Originally Posted by WTF
Trump is not a commoner. He is not for the middle class. He is all about power and money.
You think cutting Medicaid for the poor by 800 billion and giving the wealthy a 800 billion tax break means he is not an elite?
don't you have bags of cash to stuff for your illegals at your job sites in the morning? you better get busy .. them boys ain't gonna be happy if you don't show up with that cash.
wtf, the fraud who makes money off the backs of illegals he pays $10 an hour to pound nails in his sub-standard shanty's in shantytown .. er .. Houston.
one day you won't have that bag of cash and they'll find you butt raped in an alley with a sickening smile on your face, dead with rigor mortis set in with your head stuck up yer ass.
since they won't be able to pull yer head outta yer ass, they'll have to cremate you to get rid of the evidence