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Old 05-24-2017, 07:11 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
If your attitude upfront is nickle and dime and hard to please... I sure as shit wouldn't schedule with your or ever THINK about discussing discounts etc.

Yeah, I would post your needy/demanding bullshit on a blacklist site. Luckily, you haven't tried that shit with me. Go ahead... double dog dare ya. Blame me for your lack of pussy if ya want. *snicker*

Give me the "boring but ideal" PetrusMaximus over the bored with adventure Blacksmith any day.

Guys.. THIS is why it is super important to fill out your P411 profile or compose a note telling the lady what you are into. Find a lady in the price point you like, then let her know what you are looking for and just leave it to her to say if you are a match or not. Don't ask her to itemize.
No no, this is my point. Because if you look at my P411 I have 90% of my shit listed. And when I contact a provider I pretty much say I want a 1 hr msog normal appoint ect. Occasionally I'll say I want greek or some random thing I might be in the mood for. I do my research I've looked to see if it's in her reviews, if I find it I look to see if there was an upcharge or not. If there wasn't I say nothing I just be sure to include it in the appointment ask, but in the followup when I'm told $50 upcharge I damn sure fire back with well I'll take that $50 review special so we're even. I don't nickel and dime you ladies, and I'm not cheap. I'm not in this trying to get freebies. I've asked one lady, one to actually lower her rate to what it used to be one time because I just frankly couldn't afford it and I had a huge hobby crush on her. I never heard back, no haggling or anything like that.
My complaint is the upcharging then acting like you give us a deal for charging regular price, it's like your a fucking used car salesman. Get all pissy when I ask for a current selfie because pics are years old. All these other dudes complain about the same shit just not to ya'll because they're afraid if they do they'll be cut off. But you bet y'alls sweet asses I'm being applauded in the background right now. Just after 2 ncns and another provider changing her mind about terms already being set, I've just stopped giving a shit about if y'all think I'm rude or not.
If I cross a line or fuck up I'm quick to take responsibility and apologize or even come out of my pocket and make it right. But not y'all. I've yet to see it. If I NCNS I'm banned, never call or text again and I still owe money. If y'all NCNS it's whatever, if I ask for a discount next time, fuck me I'm an asshole. If the appointment isn't going well and she wants to bail she takes her full donation and bails, no questions asked. No one says shit to her, except "poor girl." If I felt the same, wasn't feeling it, and tried to leave with even half the donation that shit ain't happening. This is a service industry but everyone is afraid to be honest about the service. The men are afraid to be honest about the service for fear of losing it. The women, like everything else have all the power. Just look at the messages in this thread.
"Haggle my money I'll haggle your service"
When it should be you take care of me I'll do the same. Everyone should come out of this happy. I don't want to feel like my only option is fucked and fucked, I'm broke but I got to fuck this fine ass chick, or I save $50 and boned this BP ho. The hobby used to be fun. These new girls come in here and suck all the fun out it. You guys know exactly what I'm talking about. How many threads we got right now talking about exactly that. "The hobby feels like a JOB" ring any bells.
So go head, keep thinking it's just me, that I'm the odd ball out. I'm just the dumb son of bitch that stooped caring enough who isn't keeping my mouth shut anymore is all.
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Old 05-24-2017, 07:22 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Think the point is if the price is to high for pic/services and providers aren't getting the business coming in , don't rise the price more so one person is paying rent / car , lower the cost so business with increase.
read that four times... I still don't know what it means.
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Old 05-24-2017, 07:30 PM   #33
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Supply and demand.. Less pussy, higher prices... Less dick, lower prices. I think it's the same thing driving housing... there is an influx of people into the state/city (I'm one) and therefore demand is increasing driving up prices. If guys aren't willing to pay it, there will be a pecker drought for the ladies, you'll see specials posted more often and then an adjustment over time to lower rates.

It would be interesting to do financial advice to the ladies... I wonder how they are saving for retirement etc? What about healthcare? Are they in the market? It must be tough to get sound financial advice unless they know an advisor who is also a hobbyist.
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Old 05-24-2017, 08:42 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by PetrusMaximus View Post
Never negotiate.

Never haggle.

Never adjust the price, do not itemize.

I just look at the ad, schedule the appointment, get in there being so friendly and respectful.

Release the stress.

Then say thank you and go.

Like it never happened.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
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Old 05-24-2017, 09:06 PM   #35
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This thread reads like the comments section of the yearly article about the rise in ticket prices at Disney World.

If you can't afford it, stay home or go less often.

There is a reason why rates are what they are. Maybe more clients and less providers at the moment? I know I'm still a pretty new hobbyist. Maybe there is an uptick in newbies lately due to better home economic conditions?
That is why I'm here. Things have never been better, but I know that can change suddenly and I could be sitting at home jerking off again any day now.

//I have a degree in economics tucked away some where. Big nerd here.
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Old 05-24-2017, 09:57 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Supply and demand.. Less pussy, higher prices... Less dick, lower prices. I think it's the same thing driving housing... there is an influx of people into the state/city (I'm one) and therefore demand is increasing driving up prices. If guys aren't willing to pay it, there will be a pecker drought for the ladies, you'll see specials posted more often and then an adjustment over time to lower rates.

It would be interesting to do financial advice to the ladies... I wonder how they are saving for retirement etc? What about healthcare? Are they in the market? It must be tough to get sound financial advice unless they know an advisor who is also a hobbyist.
...ladies will travel when/if a drought hits the home front. There will always be men willing to pay. From a provider's perspective, there are expenses that affect the retained earnings. If my rent increases, paid a photographer, bought lingerie, hotel room, etc..sometimes adjustments are necessary in order to balance. (I'm completing a finance degree and have used the hobby many times to make sense of various equations)

To answer your question of benefits, a lot of us have RW jobs in order to provide healthcare and retirement.

I've been on eccie for about 5 years and never increased my donation until this year. This has to be fun in order for me to stick around. I will listen to a reasonable negotiation after the first normal visit. Hagglers ("oh come on baby, do it for me..") will be ignored, no time wasted, no negative energy. I just think Dallas has too many beautiful women that can accommodate any budget.
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Old 05-24-2017, 10:22 PM   #37
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I've been typing something to reply to the OP...and deleting it over and over... We recently had some communication and debate regarding my rate....

That was the problem. If I say my rate is something... Or explain further what's listed if its not clear... Don't argue with me about it.

No hard feelings between the OP and I...but that was my issue...
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Old 05-24-2017, 10:28 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by BBW Jane Smith View Post
Yes, the ideal nice guy. The unicorn.


Why do you want this kind of guy? Just wondering.


To be honest, I don't have that much say here, I'm more of a strip club dude, preying on strippers and waitresses.

But I would love to hangout with providers. Providers that I could afford.
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Old 05-24-2017, 10:48 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Keep that up and get ready to flip them burgers or season up them curly fries lol

I say short me, I go elsewhere....simple
The talents I possess can never go out of biz promise u that when one don't like its 20 more that do. That's how confident I am of my craft. I'm the bomb.com lol

Short me & ill short you.. Or just move around if you cant afford me...simple
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Old 05-24-2017, 11:26 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper View Post
The talents I possess can never go out of biz promise u that when one don't like its 20 more that do. That's how confident I am of my craft. I'm the bomb.com lol

Short me & ill short you.. Or just move around if you cant afford me...simple
I'll see you at the drive-thru later making the BOMB burgers
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Old 05-24-2017, 11:48 PM   #41
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In 2002 reputable GFE ladies were charging 250/hr and the really hot ones were charging 300/hr.

Every time one of these "rate increase" threads goes up I start wondering if y'all have dementia.

While the cost of a decent apartment incall has increased by 30-60%, provider rates have actually stayed steady.

WTF type of convoluted fucktard math are some of you guys using to actually believe the price of pussy in Dallas has gone up at all in the past 15 years?

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Old 05-25-2017, 12:25 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by milfy2002 View Post

In 2002 reputable GFE ladies were charging 250/hr and the really hot ones were charging 300/hr.

Every time one of these "rate increase" threads goes up I start wondering if y'all have dementia.

While the cost of a decent apartment incall has increased by 30-60%, provider rates have actually stayed steady.

WTF type of convoluted fucktard math are some of you guys using to actually believe the price of pussy in Dallas has gone up at all in the past 15 years?

Well, hobbyists pay for things that have gone up, too. We have to have somewhere to stay, buy the same gas and food that you do, etc, etc.

Enlighten us on what's different now compared to the past from what a provider offers that justifies higher rates?

Keep in mind that you're in an unskilled worker making more per hour than many people with college educations.
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Old 05-25-2017, 12:29 AM   #43
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If I NCNS I'm banned, never call or text again and I still owe money. If y'all NCNS it's whatever, if I ask for a discount next time, fuck me I'm an asshole.

This is a point I made many moons ago, that a provider can end a session at ANY given time, keep the money, but the guy's 'at fault' in some way. Meanwhile, he ends it or don't show up, she wants half the money, or all of it.

The fuck!?! Who comes up with this shit.
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Old 05-25-2017, 02:52 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
The fuck!?! Who comes up with this shit.
The pussies that say, "Let's go HALF on a showcase!"
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Old 05-25-2017, 02:56 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
The pussies that say, "Let's go HALF on a showcase!"
Says the guy with a cat avatar.

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