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Old 04-08-2017, 09:08 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post

Would this dissuade you from seeing a particular lady if you were interested in her otherwise . . . ?
Yes, unless there was some other mitigating information.
YMMV is a given.
If she makes it a point to highlight that in her ad/showcase, she's sending a message and it isn't positive.
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Old 04-08-2017, 10:32 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
The GFE is always YMMV. BBCR should be the standard.
Or, at least, the stretch objective.
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Old 04-08-2017, 11:14 AM   #18
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I understand completely that as humans, each lady has different feelings, based on the client, the activity, time, location, even the weather. I can't control that. However, I am polite, undemanding, generous, and always squeaky clean. A visit with a lady is a big deal to me. If I read that ymmv for a session, or a certain activity, and the source seems credible, then I will stay away. I just want to know that there will be consistency.
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Old 04-08-2017, 11:52 AM   #19
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IMO there's 2 types of YMMV,
1st is the legitimate YMMV having to do with personal hygiene or personal reasons (size, thickness, etc) which is fine and understandable. I wont see or will walk out if a providers hygiene is not up to par.
2nd YMMV is when the provider wants to do the bare minimum to get the session done and over with, which is fine too! But the 2nd YMMV just isn't for me! Best to know all this upfront!
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Old 04-08-2017, 01:03 PM   #20
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Im with bendober4me on this the advertisement of ymmw could be taken as "what ever mood I'm at".It's known that ladies aproching that time of the month get moody and irritable others because of troubles in their personal life are not up to put up with anybody's b.s. or the interaction between the two parties is not right then all bets are off. The hobby it's like the old ad for the chocolate bar sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't.But to advertise ymmv it's a red flag for me if I have to deal with a moody lady I wouldn't have to leave home some hobby to get away from that!!!!
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Old 04-08-2017, 06:33 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
Hi Everyone,

This is a query to both the ladies and the gents.

Gents: I have recently seen a few ladies who openly advertise they are ymmv or ymmv with certain activities.

As the vendee, how do you feel about this?

Would this dissuade you from seeing a particular lady if you were interested in her otherwise, or would you respect her for having the cajones to be honest/upfront about this, and go in anyways to take a chance and see what may or may not happen for you?

If you did do this, and then certain things didn't happen for you, would you be disappointed enough to never return to her?

Lastly, do you feel a difference in rate should be implemented and would make it more fair (for example, something like the ymmv plus rate is one thing and ymmv minus rate is another, plus obviously being more happens, etc)? Or, would you still be happy to pay a standardized rate knowingly going into a ymmv session?

Ladies: If any of you have openly advertised this way, how has it affected your business? Good, or bad? Did you offer any rate variation as detailed above?

Any genuine opinions/advice/personal experiences will be very welcome and much appreciated.
Anybody who's been around know this is a fact, and it's not necessary to advertise this. YMMV is hobby 101, has always gone on, will always go on. It can be about the mans looks, smell, etc., or the lady can have some issues where she really doesn't want to be there, or she may have personal issues unrelated to the session.

I do believe that 'hot' guys or guys with deep pockets will get more mileage than some other guys, however would a guy rather be with Kate Upton or rosie o'donnell? Kate Upton all day long and she would get far more mileage than rosie would.

No matter that pay for play is involved, ymmv usually controls the session, maybe to a minor extent, maybe to a major extent.
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Old 04-09-2017, 01:58 PM   #22
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I personally wouldn't want to see a lady that wasn't a little YMMV
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Old 04-09-2017, 02:20 PM   #23
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I assume that all providers are YMMV. I don't think that I would visit a provider advertising services as YMMV. Somehow, this seems like a dodge technique.

I've had a couple of sessions where there was absolutely no chemistry. No harm, no foul. I move on.

I've had a couple of sessions where the provider was either not feeling well or just having a bad day. In those cases, I wished they would have explained the circumstances and rescheduled. I know that they probably had bills to pay. Unfortunately, their bad day sets me back the full fare of a session with nothing to show.

I'm always clean, breath is fresh and I sport very average equipment. I often bring small gifts. It's frustrating to see a well reviewed provider and get an experience far different than what others describe. TTL
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Old 04-09-2017, 02:43 PM   #24
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Doesn't bother me...I'm a YMMV hobbyist myself...if I am really attracted to a provider she will received the SNL / BF experience and if not then I'm in and out under the allotted time of the appointment...wham bam thank you ma'am
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Old 04-10-2017, 04:18 AM   #25
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I'd rather not start with YMMV up front. To me, it's like saying "you might have fun, you might not". Yeah - I get that, but it's one of those unwritten rules.

It's been said before - it's chemistry that makes or breaks a session.
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Old 04-10-2017, 09:28 AM   #26
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Thanks to everyone for the responses.

It is interesting to see the difference in varying opinion on this matter.
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Old 04-18-2017, 10:29 AM   #27
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Consent isn't fixed, so everything is YMMV. Some don't understand this reality. A review of what one person experienced with a particular companion isn't a guarantee of what that companion must do all the time with everyone.

With that said, I'm solidly a GFE companion. There is confusion as to whether the term "GFE" defines a vibe or a loose framework of certain activities. The experience I offer is in line with both understandings of GFE. Personally, I have no interest in upselling for various activities. So even though my companionship rate is all-inclusive, when it comes to BDSM (watersports, bondage, impact play, humiliation, and the like) or PSE services, my caveat is that I require a two hour minimum booking.
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Old 04-18-2017, 02:27 PM   #28
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If you've been around the hobby for a while, you've learned that YMMV is the golden rule. Providers are people, not robots, and people go above and beyond for others they like.

Guys, if you experience something that is clearly above and beyond what a provider usually offers, it's very smart to keep your mouth closed and not mention it. Great hygiene, not being an ass, being generous, and being discreet are the keys that unlock the secret surprises that make the hobby even better.

Example: One of my favorite providers was a very well known spa girl. She has never given more than a HJ... officially. Unofficially she's give me some of the most remarkable experiences I've had, inside the hobby or out. She retired a few years ago, but she's continued to see me when the mood strikes. I seriously doubt she and I would be having nearly so much fun had I blabbed to the world the first time she went above and beyond her normal offerings.

Caveat pervert.
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Old 04-18-2017, 09:39 PM   #29
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If I book a flight on an airline, I expect to be flown. Turbulence, delays and rude flight attendants are tolerated. That happens, but I do expect to be flown. Unless it's United.

It is already understood.
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Old 04-18-2017, 10:05 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
I personally wouldn't want to see a lady that wasn't a little YMMV
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