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Old 05-23-2017, 02:01 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
It is not nonchalance at teenagers being murdered, it is a call to calmness and not overreaction like we did after 9/11.

While tragic, you are still more likely to die in a car accident and a teenage driver, more so.

We have been killing terrorist going on 15 years...

My hope is we do not give up more freedom in the name of safety for chicken shits like you.
Hey jackass, one of the big reasons Trump was elected is because so many people were disgusted at the way his predecessor UNDERREACTED to every terrorist attack and lectured Americans after each outrageous atrocity on the need to avoid an (imaginary) backlash against muslims! Like you, odumbo hated Republicans more than terrorists and had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the fight against ISIS!

How'd that work out for you two dipshits?

If you genuinely cared about freedom, you would want to wipe the cockroaches off the planet before they commit another 9/11 that understandably provokes Americans into demanding much stronger homeland security measures. Letting the cockroaches multiply throughout the Middle East and Africa (odumbo's policy) doesn't protect anyone's liberty in the long run.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:04 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
How fucking more stupid can your analogies become?
Not as stupid as saying we shouldn't do anything about terrorism because cars kill more people.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:06 PM   #48
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Barley & Wacko--one day you folks might actually respond to what I wrote, not to your preplanned diatribes. But I have work to do, so I will see if there is time to respond in more detail later. But a few of your more obvious disconnects:

You asked how far back is enough to be "Native"? I didn't say it SHOULD be 1492, but that is when it is generally accepted as the dividing line. Certainly the difference between 1492 and "10 generations" seems a lot bigger than 10 generations and 1.

I reread my post--where did I claim all NA groups were peaceful? Please point that out--I don't see it. In the same way, where did I claim all evil people are European? I have pointed out on numerous occasions that vile murderous scum come in all colors. Thus my comment that overly simplistic vetting criteria are stupid.

Vikings and Japanese? Did they stay? Or were they visitors--with or without visas. As to any genes they left behind, that became part of the gene soup that defined NA at future times. Just like the Neanderthal and Denisovan genes rampant in the humans across the planet.

But as usual, it is hard for some of you to actually reply to what someone else posts. You want to jump back to your script.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:11 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Not as stupid as saying we shouldn't do anything about terrorism because cars kill more people.
I did not say we should not do anything but terrorism is part of the cost of doing business in the Middle East. That is a simple fact. To think we can exterminate Muslims from their lands is naive.

If you want to eliminate terrorist from that region coming here or home grown sympathizers, we would have to withdraw from the region. Not gonna happen, nor will terrorism ever stop.

It is part of life, like dying in a car. The sooner we accept that fact, the free'er we may be. Free from unrealistic fear for one. The fact of the matter is that it is more dangerous driving to and from a concert that attending one.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:15 PM   #50
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Well, when you've said all that can be said on the topic it's hard to not go back "to the script". The downlow is that I am a native American. If you define that as something other than reality then that is your problem. Want to claim to be part of the first nations, then be specific. Isn't it so much simplier to say that if you were born here then you are a part of the landscape and not an alien.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:37 PM   #51
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I often meet people while travelling that make the argument of
"moral equivelance" when there is no equivelance.

The mainstream LWW's(as you put it) have stated that it is immoral to restrict immigration.

The so-called RWW's have simply stated that people who come from countries where the majority of the population would like to see the US and Israel decimated ought to be rigorously vetted.

There is no equivelance. Your so called reasonableness is really just propaganda for the fascist movement that it seems you represent.

The fact that there was a mindset change in what is acceptable behavior of nation states when nuclear weapons became available ought to be recognized. Only under progressives has the US gone to war for the purpose of theft.

In the lead up to the Iraq war, the LWW's(you included), said we were doing it to steal the oil. When the war successfully concluded, I asked each and every one of the wackos who proffered such an opinion why our tankers weren't filling up. They had nothing to say.

Prior to WWII, to the victor went the spoils, people owned slaves, family units were formed and rewarded for raising children.

Things change. Not always for the better.

Your post are the slogans of fascist propaganda. The LWW's posts are the slogans of communist propaganda. The end state of both idealogies is the same, and ought to be opposed.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Barley & Wacko--one day you folks might actually respond to what I wrote, not to your preplanned diatribes. But I have work to do, so I will see if there is time to respond in more detail later. But a few of your more obvious disconnects:

You asked how far back is enough to be "Native"? I didn't say it SHOULD be 1492, but that is when it is generally accepted as the dividing line. Certainly the difference between 1492 and "10 generations" seems a lot bigger than 10 generations and 1.

I reread my post--where did I claim all NA groups were peaceful? Please point that out--I don't see it. In the same way, where did I claim all evil people are European? I have pointed out on numerous occasions that vile murderous scum come in all colors. Thus my comment that overly simplistic vetting criteria are stupid.

Vikings and Japanese? Did they stay? Or were they visitors--with or without visas. As to any genes they left behind, that became part of the gene soup that defined NA at future times. Just like the Neanderthal and Denisovan genes rampant in the humans across the planet.

But as usual, it is hard for some of you to actually reply to what someone else posts. You want to jump back to your script.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:40 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Barley & Wacko--one day you folks might actually respond to what I wrote, not to your preplanned diatribes. But I have work to do, so I will see if there is time to respond in more detail later. But a few of your more obvious disconnects:

i have no pre planned diatribes. and i did reply. if you find my answers too scary, stop asking scary questions, Vincent Vega.

You asked how far back is enough to be "Native"? I didn't say it SHOULD be 1492, but that is when it is generally accepted as the dividing line. Certainly the difference between 1492 and "10 generations" seems a lot bigger than 10 generations and 1.

I reread my post--where did I claim all NA groups were peaceful? Please point that out--I don't see it. In the same way, where did I claim all evil people are European? I have pointed out on numerous occasions that vile murderous scum come in all colors. Thus my comment that overly simplistic vetting criteria are stupid.

you didn't. which left your post vague on that point. try to be more precise next time.

Vikings and Japanese? Did they stay? Or were they visitors--with or without visas. As to any genes they left behind, that became part of the gene soup that defined NA at future times. Just like the Neanderthal and Denisovan genes rampant in the humans across the planet.

But as usual, it is hard for some of you to actually reply to what someone else posts. You want to jump back to your script.
there you go with the scripted reply excuse again. who do you think we are? Macro Rubio??? bahhahaaa
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:48 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Not as stupid as saying we shouldn't do anything about terrorism because cars kill more people.
What do you expect from a house builder? All he has is name-calling!

He believes calling someone "stupid" is an intellectual argument.
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Old 05-23-2017, 04:48 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by kehaar View Post

I often meet people while travelling that make the argument of
"moral equivelance" when there is no equivelance.

The mainstream LWW's(as you put it) OK, which is it: "mainstream" or "LWWs"? The Wackos are, by definition, not the mainstream, but the ones on the fringe. Just as not all conservatives or republicans are RWWs. have stated that it is immoral to restrict immigration. I certainly have not heard the mainstream say this. Yes, some of the LWWs do--and they are just being stupid.

The so-called RWW's have simply stated that people who come from countries where the majority of the population would like to see the US and Israel decimated ought to be rigorously vetted.

Let's see: did I say the LWWs and RWWs were "morally equivalent" in this case? No. I said the fringes both seem unwilling to have the hard discussion about WHAT vetting processes are appropriate. I clearly said we SHOULD screen/vet, so where do you jump to the unfounded conclusion that I am one of the LWWs who doesn't want vetting? Hallucinate regularly, do you?

There is no equivelance. Your so called reasonableness is really just propaganda for the fascist movement that it seems you represent.

Oh, what fascist movement might that be?

The fact that there was a mindset change in what is acceptable behavior of nation states when nuclear weapons became available ought to be recognized. Only under progressives has the US gone to war for the purpose of theft.

I didn't realize that I didn't recognize it. Oh, wait a minute--that wasn't even part of the conversation.

And by the way, I strongly suspect I have a lot more nuclear background than you do, and I very much DO understand that topic if you want to hijack this thread in that direction. Before you do, may I suggest a very interesting, thoughtful, and informative piece of work done my SPA about 4 or 5 years ago on deterrence in a multi-actor nuclear world. Then lets talk.

In the lead up to the Iraq war, the LWW's(you included), said we were doing it to steal the oil. When the war successfully concluded, I asked each and every one of the wackos who proffered such an opinion why our tankers weren't filling up. They had nothing to say.

So, you know what I said about the Iraqi war? You talking Iraq I or II? It doesn't matter--your comment is a complete lie either way. But since you know SOOOOOO much about my opinions on the topic, why don't you tell me what my job was during the early days of both wars. Why don't you tell me who I was briefing at midnight of day one of Iraq I, and more importantly, tell me what I was saying. If you can't, then shut the hell up about what I thought about the war and oil. (HINT: you are drastically wrong with your stupid assumption. But what are a few alternative facts to you when you have a good rant going on, right?)

Prior to WWII, to the victor went the spoils, people owned slaves, family units were formed and rewarded for raising children.

And your point is......? That slavery and nepotism are good? That since the Japanese took Manchuria prior to WW-II, then the enslavement and rape of the Chinese there were just peachy keen 'cause they were the victors? And you must be a big proponent of the Incas beheading many of their captives since that too was just the victors being victors.

Because it happened, doesn't make it right.

Things change. Not always for the better.

OK, we actually do have something we agree on.

Your post are the slogans of fascist propaganda. The LWW's posts are the slogans of communist propaganda. The end state of both idealogies is the same, and ought to be opposed.
Be specific here, what fascist slogans and propaganda am I posting?

That Spaniards like Pizarro and Onante were sadistic bastards? That sounds very fascist to me.

Or that the Trail of Tears was one of the low points of US history? After all, you don't really believe we should honor treaties we sign, do you?

Or maybe it was the glorious successes of the Indian School programs that ripped apart families and beat six year-olds for wearing long hair and older kids for not wanting to have their spouses selected for them based upon skin color?

I get confused when you make vague comments about my fascist leanings.
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Old 05-23-2017, 05:01 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by kehaar View Post

The so-called RWW's have simply stated that people who come from countries where the majority of the population would like to see the US and Israel decimated ought to be rigorously vetted.

In the lead up to the Iraq war, the LWW's(you included), said we were doing it to steal the oil. .

Two things....wtf does Isreal have to do with this countty?

Secondly , It is not a matter of stealing oil, it was a matter of controlling it.

Remember the 2003 invasion of Iraq was before the huge shale oil plays here.

You seem to be trying to manipulate history
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Old 05-23-2017, 05:09 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
What do you expect from a house builder? All he has is name-calling!

He believes calling someone "stupid" is an intellectual argument.
Look counselor, your legal wrangling has been uncovered for the bs it smelt like!

Terrorism is psychological warfare meant to scare the weak of mind, it has no military significance , in fact it shows what a huge disadvantage your opponent is at when it has to resort to such measures.
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Old 05-23-2017, 05:43 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
BL is "connected" to the inner sanctum ....

... personally, I'd rather wait until ALL FACTS ARE IN!
It's all over every web page. They have released his name and history. Born and raised in England
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Old 05-23-2017, 05:45 PM   #58
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President Trump called this little piece of shit an "evil looser".

Anybody got a problem with that?
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Old 05-23-2017, 05:46 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
President Trump called this little piece of shit an "evil looser".

Anybody got a problem with that?
None at all.
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Old 05-23-2017, 06:01 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
It's all over every web page. They have released his name and history. Born and raised in England
Yep and one of the greatest sources of terrorism is the first generation born in a new country such as he. They romantize the old country and ways. Plus they knew the country and langauge. That makes them very dangerous thanks to left wing propaganda about everything is equal.
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