Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Outing who.. ?. A gimp. There is no personal info. Again trying to lie again. Listen tubby read the guidelines I'm within them. So saying your a fat ass is personal?. Lol. You have admitted as much and physical appearance is not bannable. Dude go eat your 3rd dinner your so pathetic
Did you finish elementary school? You don't read too well..... you don't write very well either....
I didn't refer to anything you said about me.... but when you dole out enough personal information about someone that it can eventually tie to them in real life.... well... that's not very cool.....
Didn't you get a hug yet? You are very worked up... have said you are done with all this and yet you are here a lot more than normal trying to intimidate folks to not talk about you......

<= You are ineffective sir....