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Old 06-19-2017, 07:21 AM   #16
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I have seen gentlemen later in the evening 8-9, that have turned into overnights.. I think they were prepared to ask for an overnight if the first hour or so went well.. maybe try that route when you are looking.. then if your not feeling it, she leaves in an hour..
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Old 06-19-2017, 07:30 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Submissive Angel View Post
I have seen gentlemen later in the evening 8-9, that have turned into overnights.. I think they were prepared to ask for an overnight if the first hour or so went well.. maybe try that route when you are looking.. then if your not feeling it, she leaves in an hour..
Boom! There you have it. Problem solved like a boss.
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Old 06-19-2017, 11:32 AM   #18
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An interesting thread to follow. As with most questions worth thinking about, the answer is "It depends".

I thoroughly enjoy overnights, and if I had the resources I would do overnights most the time. But I would not do it with a lady I was meeting for the first time--or the 2nd or 3rd. In my mind an overnight is not 5 times a 2 hour date. It is an encounter, a mix of things erotic and non, and it requires more knowledge and more planning to come off properly Occasionally a three hour dinner date has spontaneously turned into an overnight, but the best ones typically have involved planned dinner, a show or some other activity, a bottle of chilled wine in the hotel room, probably a late night nap, a leisurely pre-breakfast exercise session, brunch, etc. I want to know that the lady can hold my interest--mind and body--through it all. And that I can hold hers.
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Old 06-19-2017, 12:10 PM   #19
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If you want a woman to sleep next to you at night for money, get married...
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Old 06-19-2017, 02:07 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
You're paying a hooker to sleep???

Heh, one born ever minute...
Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
If you want a woman to sleep next to you at night for money, get married...
If you want consistency, read Wakeup.

If you want an open-minded perspective, don't.
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Old 06-19-2017, 03:54 PM   #21
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You guys seem to think I was ready to hit the sack for the night! Ha... no.

It was just snuggle and rest time. I just didn't want you to think it was suggesting an activity that scared her away. Most of those activities were already approached and completed!

I will often invite a girl over for a two hour visit and if we are having fun I will ask if she wants to stay.

The issue is that I can only do these overnights when I am out of town on a business trip - and I like the search and meeting the ladies in a new area.

The one critique that I will accept is that I do talk to a number of girls before choosing somebody to see. I try hard not to waste a ladies time, but I understand the concern.
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Old 06-19-2017, 05:18 PM   #22
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not worth the money girls usually ask for the overnight if u ask me

too much cash and its not like i can have 10 shots on goal in one night...
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Old 06-19-2017, 08:51 PM   #23
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If you are an old fat white dude that should answer your question.
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Old 06-19-2017, 09:03 PM   #24
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I stay pretty fit and don't consider myslef that old.

Shots on goal? It really it depends on what you enjoy. Meeting someone new, trying fun new things and being relaxed about it. I understand why it isn't for everyone - but a little blue pill and you can have pleanty of shots on goal.

Yes, it can be spendy - but for some it's worth getting away from the wham, bam game. Drink some champaign, laugh and make up stories all night long. I actually like woman, I like to talk to them, I like to spend time with them, this is just my favorite way...

It's fun!
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Old 06-20-2017, 06:03 AM   #25
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I am not into a woman having to pretend or act all night long. Overnights not worth the money to me. Only reason I can see a man wanting an overnight is because he wants to feel that spark or chemistry between himself and her. Never really happens with a paid woman. She does not want to be with you, is not waiting for your call. Every woman that wanted to ne with me did not have a fee. She likes the overnight as it is easy cash. Paid to sleep, who does not want that job. She does not like you, you are a creep that pays women for sex. So, why do overnights. You should hear how these women talk about us behind our backs. They do not like us. Once you accept that fact and realize paid sex is just a release, it is easier to enjoy it for what it is. Sex with a condom is sub par at best, so never going to be half as.good as the bullshit I have read in reviews. She does not orgasm often with clients. It is an act.

When a waitress is polite and flirty are you the type of man that believes she is into you?? She is doing a job and wanting the same thing a provider wants more money.

If you want a woman to like you start dating, this is not the arena for emotions. It is a release slightly better than masterbation.

But if you like fakeness, pretending, than have fun. I prefer reality.
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Old 06-20-2017, 08:09 AM   #26
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How young is she? Young girls get bored easily.
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Old 06-20-2017, 12:11 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by mister_twinkies View Post
not worth the money girls usually ask for the overnight if u ask me

too much cash and its not like i can have 10 shots on goal in one night...
Exactly. 2-4 goes at it and the rest of the time you're both sleeping or just relaxing in some way.
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Old 06-21-2017, 08:16 AM   #28
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Perhaps it is just the unique circumstances of my own situation, but i can see the attraction to what Buggs is proposing. Now I certainly can't dismiss the very valid points made by Gentlemantoo and Wakeup. I do believe that I can lay out a very personal scenario that might possibly convince even them to consider a caveat to their dismissal of the overnight option even filling a need, not already accomplished by traditional methods. For the purpose of this pseudo allegory a handsome, intelligent, 39 year old man has recently discovered a previously inactive brain tumor has suddenly emerged from a re-missive state. Any and all treatments available have been tried, failed to work, or been judged dangerous. This man has no family left since the tumor is hereditary and already taken everyone else. Experience growing up with this has caused the man to choose not to marry or create offspring that would most likely have the same tumor or if the child was a lucky outlier statistically, like the man in question, he would still loose his father at a very young age. To the man this continued cycle is unacceptable, agree or not, it is decided. Previous experience in witnessing relationships decline again and again when the tumor is active and his own experience watching someone who claims to love him walk out again when the tumor is active. The tumor also shows no outward reason that should impair "good times" or even showing outward signs of a problem therefore negating any possible attention that could be garnered by "standing by her man". She is out the door shortly after, it wasn't what she had planned to deal with. Now the man is facing 2-4 years till the curtain drops. You know the kind of tumor that isn't spreading or is questionable as to if it might go into remission again...this isn't that kind. He has no one to leave anything too, and multiple properties he's inherited due to the expedience this rogue group of cells has shown the past 20 years. He doesn't have time for maybe clicking with someone, but is starving for any kindness or empathy he might get. Since he is intelligent he skips hoping sky people will fix him and decides to live it up traveling. Might you think the previously stated option might interest him and can you really compare dealing with a wife on this trip over a profession hottie whose only job is to attempt to allow this poor fucker a moment of peace with out making it about her. I realize this is a one in a million type scenario, and taking nothing away from the previous cons mentioned that were all logical. I ask if you were in my shoes could you really second guess my choice to spend my remaining time with a beautiful woman whose only job is to make me feel good and wanted. She gets to see sights she might never have been able to without saving for years. The fantasy she creates gives him at least one person that will notice if he drops dead,instead of the neighbors investigating the odd smell from the house next door. I don't know about yal but living a few years in a fantasy with a beautiful woman drinking beer on foreign beaches, sounds much better than a hospice nurse also pretending to care about me. Man I feel better getting that crap out of my system, know a possibly interested ATF? Have them send a message and possibly earn a finders fee.
Wow this sounds much more bitter than i had intended, also i had intended to have the post be only bout differing opinions and perspectives, not become a ISO for beach side pitty party. I probably have it in the wrong place as well. Apologies to the Mods, I'm having an off week and will be more careful in the future
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Old 06-21-2017, 09:08 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by MaverickLTX View Post
I do believe that I can lay out a very personal scenario that might possibly convince even them to consider a caveat to their dismissal...

Originally Posted by MaverickLTX View Post
For the purpose of this pseudo allegory a handsome, intelligent, 39 year old man...

Originally Posted by MaverickLTX View Post
Might you think the previously stated option might interest him...

Originally Posted by MaverickLTX View Post
I ask if you were in my shoes could you really second guess my choice...

Originally Posted by MaverickLTX View Post
The fantasy she creates gives him at least one person that will notice if he drops dead...

Anything else?
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Old 06-21-2017, 11:25 AM   #30
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I would spend my last few years exploring real things and not fantasy. Anyone can ride the Matterhorn at Disney World, if close to death why noy climb Mount Everest for real? That is what I would do, not waste my money on pretending and fakeness. Fantasy can be fun, but I like reality. If a woman is going to spend the night with me it will because she wants to not because she has to. Reality, it beats the crap out of phony.

She is in it for the money, not for you. I do not like the thought of the woman sleeping next to me thinking "cannot wait until morning! Can I tell him my daughter is sick and I have to go? Hell, I have my money already. Oh shit! He wants to fucking touch me again!! Shit!"

When I do an hour only she can more easily tolerate the sex stuff. If she wanted to be with you, she would not charge you a fee. If you enjoy fantasy more than reality great, but you may have more issues in your brain than just a tumor, maybe take some of that cash and see a therapist. Not trying to be ugly, just truthful
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