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I swear this FUCKING idiot called Donald Trump is a national disaster and a global tragedy. The fucking guy is just flat out dumber than a box of Cracker Jacks and Republicans are openly mocking and laughing at him...he really has no idea what kind of beast Putin is....Trump is in over his head and this level of incompetence and sheer stupidity is now beyond shameful and is clearly Treasonous...What kind of MORON would suggest such a thing with your enemy. Hey Trump...hey numnuts....Russia doesn't have an election hacking problem, America does. SMH
"Putkin will make a fine contribution to the effort. He is the one who did the hacking."
Hankering thinks that a recanted story discredits an entire news organization. Very naïve. All news organizations make mistakes. Reporters are people. Is CNN anti-Trump? I'd say they seem to be. Is FOX pro-Trump. I'd say they seem to be. We need reporters to find and flesh out information. Reporters/journalists are the source of much of what we read in posts on this board. We also need to develop crap detectors to wade through the ample bullshit that comes from pseudo reporters and from reporters making mistakes. The non-ending half truths and deceit emanating from the executive branch should be clear to any clear thinking person. The lack of a cohesive direction employed by the administration should also be clear. The recent revelations about Trump campaign leaders meeting with a Russian should be viewed with some skepticism and some alarm. The odd statements from Trump Jr. that contradict each other is also concerning. But this group of people can't keep their stories or their tactics or their agenda straight. They keep stumbling around, and part of their problem is that it's hard to keep lies from conflicting.
Sistine Chapel's ranting and raving boiled down to:
Yes, it's okay when Obama does it to an "Ally" but horrible and beyond acceptance when an "Enemy" does it to us.
Thanks for the clear demonstration of Liberal Hypocrisy!!!
Love it when an ignorant Hypocrite calls others she disagrees with ignorant hicks. Appreciate the laugh you provided this morning.
Also, since you admit that Iran is an "ally" of Russia, China, and North Korea, you must be absolutely thrilled that Obama gave them palette loads of cash and an unenforceable agreement" that they are even now ignoring as they work to build ballistic missiles to trade to North Korea for a couple of their nukes, right?
Isn't it against the rules for Sissy ChappedAss to advertise his TUMA services in this forum?
Oh, True Dat. But "black dudes as highly educated and extremely liberal" as good ol' SissyChaps know how to find loopholes on such rules. Sissy's TUMA services are Free of Charge.
So, apparently you think it was a "horrible crime" for Putin to attempt to influence OUR elections. So, in fairness was it also a "horrible crime" when Obama sent personnel and money to try and influence the Israel elections and try to get Netanyahu booted out of office??
Sure. But Putin isn't bothered by term limits, is he?
Evenaually you're gonna have to get over Obama and Clinton and Roosevelt... and start focusing on the unraveling of the world being precipitated by Twitler and his idiot family.
Hankering thinks that a recanted story discredits an entire news organization. Very naïve. All news organizations make mistakes. Reporters are people. Is CNN anti-Trump? I'd say they seem to be. Is FOX pro-Trump. I'd say they seem to be. We need reporters to find and flesh out information. Reporters/journalists are the source of much of what we read in posts on this board. We also need to develop crap detectors to wade through the ample bullshit that comes from pseudo reporters and from reporters making mistakes. The non-ending half truths and deceit emanating from the executive branch should be clear to any clear thinking person. The lack of a cohesive direction employed by the administration should also be clear. The recent revelations about Trump campaign leaders meeting with a Russian should be viewed with some skepticism and some alarm. The odd statements from Trump Jr. that contradict each other is also concerning. But this group of people can't keep their stories or their tactics or their agenda straight. They keep stumbling around, and part of their problem is that it's hard to keep lies from conflicting.
Sure. But Putin isn't bothered by term limits, is he?
Evenaually you're gonna have to get over Obama and Clinton and Roosevelt... and start focusing on the unraveling of the world being precipitated by Twitler and his idiot family.
Right, because the world was sunshine and flowers and unicorn kisses while Barack was in office and the unraveling only started Election Night 2016, when Shrillery lost, huh?
Hankering thinks that a recanted story discredits an entire news organization. Very naïve. All news organizations make mistakes. Reporters are people. Is CNN anti-Trump? I'd say they seem to be. Is FOX pro-Trump. I'd say they seem to be. We need reporters to find and flesh out information. Reporters/journalists are the source of much of what we read in posts on this board. We also need to develop crap detectors to wade through the ample bullshit that comes from pseudo reporters and from reporters making mistakes. The non-ending half truths and deceit emanating from the executive branch should be clear to any clear thinking person. The lack of a cohesive direction employed by the administration should also be clear. The recent revelations about Trump campaign leaders meeting with a Russian should be viewed with some skepticism and some alarm. The odd statements from Trump Jr. that contradict each other is also concerning. But this group of people can't keep their stories or their tactics or their agenda straight. They keep stumbling around, and part of their problem is that it's hard to keep lies from conflicting.
I don't think the current crops of reporters even KNOW what journalism is.. They just keep spouting the same crap day after day, don't bother fact checking, and in general are more COMMENTATORS than news reporters..
I don't think the current crops of reporters even KNOW what journalism is.. They just keep spouting the same crap day after day, don't bother fact checking, and in general are more COMMENTATORS than news reporters..
They are ALL of the " Dastardly Dan Rather and LYIN Brian Williams " make up the story and LIE, LIE, LIE about it until it's accepted as true " School of " journalism ".
Hankering thinks that a recanted story discredits an entire news organization. Very naïve. All news organizations make mistakes. Reporters are people. Is CNN anti-Trump? I'd say they seem to be. Is FOX pro-Trump. I'd say they seem to be. We need reporters to find and flesh out information. Reporters/journalists are the source of much of what we read in posts on this board. We also need to develop crap detectors to wade through the ample bullshit that comes from pseudo reporters and from reporters making mistakes. The non-ending half truths and deceit emanating from the executive branch should be clear to any clear thinking person. The lack of a cohesive direction employed by the administration should also be clear. The recent revelations about Trump campaign leaders meeting with a Russian should be viewed with some skepticism and some alarm. The odd statements from Trump Jr. that contradict each other is also concerning. But this group of people can't keep their stories or their tactics or their agenda straight. They keep stumbling around, and part of their problem is that it's hard to keep lies from conflicting.
You're an ambitious liar, Muy Loco. Wikileaks behaved just as the original 60 Minutes did in days of yore; thus, doing everything you claim you prize about "investigative journalism" and "revealing mass corruption and lies", but you and your ilk have been screaming and crying about what Wikileaks did since the election, Muy Loco. CNN and the NYT's are so damned focused on discrediting Trump that they've thoroughly discredited themselves by publishing BS they have not properly vetted on a regular and routine basis.
You're an ambitious liar, Muy Loco. Wikileaks behaved just as the original 60 Minutes did in days of yore; thus, doing everything you claim you prize about "investigative journalism" and "revealing mass corruption and lies", but you and your ilk have been screaming and crying about what Wikileaks did since the election, Muy Loco. CNN and the NYT's are so damned focused on discrediting Trump that they've thoroughly discredited themselves by publishing BS they have not properly vetted on a regular and routine basis.
And just LOOK at how the left went RAMPANT on judicial watch and project veritas when they did those undercover videos of Planned parentlesshood..
I had to laugh at the idiocy of that Fat white guy commenting, saying "had this been in america, heads would have rolled, body counts would have been high etc"..
PRAY TELL DID he see any of the well over 3 dozens of riots and assaults in this case, we have had since Fergusun? I don't remember seeing Cops "Cracking heads cause two of their kind were injured".. HELL I saw plenty of officers injured, and them just CONTINUALLY backing off, all cause the powers that be "didn't want the cops to move in and inflame things..
And him also saying "Na our media wouldn't frame it as bad government good people".. THAT's all the leftist media has been doing for years!!!
And as for their "the peaceful protestors have a right to riot".. I would love to know what law books that dumb wench has been reading..
I have always felt the Organizers of these protests, NOT letting in these violent groups should be a requirement for them to hold these protests.. AND IF THEY DON'T Start holding them accountable!