Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
trudeau is something. He's worried over losing $30 million, so settles for $8 million to close the case where his alleged rights were violated. this is a travesty of justice.
Plus as it happened in the US, NOT In canada, how could he sue cause Canada violated his rights? If he's CAUGHT on the field of battle, he has none..
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn;1059753663[QUOTE=themystic
The guy sued for being locked up at 15, with no trial or evidence.
At a bare minimum shouldnt everyone get a trial?
]Did German, Italian, or Japanese soldiers get a trial to determine if they were the enemy?[/QUOTE]
My thoughts exactly Barleycorn. NO they didn't.. So why should a terrorist scumbag Caught on the field of battle..
Originally Posted by themystic
Actually the Germans had the Nurmberg trials quite a different time and story
Nuremburg trials were NOT for being prisoners of war though, they were for war crimes, associated with the extermination camps..
BIG difference.