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Old 06-02-2017, 10:07 AM   #1
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Question Ethnicity/Ancestry Testing

I've seen a lot of commercials about kits (Ancestry, 23&Me) where you send in a sample of your DNA and they can tell you your ethnic background. Has anyone had any experience with those?

I've been told my entire life by my grandfather that we are "Mongolian Jews" but I'm starting to become skeptical...
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Old 06-02-2017, 10:50 AM   #2
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No but I have been thinking about 23&me here lately. Love to hear from others' experiences.
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Old 06-02-2017, 11:24 AM   #3
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I've tried the Ancestry. Surprising that my sister and I came back slightly different.
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Old 06-02-2017, 11:40 AM   #4
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I did Ancestry last year, and I found it to be interesting, especially how it used their genealogy data in addition to DNA. It matched me to my birth mother and freaked out my bio father's family! I guess I should feel some sympathy for them, since my bio father never told his wife or kids about me. I can imagine the shock on my half-sibs' faces, finding out they have an older half-sib they never knew about.
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Old 06-02-2017, 02:42 PM   #5
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That was the interesting thing about Ancestry DNA. It was confirmed (even though we already kinda knew) that our great grandfather was fooling around on his wife with his young maid as we are genetically related to an offshoot (the 2nd cousin relationship). Found out why all my great aunts hated that maid. Also found out that I have some relatives that live fairly close to my address that way.

It did help us in the search of our roots though Vannah. We had one grandmother (and her sisters and brothers) who absolutely refused to tell us what their nationality was. If you asked them they would say "American". Made it tough when you were asked at school to find out what your nationality was. I would have to say Welsh, Norwegian, French and American.
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Old 06-02-2017, 03:34 PM   #6
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I'm half Irish and half Dutch-German , guess that's why I'm a little unbalanced.It is interesting to contemplate about your ancestors.
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Old 06-02-2017, 06:47 PM   #7
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What is the process and cost to do the search and how far back do they go? One side of my family has done research and I have heard from them that I am a descendent of a somewhat famous general. It would be cool to get a confirmation of that though.
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Old 06-02-2017, 07:31 PM   #8
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I've always thought about doing it but haven't followed through because my mother is pretty insistent that she knows our exact ancestery. She said she did a lot of research years ago. She says I'm full German Jew on my fathers side, with her half consisting of Scandinavian, Canadian French, and a tiny bit of Sioux.

I find these types of things very interesting! If you follow through with it Vannah, let us know what you find out.
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Old 06-02-2017, 08:20 PM   #9
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I have used the Ancestry test several years ago since I lost my Father when I was 2 and never knew much about his family. Like the commercials on TV what I thought I knew wasn't exactly true. 25% scandanavian and I never would have thought that. Been thinking about the 23nMe test but not sure I want to know all they claim to tell you.. LOL
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Old 06-02-2017, 08:35 PM   #10
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Genetics is so fascinating. DNA is inherited from the mother and father as we each get 2 of our parents 4 genes for each chromosome. Those 4 chromosomes come from our maternal grandmother and father and paternal grandmother and grandfather. Hence brother and sister will be a little different. Perhaps even more interesting is the DNA in mitochondria that is entirely inherited from the mother. Comparing DNA in mitochondria, it has been determined all our mitochondrial DNA originated from one female, the so called mitochondrial Eve in south central Africa. She lived somewhere between 100 and 200,000 years ago. There were several migrations out of Africa, the first about 95.000 years ago to Asia. there was a later migration into Europe and the most recent migration to the Americas. The age of the population of a region can be determined by how many mutations there are in the mitochondrial DNA with the most mutations in the oldest population (Africa) and the least in the newest population (Americas). There is also a common male ancestor based on sequencing of the Y chromosome who lived in Africa somewhere between 120 and 150,000 years ago. Another interesting fact, due to how many (conquered) slaves that Genghis Khan had children with, 1/200 people in the world are his direct descendants. The figure is 8% in Asia and breaks down to 0.5 % of the world's population. A Mongolian Jew may have a fairly high chance of being related to him.
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Old 06-02-2017, 09:31 PM   #11
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I think it would be interesting. A relative has done the family genealogy back for hundreds of years so it might be good for validating (or invalidating) some of the murkier branches.

Do the tests also show predisposition to genetic disorders?
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Old 06-02-2017, 09:42 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by SpankyJ View Post
I think it would be interesting. A relative has done the family genealogy back for hundreds of years so it might be good for validating (or invalidating) some of the murkier branches.

Do the tests also show predisposition to genetic disorders?
I do not think the ancestry tests do, but there are genetic carrier screening tests available at physicians offices that can screen for a few of he most common or a lot of diseases, depending on what you are willing to pay out of pocket as insurance will probably not cover it all.
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Old 06-02-2017, 10:10 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by SpankyJ View Post
I think it would be interesting. A relative has done the family genealogy back for hundreds of years so it might be good for validating (or invalidating) some of the murkier branches.

Do the tests also show predisposition to genetic disorders?
Health+DNA package from 23&me does also include carrier status reports, but it's $200 vs the $100 for just DNA report.

A client and Lolah and I were discussing this today. None of my family really knows what we are. I tried Ancestry and traced back to my grandparents but the trails went cold from there. It'd be nice to have the DNA people do all the hard work for me. Haha.
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Old 06-03-2017, 12:46 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by SpankyJ View Post
I think it would be interesting. A relative has done the family genealogy back for hundreds of years so it might be good for validating (or invalidating) some of the murkier branches.

Do the tests also show predisposition to genetic disorders?
I can confirm that the Ancestry test does not show predisposition to genetic disorders.

It is interesting actually to go back. Both sides of my family came to the US through Canada (one side French, one side Welsh). It is interesting to trace it. I have more surviving relatives on the French side and just found out last week that a great grandfather was a Civil War veteran (I don't speak or read French). Problem is, for me at least, it can be rather addicting in that I can spend hours at the computer trying to figure it all out.
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Old 06-03-2017, 01:07 PM   #15
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I'm a bit skeptical about these things. My family has done a lot of genealogy and swear we're Irish and Native American, but going back on my mother's side almost 200 years I can't find it! On my father's side the Cherokee is not so far back, but my paternal grandmother's side has been here over 200 years. It bothers me on the commercials when they talk about family history and customs because it doesn't address the fact that many people moved around and modern borders as we know them are very very recent. It's just my opinion, but I feel no connection to a culture I know nothing about that my ancestors migrated from 500 or 1000 years ago. I've also read about false results, where people with direct Native American lineage (but not 100%) complete with tribal rights have come back showing NO Native American ancestry.
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