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Old 06-06-2017, 08:39 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post

Of course Putin wants to regain influence the Kremlin once wielded in the former Warsaw Pact states. His invasion of eastern Ukraine makes it unlikely that will ever happen. In the Middle East, the big prize is Egypt where Russia has been unwelcome since 1973 and where Trump has wisely patched up our relations with Sisi. Putin is now in bed with Iran to shore up Assad in Syria, alienating Sunni Muslims throughout the region. If we play our cards right, this will eventually backfire on him. Turkey's Erdogan is playing his "Putin card" as leverage against us. He thinks it will make the US stop supporting the Kurds in Syria (YPF) and agree to deport opposition leader Fethullah Gulen who resides here. Neither of those things will happen. Erdogan and Putin are on opposite sides in Syria. Turkey shot down a Russian jet for breaching its airspace less than 2 years ago. Their current bromance is a historical aberration that is unlikely to last.

Frankly, I am saddened and disappointed by Erdogan. I was even hoping last year's military coup would be successful, but he purged the top echelons of the Turkish military years ago and that saved him. I once thought we could rely on Turkey to contain Sunni extremism, but now I have my doubts. Erdogan has made Turkey far less secular and democratic than it used to be.
You've agreed on a Micro level with basically what I had pointed out on a Macro level. While I do not agree that Trump will outplay Putin, we are in agreement with motivates.

That was a much better response than your first ones or spouting off about the Bay of Pigs like LexyLiar.

But then he think jury selection is of no importance.
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:08 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Fair Assessment.

Related: He opined that Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" in the killing of Martin, claiming it was "all in the jury selection" process.
If you do not think it important who sits on a jury, you are the only one.

For instance consider racial makeup in the OJ trial. 9 blacks, one Hispanic and 2 white.

Zimmerman, 5 white and one Hispanic.

That is but one factor.

Johnny Cochran you're not LexyLiar.

Maybe you would suggest an all white jury selected from say the Brentwood area of LA would not of convicted OJ
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:28 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You've agreed on a Micro level with basically what I had pointed out on a Macro level. While I do not agree that Trump will outplay Putin, we are in agreement with motivates (sic).
No, we're not in agreement. You said Putin is seeking to "get back influence" in Turkey. I said Erdogan is trying to play a "Putin card" for reasons that are likely to fail, and good Russian-Turkish relations are a historical aberration, not a return to some mythical status quo ante you have stupidly imagined.
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:31 AM   #49
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Default just as society has reined in man's baser instincts....

when it comes to juries, the "woman's" influence needs to be reined in

whether it be some (not all) real women or just your average liberal of any or no gender
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:35 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Cherie View Post
If people would take the time to watch many of these Putin interviews and Round Table Discussions, you see that most Russians think our News Media, and the Left in general, are a bunch of naive clowns.

Can you amagine the laughs they get when watching the likes of Nancy Peloci on TV?
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:35 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
No, we're not in agreement. You said Putin is seeking to "get back influence" in Turkey. I said Erdogan is trying to play a "Putin card" for reasons that are likely to fail, and good Russian-Turkish relations are a historical aberration, not a return to some status quo ante you have stupidly imagined.
Look you obstinate asshole , of course on a micro level there are things we do not agree on, I was talking on a more macro. Putin is trying to increase his level of influence around the world.

I responded to your nonsense below. First you act as if Russia was not doing as I stated, then you admitted they were but it is a aberration. You act as if the Soviets have not in fact shifted from military might to counter intelligent might.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
LOL! Always fun watching WTFagboy pretend he is a foreign policy expert. Here we are, 28 years after the Berlin Wall came down, and the idiot still talks about the "Soviets"!

Plus he thinks the "Soviets" want to "get back influence" in Turkey... as if the Turks don't belong to NATO and haven't hated the Russians for centuries!
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:41 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
If people would take the time to watch many of these Putin interviews and Round Table Discussions, you see that most Russians think our News Media, and the Left in general, are a bunch of naive clowns.

Can you amagine the laughs they get when watching the likes of Nancy Peloci on TV?
That is because they murder journalists there. Of course they think that, that is wtf their leaders want them to think. Do you want a state run media? Trump does.

If you control the media, you control the message. Why do you think our leaders despise the media so much once they gain power? Why they love leakers out of power and despise them once in power.

You should never root for a less than free press.imho
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:51 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Putin is trying to increase his level of influence around the world.
No kidding. Thanks for the heads up!

A solid grasp of what you dismiss as the "micro" details is a sine qua non for any successful effort by the U.S. to counter Putin, in Turkey and elsewhere.

And since he is a "Soviet" you should refer to him as Comrade Putin.
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Old 06-06-2017, 10:16 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
. Do you want a state run media? Trump does.

what an abject buffoon you are

its the opposite, the media is an arm of the dim, deep state

the news media is in cahoots with the dims. with a dim in office, its a marriage made, not in heaven for americans, but hell

if nothing else, the wiki-leaked emails of hellary and the dnc proved that once again

Obama tried to go after the associated press and james rosen of fox news, Obama's press secretary tried to eliminate fox news from the press room briefings, they have repeatedly tried to get the drudge report and talk radio, they want to cleanse the internet of any dissenting views and use their buddies at face book and google to skew what americans see

all trump does is point that out
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Old 06-06-2017, 10:24 AM   #55
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Default Russian Soviet who gives two fucks...Im not stuck on the Berlin Wall celebration

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
No kidding. Thanks for the heads up!

A solid grasp of what you dismiss as the "micro" details is a sine qua non for any successful effort by the U.S. to counter Putin, in Turkey and elsewhere.

And since he is a "Soviet" you should refer to him as Comrade Putin.
I wasn't the one living in the past, you act as if the war was won once the wall came down. You fucking lovers of Reagan live in the past. Once I pointed that out you then corrected your silly Berlin wall-Bay of Pigs babble. I pointed out Turkey is not such a great partner now. You then switched your tune. Obviously you did some research to catch up to this decade.

Originally Posted by lustylad
. Here we are, 28 years after the Berlin Wall came down, and the idiot still talks about the "Soviets"!

Plus he thinks the "Soviets" want to "get back influence" in Turkey... as if the Turks don't belong to NATO and haven't hated the Russians for centuries!

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Old 06-06-2017, 10:37 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
what an abject buffoon you are

its the opposite, the media is an arm of the dim, deep state

the news media is in cahoots with the dims. with a dim in office, its a marriage made, not in heaven for americans, but hell

if nothing else, the wiki-leaked emails of hellary and the dnc proved that once again

Obama tried to go after the associated press and james rosen of fox news, Obama's press secretary tried to eliminate fox news from the press room briefings, they have repeatedly tried to get the drudge report and talk radio, they want to cleanse the internet of any dissenting views and use their buddies at face book and google to skew what americans see

all trump does is point that out
You seem not capable of understanding my posts.

I said all our Presidents love leaks out of power and hate them in power.

I said all want to control the media and thus the message. Obama goes after right leaning and Trump has gone after left leaning.

I am pro first amendment and pro free press. Right now Trump is in power with basically no checks on his power other than the media, you are a fool if you think the press should be silenced. Especially now. You want a balance of power in this country, you do not want one party trampling over the rights of the other.

So you want a free press and me personally, I want more leakers than less. I want more sunshine on government, not less. That sunshine brought down Hillary. A good thing imho.

Trump seems to think he can do wtf ever. If so, I hope the same sunshine and free press brings him down.
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Old 06-06-2017, 10:43 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That is because they murder journalists there. Of course they think that, that is wtf their leaders want them to think. Do you want a state run media? Trump does.

If you control the media, you control the message. Why do you think our leaders despise the media so much once they gain power? Why they love leakers out of power and despise them once in power.

You should never root for a less than free press.imho
What do you do when that Press, which has protections guaranteed by The Constitution, goes all in for one Political Idealology, and all on for one Political Party.

They called that "Pravda" in the old Soviet Union.
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Old 06-06-2017, 10:53 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
What do you do when that Press, which has protections guaranteed by The Constitution, goes all in for one Political Idealology, and all on for one Political Party.

They called that "Pravda" in the old Soviet Union.
You have Fox News.... Radio dominated by right wing news.

You act as if there no right leaning news sources. He'll I wish more right wing cabal would spring up and challenge Fox.

But to compare our press with the Russian press in regards to challenging power is ridiculous. Maybe after Trump starts knocking off his critics like Putin has, then you can do so.

One can argue our press did not do it's job on the run up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Which led to 100plus oil and the powerful Put in. That was under GOP leadership of this country. Now Trump and the GOP want to sleep with Put in? Wtf?
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Old 06-06-2017, 11:48 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I wasn't the one living in the past, you act as if the war was won once the wall came down. You fucking lovers of Reagan live in the past. Once I pointed that out you then corrected your silly Berlin wall-Bay of Pigs babble. I pointed out Turkey is not such a great partner now. You then switched your tune. Obviously you did some research to catch up to this decade.
NGIAT is correct - you are an abject buffoon. You're incapable of owning your mistakes. Instead you go on the offensive and accuse anyone who calls you out of being the ignorant one. You mock anyone who knows more history than you do (almost everyone) for "living in the past" lol. Then you try to compensate by claiming you know more about current events. Why would anyone try to carry on a substantive conversation with someone who can't even 'fess up to the smallest mistake? Your insecurity reeks like an abject buffoon.

Btw, people who know history tend to be more (rather than less) knowledgeable about current events. I follow Erdogan carefully today because I was curious enough to learn about the past history of Turkey and the Ottomans.
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Old 06-06-2017, 12:48 PM   #60
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Oh yea....you were up to date on the Russian, Turkey emerging Alliance.

Well at least you are now so.

Trump is a Trump first mofo. He has you fooled with that America first. He does not have Putin or Erdogan fooled.

The way Trump is acting, Putin may have pictures on him.
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