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Old 04-30-2017, 05:42 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by River Song View Post
. But may I ask, if you don't need a provider then why are you here?

Because all is not rosy in his garden. Sixteen reviews for a sexually satisfied man jut does not add up.
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Old 04-30-2017, 09:38 AM   #17
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Reason #6

Because he wants a divorce and wants to give all, not just half, his possessions to her.

Reason #7

He just wants pussy and does not think of who he will hurt to get what he thinks he wants. Or does not care who he hurts, or better yet thinks he will get away with it, so no one is hurt and he gets more pussy. Or just plain selfish on some days as we all are.
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Old 05-04-2017, 08:51 AM   #18
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The simple answer is to stay married ? ( think about it, the divorce rate would be 99% without providers)
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Old 05-04-2017, 09:45 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Gotyour6 View Post
Anyone that gets personal is an idiot.
Blackmail ready to happen
Yep. This.

I don't see providers to date them. I don't see them to talk. I'm not looking for magic or a connection. I'm not looking for a warm embrace or a listening ear. I'm not looking for a bubble bath with special soap or a glass of wine with a candle. You can hold the strawberries.

You know what I want. Provide that.
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Old 05-04-2017, 04:59 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
The simple answer is to stay married ?
So in order to stay married, you engage in activities that, were your wife to find out about them, would very likely result in the divorce you are trying to avoid.

Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
( think about it, the divorce rate would be 99% without providers)
Where did you get that number? Sure, this site has a lot of men who are here because they're not getting any at home, but Google sexless marriage, and you'll find that there are a lot of guys who aren't happy getting no sex from their wives, but who neither divorce nor hobby.
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Old 05-06-2017, 09:05 AM   #21
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Tandyscone, I had the same thought. What a stupid comment, huh? If not for providers divorce rate would include everyone. Who knew? When I was getting married my Pop sat me down and told me to see prostitutes, he said that was the magic to a successful marriage. I did not listen, so we had marital problems. Talked to my pastor, he asked me "are you paying others for your sexual needs? I said "No." He replied that was my problem, that 99% of all successful marriages have to do with doing prostitutes. I did not listen. We saw a marriage therapist, and in our first session I was asked how long we have been married. I replied for many years. Therapist asked well how many prostitutes are you doing? I replied "None." Well there is your problem, go find some strange women to pay for sex and your marriage will improve. I did not listen. I guess I am just too stupid to fix the marriage. Maybe I should have asked on this website and I would have gotten such knowledgable and wonderful advice. I will tell all my family and friends about this information. All my married friends will solve all their marital problems with such great info!!
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Old 05-06-2017, 10:25 AM   #22
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^ Hooker board , I guess there here for the pictures LOL
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Old 05-06-2017, 10:30 AM   #23
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Default Pay to play.....No free sessions.

Originally Posted by Gotyour6 View Post
Anyone that gets personal is an idiot.
Blackmail ready to happen
Good point .Blog good way for hooker to promote business.PAID sessions without stress. No free sessions.
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Old 05-07-2017, 08:36 AM   #24
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I am here for same reason as you, I assume, to have sex. I am not married, so there's that. I do not claim ridiculous notions to help me tell myself what I am doing is for the better good of mankind or marriage. You state that because you know you are wrong but you want to feel better about your selfishness. I call bullshit, prostitution has not helped marriage not even yours. Does your wife know? Does she approve?
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Old 05-07-2017, 10:21 PM   #25
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Thinking about point #2 as I am married. My wife is my best friend. I tell her everything. Except about this. And it feels really weird hiding something from her. Part of me wishes I could tell her about this and she would be willing to accept and understand. I know that will never happen.

She has noticed a change in me; a good change and she feels we are closer than we ever have before and that woman is falling in love with me more and more everyday. She even pinpoints this change to right before Christmas, which is when I started hobbying. So in some weird way in one aspect, it has improved my marriage. Makes me wonder what will happen when/if I quit hobbying and she doesn't find out.

Just shows you how this hobby can affect you in weird ways.
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Old 05-08-2017, 06:54 AM   #26
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Your lie will eat you up in time and your selfishness is causing that guilt or shameful feeling. You can ignore and deny it, but it will explode on you one day. Your wife sees a change in you, not because of the strange women you see, but because you are on this wild adventure, you think you are king right now. This will come to pass and then what? You love your wife? Enough to risk a devestating heart break for her when she learns of your activity? What happens when a lady you see tries to blackmail you? Shows up at your home? Calls you in middle of night? What happens when you forget your hobby phone in your pants? What happens when she finds out you were not where you told her you were? Every person thinks he is smart enough not to get caught, but most do. Know why serial killers get caught because they keep doing it. Have fun for now, but if she is falling more in love with you, than your sex should be much better too, if not. She is lying to you
just as you are to her. How healthy of a marriage is that?

I was married once and we loved each other so much that niether of us would ever risk what we had for a plain piece of ass. I lost my love years ago, I am an older man. If you do not have this type of love with your wife, work on your mariage or find the right woman to love, you will appreciate it. No one can make an honest claim that prostitution is best for their marriage. That is like a man saying he drives better when drunk, he is more attentive and sharp. Bullshit.
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Old 05-08-2017, 08:52 AM   #27
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I've always had a strong love/hate relationship with my wife, long before we started dating back in High School. In fact, during much of my high school time, she was probably my least favorite classmate. When we started going out, I was ashamed of it and tried to hide it from my closest friends. I never looked at her as a long term thing - it was the end of high school, I never had a girlfriend or did anything with a girl, I panicked and went after the easiest girl I could find. I was looking for practice. Got what I wanted and was ready to dump her and get out of her life, but it was too late.

I did not love her on the day we got married. She didn't love me either, but we both loved our two babies. I married her expecting to probably divorce her once the kids reached adulthood. Over the years, we grew closer. Sure, I guess I somewhat grew to love her, I mean she is the mother of my children. Somewhere along the way, she fell madly in love with me. Don't really understand why, I've always been kind of a jerk towards her. It really snuck up in me. She is my best friend, but that is probably more due to lack of options in a tiny social circle.

I'm here for the adventure. This is exciting. I'm probably lashing out towards her and going through a mid life crisis. I know I will never feel the same way towards her as she does towards me and I don't really know how to handle it. I never really wanted her, but at the same time, I know because of how our lives are set up, I can never leave her. So yeah - it is pretty messed up. It is super conflicting and this will probably end super bad.
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Old 05-13-2017, 02:58 AM   #28
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I support the Neanderthal theory but every time I look in other forums with people who are noreline nuts and about clearing cashe's....it makes me cringe. Marriage is not for me
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Old 05-13-2017, 02:12 PM   #29
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A couple things.
1st this is one of those threads that is destine to promote controversy as it is subjective and based on someones values and what they believe other peoples values should be.

2ndly Every relationship is different. it doesn't matter if its with your barber, bartender, a vender at work, each of your children (if you have any), your siblings etc. So why someone does or does see an escort whether they are married or single is of no concern to me at all.

Every lives there life the way they would like to based upon their age and where they are in the cycle of life.

Just my 3 cents. (I gave you a little extra ha ha)
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Old 05-13-2017, 11:30 PM   #30
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Yep. #1 in River Sing's list says monogamy isn't natural for men. Agreed. But it isn't natural for women, either. There may be a small %age of ppl of both sexes for whom mono. feels 100% right. Good for them. They are the exception, not the rule.

Monogamy is so bizarrely unnatural that layers of coercion in societies are needed to enforce it. It starts with BS fairy tales told to kids with the hero and heroine living happily ever after. Not reality. Then there are religious injunctions demanding monogamous marriages required, sometimes on pain of death if violated. Failing that there is slut-shaming/player-pointing. This typically comes from ppl who are too personally insecure and/or in denial about what they really want in terms of a sex/personal life that they can't stomach the idea that someone may actually want to live polyamorously/polysexually and do so without any shame. When pressed for justification they eventually fall back on specious arguments or they suddenly get religion about it. Ludicrous.

For over 99% of human history, ppl have been shamelessly polysexual. Everyone alive today owes their existence to ppl who lived both long ago and not so long ago who fucked one another silly, often publicly, frequently in groups. Women regularly (ie, daily) had sex with multiple men in the course of a day, men likewise, esp. younger men, mated with many women. This is responsible for the survival of humanity for much of its history.

The mortality rate among primitive humans was prob around 7/10 ppl dying before puberty. No one cared who a kid's daddy was. The child was the tribe's, period. Any child who could make it to biological adulthood was a bloody miracle. Ppl who survived lived to be 30, if lucky. Early urban civilization saw it improve a bit to 5/10 ppl dying before adulthood. In 1800, only 1 billion ppl existed, after all this time. Less than 220 yrs. later, we are at nearly 7.5 billion. Thank modern medicine and oral hygiene for this. (Or maybe, don't thank them. We are fast overpopulating.)

But my point is just this: humans have lived as sexually very promiscuous creatures for a very long time, even after our IQs shot up to where they are now. We are the decendents of the horniest, most successfully prolific members of our race who have ever lived. To imagine that we ourselves have somehow magically become "naturally" monogamous is total bullshit. And yet, religious kooks, sexually repressed moralists, and jealousy- and insecurity-ridden lovers and spouses rush to condemn anyone who calls bullshit on this myth.

Well, fuck them. I call bullshit. I was married for 8 years. I told my ex several times while we were married that she was free to date/fuck anyone else she wanted to. She could never quite believe me. She said she thought I was testing her or looking for an excuse to start banging other girls. No. I was simply in no denial abt how hard monogamy is and how much women also enjoy sexual variety, as much as men, just are afraid to admit it for fear of being slut-shamed principally by other women. Our marriage didn't last but not bc of infidelity.

These days I am openly polyamorous/polysexual. I don't go around babbling abt it but if anyone asks abt my personal life, I simply tell them I am poly. I have dated women and been very upfront abt it. I have also been clear that as far as I'm concerned, any woman I date is 100% free to be as sexual/romantic with whoever she wants to be: men and/or other women, one-night stands, on-going sexual or romantic rel'ps, etc. She is free to tell me abt her other interests/encounters or not. Ultimately it is entirely her own business and her own body. That I date a woman or even love her does not give me any claim over her, her body, or her sexuality. By loving this way, I free both of us from the toxic effects of jealousy, insecurity, etc. I should've adopted this mind-set 20 or 30 years ago.

If ever I get married again, our rel'p will be open. My theoretical future wife could even be a prostitute; so long as she is happy doing it, I am fine with it. If I love a woman I want her to do what makes her happy, period, w/in reason (ie, if her thing is molesting kids or assassinating ppl for pay, well then, no).

As breathtakingly obvious is the wisdom of this attitude to me, it utterly confounds ppl who I have known for decades, despite their own life experiences. One guy I know from college is on marriage no. 3. First one fell apart bc of an affair he had. Second one bc of mult. affairs his wife had. Now he is on no. 3. Well if he and no. 1 had just agreed to be poly from the get-go, they'd still be together now, prob happily, with their kids all under the same roof. Instead there are now 2 sets of fractured children who have to live with the unnecessary effects of their parents splitting up bc they were only doing what came naturally to them: banging more than one person (*gasp*).

Monogamy is a total crock of shit and really needs to be consigned to the nearest dustbin of history.

Originally Posted by JennaJones View Post
I support the Neanderthal theory but every time I look in other forums with people who are noreline nuts and about clearing cashe's....it makes me cringe. Marriage is not for me
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