Wow, Eccie members sure know how to tell someone no in a polite way! God guys.
Anyways, I would not recommend it. No child will pull their parent out of depression. I had depression(still take anti-depressants) and it is a bitch. That is something that took me 10 months of therapy and hell to get through(Xanax has terrible withdrawals)
Anyways, I love how everyone jumped on her and scolded her. Look, she didn't act on this, she said it was out of curiosity in her initial post and it wasn't like she posted a real ad that stated free bare backing. . . Also, I think by the age of 22 most people know that having a child is a lot of work.
Realizing how much work a child is only happens when you actually have one. I dated a nice gal for 2 years before we broke it off and she kept telling me she wanted a football team. I told her no way and that is what broke it off. She later had a child and she apologized to me as she realized how much work kids are and how right I was. I realized how much work kids are because I had one when we were talking about this. She only knew that kids are a lot of work. There is a difference between realizing and knowing and it is something that you truly understand only once you have one.
Anyways, my thoughts to the OP. You are still young and you have a lot of time on your hands. Hell I still want one or two more kids in my life and I'm 32. It sounds like you are pulling yourself together by going to school and I wish you the best of luck on that. Get your degree, get a career and then you will be in the place to have a kid. You have the choice on whether you want a mere sperm donor or a real dad for the kiddo. I would never be comfortable in not seeing a kid that is carrying my genes, but I am probably in the small minority. DO NOT FIND ONE FROM THIS SITE. IJS that most men on here would not be an ideal candidate.
Finally, understand that nothing is permanent. The first case I argued out of law school was re-establishing parental rights for a mother that signed an agreement with the court to permanently rescind her parental rights of her child before she went to prison. We did win even though we had no legal basis to win.

Find a good attorney but only after you get your stuff going in the college scene and can leave this hobby out of your life.