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Old 05-26-2017, 06:35 AM   #1
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Default Lolove is a no go

It had been a while since I had tried one of our local providers. I have not had the best of luck with our local girls in the past. So this time I thought I would try somebody totally new to me.

Big mistake.

Lolove (or Miss Bliss is another name as she uses) pulled a NCNS on me. This is the most disrespectful thing a provider can do to someone in my opinion. She joins Kendra Kayy in my hall of shame list as the only providers to actually pull such a disgusting trick on me.

She NCNS'ed me after confirming the appointment a couple hours earlier. So I made the trip into Omaha -- that's a 100 mile round trip for me -- wasted several hours of my time and wasted a good excuse for being out of the house for that long.

She did message me 24 hours after the fact saying "real life got in the way." Apparently it got in the way so much that she couldn't spare the 10 seconds it would have taken to send me an "I can't make it tonight" message.

If this were a review, my recommendation would be a resounding NO.
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Old 05-26-2017, 08:19 AM   #2
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Sorry for your bad luck and thanks for the info.
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Old 05-26-2017, 12:16 PM   #3
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As a member of the NCNS club along with countless others we feel your pain.
I once had a provider ncns me then the next day she sent me a text saying someone offered her more money for the same time. I was pissed but at least I admired her honesty. lol
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Old 05-26-2017, 09:23 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
As a member of the NCNS club along with countless others we feel your pain.
I once had a provider ncns me then the next day she sent me a text saying someone offered her more money for the same time. I was pissed but at least I admired her honesty. lol
I would have been very unhappy to have had that experience as well. But the bitch not cancelling the appointment ahead of time is what would make it totally unforgivable for me.

Oh sorry Miss Bliss. Here I am resorting to name calling again.

But if the glass slipper fits.....then wear it.....

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Old 05-27-2017, 07:04 AM   #5
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She did the same thing to me. I drove almost an hour to her location and she was texting me up until 20 minutes before the appointment and then nothing. I set up another appointment for a certain time and this time I didn't leave until she texted back and nothing again. I had the same thing with Kendra Kay when she first started out. She texted until I got there and then says she lost power in her room and was getting another room. Then I seen her come out of the motel and get into a car and leave.
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Old 05-27-2017, 07:15 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by supersparky View Post
She did the same thing to me. I drove almost an hour to her location and she was texting me up until 20 minutes before the appointment and then nothing. I set up another appointment for a certain time and this time I didn't leave until she texted back and nothing again. I had the same thing with Kendra Kay when she first started out. She texted until I got there and then says she lost power in her room and was getting another room. Then I seen her come out of the motel and get into a car and leave.
How completely and totally charming
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Old 05-27-2017, 07:34 AM   #7
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Looks like she s making a bad reputation record here, i too have tryed many times with her, sometimes she will just not even reply to my pm, i put her
On my NO GO list as well
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Old 05-27-2017, 07:57 AM   #8
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Lolove, I'm withholding comment, awaiting to hear your side of this story.
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Old 05-27-2017, 10:02 AM   #9
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Chingil from what I remember you did not pass my screening ,without VP references that respond I will not meet especially with all the heat here lately.

Sparky I do remember you as well, and I hate to say as a newbie I get weary of certain things said thru texting. If I am not able to screen you fully I'm just going off of instinct and if I feel something feels off to me I go with my gut.

As far as Jam yes we were communicating a meet, last message I sent asked what time he was looking for and responded with "OK" .
I'm not going to go into full detail of my personal life but I'm dealing with the passing of one family member and have another who has only a short time left . On the night in question I was hit with an emergency call , when your family is dying the last thing you are thinking of is getting on this site to cancel. I still understand I did inconvenience you and for that I am truly sorry.

I don't know what else to do , but apologize and take my beating on the board. I've been apart of the community for about 4 months in total, met great people , had amazing times .Seems like I may have already over stayed my welcome .

Sorry to all ,

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Old 05-27-2017, 10:54 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Lolove View Post
Chingil from what I remember you did not pass my screening ,without VP references that respond I will not meet especially with all the heat here lately.

Sparky I do remember you as well, and I hate to say as a newbie I get weary of certain things said thru texting. If I am not able to screen you fully I'm just going off of instinct and if I feel something feels off to me I go with my gut.

As far as Jam yes we were communicating a meet, last message I sent asked what time he was looking for and responded with "OK" .
I'm not going to go into full detail of my personal life but I'm dealing with the passing of one family member and have another who has only a short time left . On the night in question I was hit with an emergency call , when your family is dying the last thing you are thinking of is getting on this site to cancel. I still understand I did inconvenience you and for that I am truly sorry.

I don't know what else to do , but apologize and take my beating on the board. I've been apart of the community for about 4 months in total, met great people , had amazing times .Seems like I may have already over stayed my welcome .

Sorry to all ,

Everyone understands family issues. We all have them. I hope you work through them the best way you can. With that said a phone call takes ten seconds if you get weary about someone. No matter if you get the tingles, your hair stands up on your neck. the screening doesn't pass or you just don't want to for any reason a simple call will at least let the other person know your decision. It's called common courtesy. I'm not doubting your family emergency but it's weird that providers have more emergencies,ran out of gas, the car won't start,fell asleep,got in a car accident, the dog ate your map than any other profession on earth.
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Old 05-27-2017, 01:18 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
Everyone understands family issues. We all have them. I hope you work through them the best way you can. With that said a phone call takes ten seconds if you get weary about someone. No matter if you get the tingles, your hair stands up on your neck. the screening doesn't pass or you just don't want to for any reason a simple call will at least let the other person know your decision. It's called common courtesy. I'm not doubting your family emergency but it's weird that providers have more emergencies,ran out of gas, the car won't start,fell asleep,got in a car accident, the dog ate your map than any other profession on earth.

Agreed , and I definitely deserve the bitch title as well. Like I said I'm fairly new and with all my personal isssues going on recently I have had made poor decisions. With every action is a reaction , I now have a bad rep and definitely realize I'm in the wrong . Therefore I'm done commenting on the issue

Again my apologies
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Old 05-27-2017, 02:46 PM   #12
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Sparky I do remember you as well, and I hate to say as a newbie I get weary of certain things said thru texting. If I am not able to screen you fully I'm just going off of instinct and if I feel something feels off to me I go with my gut.

If I remember right, we had both appointments set up 3to 4 days ahead of time. You had plenty of time to let me know. Also, why would you let me set up a second appointment and do the same thing.
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Old 05-27-2017, 02:49 PM   #13
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Well Bliss your still on my to do list!@
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Old 05-27-2017, 03:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
Everyone understands family issues. We all have them. I hope you work through them the best way you can. With that said a phone call takes ten seconds if you get weary about someone. No matter if you get the tingles, your hair stands up on your neck. the screening doesn't pass or you just don't want to for any reason a simple call will at least let the other person know your decision. It's called common courtesy. I'm not doubting your family emergency but it's weird that providers have more emergencies,ran out of gas, the car won't start,fell asleep,got in a car accident, the dog ate your map than any other profession on earth.
Don't forget their phone issues Burk, these gals have the shittiest phones and drop them in the water all the time.
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Old 05-27-2017, 03:20 PM   #15
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Lolove i am not sure if that was the issue, becouse i never even got a reply from u after the very first time, i ve passed screening with other providers every time, but hey lets forget about it no hard feelings and just not ment to happen and we move on
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