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Old 05-28-2017, 11:27 PM   #1
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Default Whispers - Isn't Austin A Blessed Forum?

I just want to thank all of you guys for bringing to light how lovely of a human being Whispers is. I

There are a couple of things that amaze me about whispers. The first is that women will continue to see him despite his wannabe Kingpin online persona. I guess thick pockets go along way because he ain't getting there by looking like Jabba the Hut.

That, with all of his bashing of women, no scorned provider has outed him to loved ones. I think this shows how strong some women are on here. I don't mean this as a threat or a joke. I seriously am saying that the community here should be proud of this in that no one has reported an old fat ass to his loved ones.

Finally, Ztonk and that clique of moderators allow him and SL to act like this. It amazes me that a moderator will let this crap go, I guess they must have some naked photos or something because the never-ending drivel by these two is limitless.

Does Whispers act like this in the RW? Would he say some of the crude remarks towards women in a public setting, like at a bar when drinks are abound? Or, and more likely, is this just an online wannabe thing?

Whispers, you truly set an example for me. The example being something I never want to become. Whispers I truly aspire to never be an lonely old man. Never to have the physical desperation of the 2017 version of Val Kilmer, to be hateful towards women because the only sex I can get is for a few Franklin's, to have to question if anyone loves me or, rather, are they only around so long as my IRA keeps paying. It must be sick to have to think of whether my only friends have serious issues with women and that they are only my friends because we share a toxic view of women. Whispers, you truly are a sad form of a human and a shining example of what to not be in life.
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Old 05-28-2017, 11:31 PM   #2
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I may not always agree with everything he has said as I'm sure he feels the same. But he has always been nice and respectful to me in person and when I have met him at any fundraisers and in person. I have never seen him bcd nor has he seen me. I'm a bbw and I'm not the type of providers he seeks.
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Old 05-28-2017, 11:38 PM   #3
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I've heard his fundraisers may profit him as well. Just saying this is the rumor. . .
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:16 AM   #4
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Austin is a city..... not a forum GT...... in the Austin section of ECCIE there are actually several forums...... You might consider reorganizing your thoughts before posting in such an emotional manner if you are going to continue to try to make us believe you are somehow superior to all of us mere Texans....

Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
I just want to thank all of you guys for bringing to light how lovely of a human being Whispers is. I

There are a couple of things that amaze me about whispers. The first is that women will continue to see him despite his wannabe Kingpin online persona. I guess thick pockets go along way because he ain't getting there by looking like Jabba the Hut.

So you are just now learning that the women here see us in order to get paid? Yup... That's what it is about.....

That, with all of his bashing of women, no scorned provider has outed him to loved ones. I think this shows how strong some women are on here. I don't mean this as a threat or a joke. I seriously am saying that the community here should be proud of this in that no one has reported an old fat ass to his loved ones.

So in your opinion when someone here does not care for how they are spoken to or about "outing" them to family/loved ones should be on the table? Perhaps people are aware of the concept of M.A.D...... or simply realistic in their approaches to how far anyone gets to go in regards to words on a SHMB

Finally, Ztonk and that clique of moderators allow him and SL to act like this.

people thought the same thing a few years ago and the Staff was quite different at the time.... You still haven't learned what the guidelines of the board allow and do not.

It amazes me that a moderator will let this crap go, I guess they must have some naked photos or something because the never-ending drivel by these two is limitless.

Does Whispers act like this in the RW? Would he say some of the crude remarks towards women in a public setting, like at a bar when drinks are abound? Or, and more likely, is this just an online wannabe thing?

I've been asked that in public settings a few times and I tend to stick by my opinions. Most people tend to leave shit from the board right here on the board in order to enjoy other things in public settings..... I think you are letting things get to you a bit much..... Have you thought about getting laid ma'am?... There is a new male provider in the mix that may service you....

Whispers, you truly set an example for me. The example being something I never want to become. Whispers I truly aspire to never be an lonely old man.

Lonely? LOL.... You listen too much to others that know nothing about me except for what they can manufacture in their feeble minds....

Never to have the physical desperation of the 2017 version of Val Kilmer, to be hateful towards women because the only sex I can get is for a few Franklin's, to have to question if anyone loves me or, rather, are they only around so long as my IRA keeps paying. It must be sick to have to think of whether my only friends have serious issues with women and that they are only my friends because we share a toxic view of women. Whispers, you truly are a sad form of a human and a shining example of what to not be in life.

What is missing from YOUR life that finds you here championing whores you know even less about than Sl and I?
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:21 AM   #5
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Default Whispers

My only real problem with the guy is that he continues to be as disrespectful as possible and loves to throw the word whore around. Not to mention he made a dumbass alert about me a while back which was completely bullshit. Her we've moved past that. He makes valid points often but they're buried beneath all his derogatory remarks that it's hard to give him credit. If he would stop being such a prick all the time he might actually be an all right guy. I don't think that's gonna happen though.
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:21 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
I've heard his fundraisers may profit him as well. Just saying this is the rumor. . .
You're from Kansas, why the hell would you be so concerned about an annual Austin event? What business is that of yours anyway
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:29 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Austin is a city..... not a forum GT...... in the Austin section of ECCIE there are actually several forums...... You might consider reorganizing your thoughts before posting in such an emotional manner if you are going to continue to try to make us believe you are somehow superior to all of us mere Texans....


What is missing from YOUR life that finds you here championing whores you know even less about than Sl and I?
The fish bit.

First bro, I got laid last night, thank you for caring about how wet my dick gets. Second, I am not a female as I bet my dick is bigger than yours. Wanna bet? I am thoroughbred brother, I don't brag but it is what it is.

As far as outing, I specifically said I did not mean that as threat or a joke, but I am surprised that your online persona has not caught up with you and that the lack of reporting shows a true testament to the strength of the women in Austin.

Outside of that, what you dodge the fat insults? Get real man. Calling me gay is like calling you young and in shape, it's bullshit and even you can't slip that. Levitate your game bro, you might find that you are lacking in several categories.
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:30 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
I just want to thank all of you guys for bringing to light how lovely of a human being Whispers is. I

There are a couple of things that amaze me about whispers. The first is that women will continue to see him despite his wannabe Kingpin online persona. I guess thick pockets go along way because he ain't getting there by looking like Jabba the Hut.

That, with all of his bashing of women, no scorned provider has outed him to loved ones. I think this shows how strong some women are on here. I don't mean this as a threat or a joke. I seriously am saying that the community here should be proud of this in that no one has reported an old fat ass to his loved ones.

Finally, Ztonk and that clique of moderators allow him and SL to act like this. It amazes me that a moderator will let this crap go, I guess they must have some naked photos or something because the never-ending drivel by these two is limitless.

Does Whispers act like this in the RW? Would he say some of the crude remarks towards women in a public setting, like at a bar when drinks are abound? Or, and more likely, is this just an online wannabe thing?

Whispers, you truly set an example for me. The example being something I never want to become. Whispers I truly aspire to never be an lonely old man. Never to have the physical desperation of the 2017 version of Val Kilmer, to be hateful towards women because the only sex I can get is for a few Franklin's, to have to question if anyone loves me or, rather, are they only around so long as my IRA keeps paying. It must be sick to have to think of whether my only friends have serious issues with women and that they are only my friends because we share a toxic view of women. Whispers, you truly are a sad form of a human and a shining example of what to not be in life.
Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
I've heard his fundraisers may profit him as well. Just saying this is the rumor. . .
First off based on things you've mentioned you obviously do not know Whispers or have never met him.

Second not only do you believe rumors but you repeat and spread them.

Last but NOT least...your a sad little individual that needs to hide behind another handle like the other one you have means anything. Your a child pissing your pants and so afraid of confrontation that you hide behind an anonymous board and then choose to even get another handle to post your drivel. Maybe some day you can put your big girl panties on and interact with board members here, without hiding in the corner, sucking your thumb because of your insecurities.

"YOU" are what people here really hate! Your the cancer of Eccie. As they say... Karma is a BITCH!
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:32 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
You're from Kansas, why the hell would you be so concerned about an annual Austin event? What business is that of yours anyway
Hey intelligence, I visit Austin due to work. I like to have a good time down there, but the fact that interstate commerce amazes you floors me because this is 2017 and we have, wait for it, automobiles. God man, when were you born. Better yet, where were you born because I bet it was under a shed.

Work on that intelligence factor and then reply.
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:44 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
First off based on things you've mentioned you obviously do not know Whispers or have never met him.

Second not only do you believe rumors but you repeat and spread them.

Last but NOT least...your a sad little individual that needs to hide behind another handle like the other one you have means anything. Your a child pissing your pants and so afraid of confrontation that you hide behind an anonymous board and then choose to even get another handle to post your drivel. Maybe some day you can put your big girl panties on and interact with board members here, without hiding in the corner, sucking your thumb because of your insecurities.

"YOU" are what people here really hate! Your the cancer of Eccie. As they say... Karma is a BITCH!
SL, you mistake me greatly. I am more than game to have a beer if you would like, but I am not in Austin for two months. BTW, I am a totally rational person who has met many people in his life and I do not like violence in any form. Your post was a little confrontational, but I will guarantee any beer will be Boulevard and has a smile on the end of it. Nonetheless I do frequent this board and you, or should I say Whispers, has to get used to that. You are a gobermouch as this is not your business.

BUT WHILE WE ARE THE SUBJECT OF SL, look man, keep to your lane like Hunter. Are you the top, or is Whispers? I really want to know because you are everywhere Whispers is.

Bro, the last time a physical confrontation happened to me left the other guy with a broken jaw. That is NOT a threat, it actually happened(it is a fact, let me know if you need the paperwork). Game three at Wrigley field and it was a pimp(I assume) beating on a girl. I am not intimidated by any means. I'm 6'0, 190lbs with a 34' waist and a 48' shoulder who works out on a heavy bag regularly(again, not a threat because SL brought out the fact that I am afraid of being beaten up).

Buddy, the only one pissing his/her pants is you. Aren't you TS? Just wondering. . .
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Old 05-29-2017, 01:25 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
SL, you mistake me greatly. I am more than game to have a beer if you would like, but I am not in Austin for two months. BTW, I am a totally rational person who has met many people in his life and I do not like violence in any form. Your post was a little confrontational, but I will guarantee any beer will be Boulevard and has a smile on the end of it. Nonetheless I do frequent this board and you, or should I say Whispers, has to get used to that. You are a gobermouch as this is not your business.

BUT WHILE WE ARE THE SUBJECT OF SL, look man, keep to your lane like Hunter. Are you the top, or is Whispers? I really want to know because you are everywhere Whispers is.

Bro, the last time a physical confrontation happened to me left the other guy with a broken jaw. That is NOT a threat, it actually happened(it is a fact, let me know if you need the paperwork). Game three at Wrigley field and it was a pimp(I assume) beating on a girl. I am not intimidated by any means. I'm 6'0, 190lbs with a 34' waist and a 48' shoulder who works out on a heavy bag regularly(again, not a threat because SL brought out the fact that I am afraid of being beaten up).

Buddy, the only one pissing his/her pants is you. Aren't you TS? Just wondering. . .
Blah, Blah, Blah, I'm Bitchin, Blah, Blah, Blah.

You're not my type I like spinners! But thanks for sharing.

You're such a manly man. Reminds me of another guy who thought he was a tuff guy! Enjoy...

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Old 05-29-2017, 01:33 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
Finally, Ztonk and that clique of moderators allow him and SL to act like this. It amazes me that a moderator will let this crap go, I guess they must have some naked photos or something because the never-ending drivel by these two is limitless.
Whispers and Still Looking stay within the guidelines... it's not a matter of any of us "allowing them"... as long as they don't violate the guidelines, they are free to participate here as they see fit.

I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for some of you to grasp...

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Old 05-29-2017, 01:41 AM   #13
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You are not my type either SL. No offense taken nor any given.
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Old 05-29-2017, 01:52 AM   #14
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But, since I talk like a tough guy(according to you) I think a real fundraiser should go on here and I mean this with sincerity. We could have a party where a few people wear blown up sumo wrestler suits and raise money for charity. I am sincerely willing to partake in this and we could even have some old school WWF stuff going on as long as the money is going to a woman's shelter or the like. NO laundering the money and no BS. This could be a real money maker for the people who need it the most and I have no problem going in on this pro bono. Only Rule, have fun but no hurting anyone. Heck, I would even travel down to Austin on my own dime to make this happen. Can we make this happen? It would have to be in August or September for me to make it down there.
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Old 05-29-2017, 03:03 AM   #15
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Or gt, you could kick in a sizable contribution to the Mod staff budget. Hey, it might get you a few of those "chocolate" points
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