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Old 05-03-2017, 08:00 AM   #1
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Default DonT care part 2: Leave em dieing.

So trump care is back. This time he wants to let states make unaffordable pools for sick people. What do yall think of this new plan? Will they sell this rush job to the house? Who will they blame this time if it fails?
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Old 05-03-2017, 10:42 AM   #2
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
So trump care is back. This time he wants to let states make unaffordable pools for sick people. What do yall think of this new plan? Will they sell this rush job to the house? Who will they blame this time if it fails?
As opposed to unaffordable pools run by the Federal Government?

As best I can tell, The ACA gives insurance to just about everybody, but the majority who need it can't afford the huge deductibles.
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Old 05-03-2017, 10:52 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
As opposed to unaffordable pools run by the Federal Government?

As best I can tell, The ACA gives insurance to just about everybody, but the majority who need it can't afford the huge deductibles.
You do know it's the insurance company and not the govt that sets the huge deductibles? Trump care could pass and the insurance company could still set high premiums or deductibles.
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Old 05-03-2017, 10:54 AM   #4
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I've actually used it before it was affordable even when I paid full price for coverage.

As far a big deductible goes. Its based on the plan you buy. If you buy the cheapest plan you may pay low monthly rate but yes going to the doc is high. I paid 300 a month my deductible was like 500 opm like 2k. Not that bad.

Dont let them sell you on that high deductible stuff. Its there sure. But you have to pick that plan.
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Old 05-03-2017, 02:31 PM   #5
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
I've actually used it before it was affordable even when I paid full price for coverage.

As far a big deductible goes. Its based on the plan you buy. If you buy the cheapest plan you may pay low monthly rate but yes going to the doc is high. I paid 300 a month my deductible was like 500 opm like 2k. Not that bad.

Dont let them sell you on that high deductible stuff. Its there sure. But you have to pick that plan.
I am not in the ACA. My business furnishes health insurance to all employees as part of their employment package. The big catch is that because of the ACA, our premiums have skyrocketed over the past years.

Health insurance costs are now our second biggest business expense after labor costs.

I doubt that will change, regardless of what President Trump, Congress, or anybody else does.

Myself? Naturally, at 70, my primary Carrier is Medicaire. I pay for plan B.The insurance through my business is supplementary .
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Old 05-03-2017, 02:37 PM   #6
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The cost to business is probably a better argument aginst the ACA. The deductible thing is a smoke screen as far as I have seen. Where was your companies health costs before the aca vs now? If you dont see trumps plan changing the cost whats the point of it?
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Old 05-03-2017, 02:52 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
So trump care is back. This time he wants to let states make unaffordable pools for sick people. What do yall think of this new plan? Will they sell this rush job to the house? Who will they blame this time if it fails?
We are all dying. I'm tired of paying $1100 a month premium for family insurance and mine is heavily subsidized. They need to do something to lower cost.

Obamacare is a failure. Little Billy can get that operation if he really needs it. Hell, he should have already had it. Stop looking at me to pay for Jimmy Kimmel's kid's operation. Jimmy probably makes 10 Million a year.
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Old 05-03-2017, 03:00 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
The cost to business is probably a better argument aginst the ACA. The deductible thing is a smoke screen as far as I have seen. Where was your companies health costs before the aca vs now? If you dont see trumps plan changing the cost whats the point of it?
You know the "business mandate" of Obamacare was never implemented? Forestalled by Obama via EO because he knew it would be a disaster.

My deductibles and co-pays have gone up at least 100% during the time of Obamacare. Why? Who do you think signed up and used Ocare? SICK PEOPLE! Still a massive number of young people who haven't signed up. Why? They are still on their parents' insurance.

Don't worry. The medicine you are smoking is legal and the cost hasn't gone up commensurately.
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Old 05-03-2017, 04:56 PM   #9
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
The cost to business is probably a better argument aginst the ACA. The deductible thing is a smoke screen as far as I have seen. Where was your companies health costs before the aca vs now? If you dont see trumps plan changing the cost whats the point of it?
To put it in perspective, we are a small manufacturing facility with 12 employees, with varying degrees of skill. We pay what is considered a top wage in our particular line of work. For the past five years, (good ones), our gross has hovered in the 3.8 to 4.8 million range.

6 years ago, our Health Care Bill was approx $85,000. This year, it will top $170,000.

Keep in mind, this does not include Workmans Comp, which is a separate issue.
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Old 05-03-2017, 05:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
We are all dying. I'm tired of paying $1100 a month premium for family insurance and mine is heavily subsidized. They need to do something to lower cost.

Obamacare is a failure. Little Billy can get that operation if he really needs it. Hell, he should have already had it. Stop looking at me to pay for Jimmy Kimmel's kid's operation. Jimmy probably makes 10 Million a year.

What "they" need to do is get government out of health care. Let the insurance companies insure like they do all other types of insurance the more the risk the higher the premium, if a person is already sick then the premium should be higher, think about it, if you have 5 tickets for speeding, your rates are much higher than the guy who has no tickets (insurance companies are in "business" (albeit a necessary evil) to make money. Rush did a great analogy today, if you're driving home and you see your house on fire, you call the insurance company and say "I want fire insurance" what do you think they're going to say?

I have a very strong believe personal responsibilities and a person's healthcare should start with what they put their bodies. If you're dumb enough to smoke cigarettes or drink to the point of liver disease or have eaten to the point you are now obese and all organs are taxed to the point of no return etc. etc. (my apologies if I have offended anyone) why should someone who has taken the time to educate themselves have to cough up the dough for people who just don't give a damn.
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Old 05-04-2017, 02:02 PM   #11
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It'll never pass the Senate. Not as it stands.
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Old 05-04-2017, 02:09 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
It'll never pass the Senate. Not as it stands.
You have medicare? What free health care do bums like you have in austin? How much do taxpayers have to shell out for your aids medication, boy?
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Old 05-04-2017, 03:39 PM   #13
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by Cherie View Post
What "they" need to do is get government out of health care. Let the insurance companies insure like they do all other types of insurance the more the risk the higher the premium, if a person is already sick then the premium should be higher, think about it, if you have 5 tickets for speeding, your rates are much higher than the guy who has no tickets (insurance companies are in "business" (albeit a necessary evil) to make money. Rush did a great analogy today, if you're driving home and you see your house on fire, you call the insurance company and say "I want fire insurance" what do you think they're going to say?

I have a very strong believe personal responsibilities and a person's healthcare should start with what they put their bodies. If you're dumb enough to smoke cigarettes or drink to the point of liver disease or have eaten to the point you are now obese and all organs are taxed to the point of no return etc. etc. (my apologies if I have offended anyone) why should someone who has taken the time to educate themselves have to cough up the dough for people who just don't give a damn.
Expect a blast from LUBE of the "obese " remark. He'll swear it was aimed at him then call you something to remind you of his IQ.
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Old 05-04-2017, 04:57 PM   #14
dilbert firestorm
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that's a good time as any to kill the filibuster!
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