson? i saw nothing in that article claiming otherwise so why does not the father simply assign legal guardianship of the child to his biological grandfather? why is child services even involved?

this shows an abusive pattern with child services in every state, regardless of so-call gun ownership claims. child services act like the gestapo gods where they can take kids away for virtually anything.

i have a buddy who's teen age son got a wild hair up his ass and decided to drop a dime on his parents because they wouldn't let him stay overnight with another friend, on a school night. had more to do with the parents of the other kids. they didn't care much about how the other parents raised him.

so the cops show up along with cps, threaten to arrest my buddy on the spot and take the kid to foster care immediately. not exactly what he had in mind. suddenly his story of "abuse" changed significantly. let's just say he shit that wild hair out his 13 year old ass and it hasn't grown back since. bahhaaa
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Old 07-21-2017, 05:43 PM   #3
Yssup Rider
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Yeah. Foster children need protection too...

And WWE's "friend's" story sounds pretty fucking stupid. Kinda like something that would happen to a comedian for ASSHOLES.
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Old 07-22-2017, 12:27 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
this is a fucking OUTRAGE! first, on what right did child services search this man? they aren't cops. how is that not illegal search? second, it appears the grandson is the biological grandson? i saw nothing in that article claiming otherwise so why does not the father simply assign legal guardianship of the child to his biological grandfather? why is child services even involved?

this shows an abusive pattern with child services in every state, regardless of so-call gun ownership claims. child services act like the gestapo gods where they can take kids away for virtually anything.
Several years back i thought i saw it all, when Iirc Utah went after families that HOME schooled their kids, as the height of CPS's abuse of power.. BUT IMO this takes the cake.. ESPECIALLY since the judge admits he's willfully denying that family their constitutional rights..

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i have a buddy who's teen age son got a wild hair up his ass and decided to drop a dime on his parents because they wouldn't let him stay overnight with another friend, on a school night. had more to do with the parents of the other kids. they didn't care much about how the other parents raised him.
Seen that before.. And 9/10 even after the kid's reports proven to be false, nothing happens.. CAUSE the parents know if htey DID try to discipline the kid, he would just cry to CPS yet again, and the COPS often don't wanna bother doing anything either..
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Old 07-22-2017, 12:39 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Yeah. Foster children need protection too...

And WWE's "friend's" story sounds pretty fucking stupid. Kinda like something that would happen to a comedian for ASSHOLES.

you should know .. asshole face ..

pucker up butter cup!!!

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Old 07-22-2017, 02:53 AM   #6
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
you should know .. asshole face ..

pucker up butter cup!!!

that's more like Prune Face.
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Old 07-22-2017, 03:59 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
you should know .. asshole face ..

pucker up butter cup!!!

That's miscarriage getting ready to give Assup a hummer
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Old 07-22-2017, 09:01 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
That's miscarriage getting ready to give Assup a hummer
Good morning Sweetie. You remember what I told you, Count to 10 before you say anything hateful about anyone :-)

Today when your playing Marines you can pretend like your "surrounding ISIS and killing them all".

After that you can pretend like your "planting the flag, just like Iwo Jima"-( Makes sure its an American Flag. I know you don't have one. You can borrow one from any Democrat)

Your going to have so much fun playing today son!! Dont let them older kids you hang out with get you into trouble
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Old 07-22-2017, 09:02 AM   #9
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Another brilliant and relevant conversation by the ECCIE library crowd.

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Old 07-22-2017, 09:08 AM   #10
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
that's more like Prune Face.
That character, "Arseface", is from an AMC show called "Preacher" which is based on a graphic novel. His face is constantly the "butt" of jokes for looking like an "asshole" -- not a "Pruneface": that would be a Dick Tracy character.

BTW, as a Nawlins resident you might find this interesting, many of this season's episodes were shot at New Orleans venues, including "She-Shes". The directors and producers chose to make it a seedy strip club featuring good jazz music populated by white entrepreneurs and Caucasian dancers instead of depicting reality: a strip club that is actually managed by Vietnamese proprietors featuring AA dancers dancing to urban and rap music.

The show's writers, producers and directors constantly take swipes at conservative American -- and in particular Southern -- mores; so, it's more than a little interesting to see how when they had a chance to show a real, minority owned club in the Deep South they replaced all of the minorities with white people. Such is the racism of the Hollywood elites.

And while speaking of hyphenated nationals (in another thread), the show features an exotic looking, mixed-race British actress by the name of Ruth Negga, who is Ethiopian-Irish by birth, who plays a character named "Tulip". I like her, and that's why I watch this ridiculous little show based on a graphic novel I'd never even heard of ... let alone read. Tulip's car, a 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle with a Crate 350, is pretty hawt too!

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Old 07-22-2017, 02:14 PM   #11
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Good morning Sweetie. You remember what I told you, Count to 10 before you say anything hateful about anyone :-)

Today when your playing Marines you can pretend like your "surrounding ISIS and killing them all".

After that you can pretend like your "planting the flag, just like Iwo Jima"-( Makes sure its an American Flag. I know you don't have one. You can borrow one from any Democrat)

Your going to have so much fun playing today son!! Dont let them older kids you hang out with get you into trouble
The only American flag YOU dumbascraps have is he one that YOU are burning as a protest to not getting YOUR way. More than likely, YOU are flying the rainbow flag alongside the Mexican Flag and any flag that the #blackliesdon'tmatter (bowel) movement recognizes as their own. Or any other flag that is from a group that's the " flavor of the moment " for YOU dumbascraps. Mebbe YOU can ask Hank Johnson what flag should be flying over Guam or ask Sheila Jackson-Lee where those flags that the Apollo astronauts had on their missions ended up being planted ON MARS ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Old 07-22-2017, 02:29 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
That character, "Arseface", is from an AMC show called "Preacher" which is based on a graphic novel. His face is constantly the "butt" of jokes for looking like an "asshole" -- not a "Pruneface": that would be a Dick Tracy character.

BTW, as a Nawlins resident you might find this interesting, many of this season's episodes were shot at New Orleans venues, including "She-Shes". The directors and producers chose to make it a seedy strip club featuring good jazz music populated by white entrepreneurs and Caucasian dancers instead of depicting reality: a strip club that is actually managed by Vietnamese proprietors featuring AA dancers dancing to urban and rap music.

The show's writers, producers and directors constantly take swipes at conservative American -- and in particular Southern -- mores; so, it's more than a little interesting to see how when they had a chance to show a real, minority owned club in the Deep South they replaced all of the minorities with white people. Such is the racism of the Hollywood elites.

And while speaking of hyphenated nationals (in another thread), the show features an exotic looking, mixed-race British actress by the name of Ruth Negga, who is Ethiopian-Irish by birth, who plays a character named "Tulip". I like her, and that's why I watch this ridiculous little show based on a graphic novel I'd never even heard of ... let alone read. Tulip's car, a 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle with a Crate 350, is pretty hawt too!


this is one weird fucking show lol. of course it's yet another graphic novel adaption like the Walking Dead. never cared much for all the vampire and zombie stuff, usually it's so implausible it's impossible to believe.

arseface as it turns out looks like he does from a gunshot wound.

i only started watching The Walking Dead because of Negan bahhaaa .. where's JCM when you need him eh?

the dude in the trench coat is a direct rip on Clint Eastwood. lol. in many of his westerns he wore one.

anyway this is one strange brew of a show. like the Walking Dead, some things were changed for TV vs. the novels.

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Old 07-22-2017, 02:37 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
The only American flag YOU dumbascraps have is he one that YOU are burning as a protest to not getting YOUR way. More than likely, YOU are flying the rainbow flag alongside the Mexican Flag and any flag that the #blackliesdon'tmatter (bowel) movement recognizes as their own. Or any other flag that is from a group that's the " flavor of the moment " for YOU dumbascraps. Mebbe YOU can ask Hank Johnson what flag should be flying over Guam or ask Sheila Jackson-Lee where those flags that the Apollo astronauts had on their missions ended up being planted ON MARS ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Your getting better Rey. I'm so glad the therapy is helping you

You only had one reference to the "rainbow flag"

I always thought that therapy to change the homosexual to a heterosexual was a joke. The theory was that it was a sin in lieu of being born that way . Maybe you Republicans are right!

Keep up the work Rey. I'm proud of you. Your showing so much improvement.

Does your program make you go help other gays? You can 12 step Gary 5912

I wont make fun of you for your politics. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you little fella
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Old 07-22-2017, 05:42 PM   #14
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Your getting better Rey. I'm so glad the therapy is helping you

You only had one reference to the "rainbow flag"

I always thought that therapy to change the homosexual to a heterosexual was a joke. The theory was that it was a sin in lieu of being born that way . Maybe you Republicans are right!

Keep up the work Rey. I'm proud of you. Your showing so much improvement.

Does your program make you go help other gays? You can 12 step Gary 5912

I wont make fun of you for your politics. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you little fella
Is it because YOU haven't had the courage to come out of the closet yet that YOU are " A-SKEERED " of ANY references to rainbow, rainbows, rainbow flags or rainbow thongs ? That last one being YOUR uniform as part of YOUR new found club of " brethren " in the reach-around crew ! They'll help YOU with YOUR rusty trombone playing skills mistake ! Or are YOU more of a " skin flute " kinda guy ?
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Old 07-22-2017, 08:17 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Is it because YOU haven't had the courage to come out of the closet yet that YOU are " A-SKEERED " of ANY references to rainbow, rainbows, rainbow flags or rainbow thongs ? That last one being YOUR uniform as part of YOUR new found club of " brethren " in the reach-around crew ! They'll help YOU with YOUR rusty trombone playing skills mistake ! Or are YOU more of a " skin flute " kinda guy ?

Dont slip Rey. Your back peddling

Your getting better Rey. I'm so glad the therapy is helping you

You only had one reference to the "rainbow flag"

I always thought that therapy to change the homosexual to a heterosexual was a joke. The theory was that it was a sin in lieu of being born that way . Maybe you Republicans are right!

Keep up the work Rey. I'm proud of you. Your showing so much improvement.

Does your program make you go help other gays? You can 12 step Gary 5912

I wont make fun of you for your politics. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you little fella
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