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Old 05-28-2017, 08:49 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

You would think these chicks would stick together but they turn so quickly on each other its hilarious. Wonder if it all stems from jealousy.
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Old 05-28-2017, 09:54 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by HunterGrace View Post
Because I don't sell felonies. Because I don't have to make hard choices to buy myself out of trouble by throwing some sweet child's mom or dad under the buss and into the criminal system. Don't start with me. I won't go there if you just back off and let me have some fun at your expense. Kay? Back off.
Forbidden topic. Rule #10. Shame on you.
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Old 05-28-2017, 10:55 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by HunterGrace View Post
Preach, Whispers. I agree with you on this topic 100 percent.
STFU and find some other naive girls to pimp you self wrecking wannabe pimp
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Old 05-28-2017, 11:03 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by HunterGrace View Post
This all translates to: I, like. CSB, tend to forget my place and get confused. I am a danger to your personal life because I validate the practice of being a Homewrecker I value My emotions over Your needs.

Stay in your lane Fire. Know your place. And don't get it twisted. Because you are out of line by crossing the line of fantasy and reality. Us-fantasy. The wife-reality. Period. Smdh
I don't think Claire called an alert on herself, did she? I also think you are dumber than T.I. and yet Claire seems to possess intelligence. You called yourself on the bullshit you pulled. How is that one legged provider doing? Oh, that's right. . .

Geez girl, keep messing up your business.... Oh that's right, you have none. Sorry to bring that point up, but while we are at it, where did you go to school? I'm guessing that you probably didn't graduate high school and, if so, they should ask for that diploma back. Get a life and grow up.
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Old 05-28-2017, 11:09 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
I tried to run HG and FP through my digital Hooker Psycho-Babble Translation device and it overheated and exploded silicone lube, glitter and Bath and Bodyworks Sweet Pea body spray all over the fucking place.
Are you sure you didn't run that test on yourself? You are a bad comic, one liners only last so long and your game has went by so long ago. Read some books and get some new material, then you might be humorous
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:05 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Smpslt7 View Post
I recently finished reading Lara, the story of Boris Pasternak and his mistress Olga, who became the muse for Lara of Dr Zhivago. Interesting reading. Olga was not a prostitute, except maybe in the eyes of Pasternak's wife. Some of the issues mentioned in this thread appear in the book.
Dr Zhivago--read it for the first time 50 years ago and again recently. I still feel the cold and get shivers. Loved the movie and the cinematography. Whole new perspective on Russian Revolution. Things don't end well for either Dr Zhivago or Lara... Lessons learned.

Should be required reading for boys and girls playing in the hobby WRT relationships.
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:11 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
Are you sure you didn't run that test on yourself? You are a bad comic, one liners only last so long and your game has went by so long ago. Read some books and get some new material, then you might be humorous
GT--that's just rude and I do not believe that you realize that you potentially opened a "Pandora's Box" of intellectual Whoop Ass when you unwisely picked on the lovely Miss V.

Suggest you avoid South ATX in the future...

Have a great week.
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:17 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by BugleBoy View Post
GT--that's just rude and I do not believe that you realize that you potentially opened a "Pandora's Box" of intellectual Whoop Ass when you unwisely picked on the lovely Miss V.

Suggest you avoid South ATX in the future...

Have a great week.
Bugleboy, it seems you know but you're acting like you don't know. The last time I stepped in a room where someone was smarter than I was at a swearing in ceremony. I can handle my weight class and I do not care who is the next challenger. She was off her point on that comment and I called her out on it. The forum will know if she brings it up but, meanwhile, I suggest to stay in the corner you were previously in. Otherwise you will be the next on the line. You called me rude? Look at what she posted. Then take that memory pill, the small one, and let me know where you are at.
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:27 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Smpslt7 View Post
It's probably the guys that cross the line between fantasy and reality more often than the women.
I'd say it's equal between guys and gals...

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Old 05-29-2017, 12:29 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
I'd say it's equal between guys and gals...

And I would agree. The hobby is a hobby but we are all humans. Just saying .
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:47 AM   #56
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I am amazed that someone from Kansas City would be so concerned about the Austin eccie forums, but here you are playing in our fair city. I must assume there is a reason you are not participating with your friends up in the KCMO boards? Oh, wait, now I understand. You are seeking validation elsewhere.

FWIW, your attitude, tone and tenor, and approach to local threads will most likely self-eliminate you from seeing tier-one quality ladies when or if you next visit Austin. I could be wrong, but there are always a number of tier-three ladies at hotels along Vagina Triangle, many of whom with their pimps would be more than happy for your business.

I do hope that you do not misinterpret my comments about avoiding South ATX, as South ATX is an area where some of Austin's finest ladies play. My intent was to caution you that they most likely will not be interested in your business.

What does any of this have to doe with: "For you Whores that fall for Married Johns...."

Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
Bugleboy, it seems you know but you're acting like you don't know. The last time I stepped in a room where someone was smarter than I was at a swearing in ceremony. I am not sure what that means; and what does any of that has to do with the price of peanuts...

I can handle my weight class and I do not care who is the next challenger. She was off her point on that comment and I called her out on it. Yep, calling out people on minor points on a hooker board should be a point of honor for someone of your intellectual ability. Yep, rudeness becomes you.

The forum will know if she brings it up but, meanwhile, I suggest to stay in the corner you were previously in. Little do you know about me or in what corners I habituate.

Otherwise you will be the next on the line.
In line for what, more verbal abuse from someone in KC seeking validation on a distant hooker board? OK, I check ATX Coed about once a week, very rarely care about what is discussed, but I will look next weekend to review your response.

You called me rude? Look at what she posted. Yes, that and what others have recently posted about you, most likely that would make you feel defensive. Get over it--it's only an obtuse thread on a hooker message board.

Then take that memory pill, the small one, and let me know where you are at.
Was that the Blue Pill, I can never remember.

Please don't take yourself so seriously.
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Old 05-29-2017, 01:09 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by BugleBoy View Post
I am amazed that someone from Kansas City would be so concerned about the Austin eccie forums, but here you are playing in our fair city. I must assume there is a reason you are not participating with your friends up in the KCMO boards? Oh, wait, now I understand. You are seeking validation elsewhere.

FWIW, your attitude, tone and tenor, and approach to local threads will most likely self-eliminate you from seeing tier-one quality ladies when or if you next visit Austin. I could be wrong, but there are always a number of tier-three ladies at hotels along Vagina Triangle, many of whom with their pimps would be more than happy for your business.

I do hope that you do not misinterpret my comments about avoiding South ATX, as South ATX is an area where some of Austin's finest ladies play. My intent was to caution you that they most likely will not be interested in your business.

What does any of this have to doe with: "For you Whores that fall for Married Johns...."

Well, all knowing, I will let you know because you are a good student and inquired. I frequent Austin because of work. I am looking to frequent a few providers down in your territory. You might say that your choice in women and I have a lot in common: always the best but with the right amount of dirty.

Anyways, if akin to my tenor to what SL or Whispers has to say about the females in your area, then I would say that you're F###d, hate to tell you but they like to talk trash. Are you related to them? Just wondering how the family tree of Texas woes goes. You can fill me in as this thread goes.

Why are you so naive to disbelieve that interstate commerce is alive and well? Are you so naive to believe that humans only stay in one city, one county and one state? I guess you must be laughing at the rain at this point. Good luck with life.
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Old 05-29-2017, 01:47 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
Well, all knowing, I will let you know because you are a good student and inquired. I frequent Austin because of work. I am looking to frequent a few providers down in your territory. You might say that your choice in women and I have a lot in common: always the best but with the right amount of dirty.
Yes, you are correct. I avoid the fly-by-night ladies and stick with high-quality top-tier ladies who mostly are independent providers who work the hobby hard for personal and financial gain. Check my reviews if you are curious. I only write up a few sessions on rare occasions, but often see a large number of great ladies who mostly desire to remain UTR.

Anyways, if akin to my tenor to what SL or Whispers has to say about the females in your area, then I would say that you're F###d, hate to tell you but they like to talk trash.
Don't judge all by what you read in Coed.

Are you related to them? Just wondering how the family tree of Texas woes goes. No, actually I am from Kansas and lived a lot in Missouri.

You can fill me in as this thread goes.
There are a large number of top-tier providers here in Austin, but many don't often frequent Coed discussions--mostly too busy working or spending time with school, real-world work and/or families, rather than to waste a lot of time commenting on hooker board threads.

Why are you so naive to disbelieve that interstate commerce is alive and well? Are you so naive to believe that humans only stay in one city, one county and one state?
Not true, check my reviews. You will see that I have played in many US and Canadian cities over the last six years. I also have several long-term friends who visit from other Texas cities and East Coast. In my book, variety and diversity are the essential spices for life, so to speak.

I guess you must be laughing at the rain at this point. Good luck with life.
Not sure your point; however, I do know that it rains a lot harder in Kansas and Missouri, where I have spent a portion of my life, than it does here.

Actually my life is going quite well and I am executing my life plan right on schedule; my only regret is that I have not been travelling enough overseas, just a lot in the USA recently.
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Old 05-29-2017, 06:13 AM   #59
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I figured it out. Gt27 is a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman. That's why he comes down here. Duh!
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Old 05-29-2017, 08:00 AM   #60
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No, not a chick fight unless she wants one.I'm simply saying I didn't start shit with her, so please don't start one with me. As far as our little chat goes, it was between me and her and she doesn't get the true nature of that talk. Doesn't surprise me at all.
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