So for those of you that could watch Attorney General Jeff Session testimony today, , how do you fell he did with the liberal drumbeat of " find something, find some thing, find anything, to impeach Trump and DEFLECT from shrilliary ? And, now that Comey has " gone Kardashian " in his bid to " be somebody at all expense ", what about the news that BOOROCK INSANE ODUMMER's A.G. told Comey to call the " shrilLIARy situation " a " matter " instead of an " investigation ".
And, with the flopping, twitching, bitchin' and screaming over " COLLUSION " that Trump, Sessions and anyone ELSE associated with THE WINNERS OF THE NOVEMBER ELECTION, ,
has ANYONE thought that MEBBE that MIGHT be what happened " on the tarmac discussing grandchildren " between Loretta Lynch and Slick Willy the lying sexual predator, and disbarred LIEyer ( in his own home state where HE had been the A.G and Gov. IS REALLY COLLUSION ?
NOT the DNC-style " collusion " that they used to make Babblin' Bernie Sanders an " Honorary " member of the reach-around crew, by butt fucking one of their own !
lets hear it !!!!