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Old 04-14-2017, 08:47 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
and you have yet to win one.
I am not going to win if Republicans are doing the counting.

As far as this thread goes someone is giving me one like up to post #109.
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Old 04-14-2017, 09:18 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Let me help you understand. I'll take these one at a time.

1. Benghazi Video. The fact is there were demonstrations in the area near Benghazi around the time of the attack. They were simply going by the intelligence that "they had at the time". Bengazi was political because the republicans were trying help Mitt beat Obama. It did not work because Mitt made his 47% comment in that Boston restaurant. Mitt went on to lose to Obama by 5 MILLION Votes!

then why did Shillary tell her daughter .. who was not authorized for secret material .. something entirely different??? i think that's a violation of her security clearance right there. talk more smack. it makes us laugh even harder.

2. WMD's in Syria. Both Rice and Kerry were talking about the "Declared Stockpile of WMD's". The fact is Syria turned over a ton (2000 lbs) of illegal chemicals. They were not talking about some major in the Syrian Army three levels down from Assad working on the side with Sangerine gas.

declared?? to whom? UN inspectors? anyone else? they turned over a fraction to make it look good you idiot. and Obama declared them WMD free based on a fraud .. and sold it to the public like a "victory"

3. Republican law makers have stated that Rice did nothing improper with the unmasking of Trump associates. Go read the link in post 107. Not even Ivy Leaguer Lustylad has a counter argument for that.
name them. how many? 3? 5? how many? post their names so the Lord Emperor will have their names to deport them to Syria!

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Old 04-14-2017, 09:20 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
I am not going to win if Republicans are doing the counting.

As far as this thread goes someone is giving me one like up to post #109.

then stop counting .. you can't count past ten anyway .. even after you take your shoes off!!
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Old 04-14-2017, 10:04 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Instead of admitting that something is true, you just leave it out.

The facts are:

1. There were demonstrations in the area near Benghazi at the time of the attack.

2. Go watch the Kerry Video in this thead. He was talking about the "Declared Stockpile of WMD's. The fact is Syria did turn over 2000 lbs of illegal chemicals. You won't say this a false statement. You just won't talk about it at all.

3. You should go read the link in Post #107. Republican lawmakers (that are on your side politically) have stated that Rice did not do anything improper with the "Unmasking" of Trump associates. The link is pretty clear about that.

You're still lying, flighty.

This is what you need to listen too, flighty. Odumbo didn't make any qualifications, flighty. He damn well lied and said that Assad had surrendered his chemical weapons, flighty.

Assad gave up his chemical weapons. That’s not speculation on our part that has in fact been confirmed by the organization internationally that is charged with eliminating chemical weapons. And I don’t think that there are a lot of folks in the region who are disappointed that Assad is no longer in possession of one of the biggest stockpiles of chemical weapons of any country on Earth. Those have been eliminated.” President Odumbo, 14 May 2015.

This is what Kerry lyingly said, flighty.

“It’s very important, however, even as we mark this moment of removing 100 percent of the declared weapons, that we understand that our work is not finished,” John Kerry, Odumbo’s Secretary of State, 23 June 2014.

This is what Susan Rice said in January when she lied to the American people, flighty.

“We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.” Susan Rice, Odumbo’s National Security Adviser, 16 January 2017.


This is what Odumbo’s Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes lyingly claimed last week, flighty.

“Also worth noting that strikes could not have ended the violence in Syria or removed all of the CW which was destroyed through diplomacy.” Ben Rhodes, 9 April 2017.

Susan Rice lied when she said she knew nothing about the unmasking of Americans and the investigation has yet to determine whether what she did is legal, flighty.

This is what hildebeest told her daughter Chelsea the night of the Benghazi attack while she lied to every other American citizen, flighty.
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Old 04-15-2017, 12:01 AM   #125
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[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1059407842][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"] You're still lying, flighty.

This is what you need to listen too, flighty. Odumbo didn't make any qualifications, flighty.

I did not lie. Rice and Kerry did make qualifications. They both used the phrase "Declared Stockpiles".

Here is the link for the WSJ article that was posted by Lustylad where Rice used "Declared Stockpiles".


Kerry used the same phrase when he was talking to Charlie Rose in Oct 2014. Go look at the video (about 30 seconds in)in post #5 of the Susan Rice lied and Children died thread. The same thread where the above link comes from.

I did not lie. What I wrote in post #115 is accurate. Kerry and Rice used the phrase "Declared Stockpiles when speaking publicly about the Syria's WMDs.

This is what you need to read. Your statement about qualifications not being made is incorrect regarding Kerry and Rice.

The fact is over 2,000 lbs of chemicals were turned over by Syria.
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Old 04-15-2017, 12:08 AM   #126
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
The fact is clownboy, is that I can find just as many republican lawmakers who feel she did not do anything wrong or illegal with the unmasking of Trump associates as you can find that think potentially she made have done something wrong.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
name them. how many? 3? 5? how many? post their names...
Ok, I'll play! You say you can find lots of Republicans? Start by naming just one. One (1) Republican who has stated that enough is known at this point to say - unequivocally - that Susan Rice has not done anything wrong and, therefore, she doesn't need to testify under oath.

I'll wait, flighty. Name and quote one Republican. Or admit you're full of shit, as usual.
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Old 04-15-2017, 12:51 AM   #127
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
I did not lie. Rice and Kerry did make qualifications. They both used the phrase "Declared Stockpiles".

Here is the link for the WSJ article that was posted by Lustylad where Rice used "Declared Stockpiles".


Kerry used the same phrase when he was talking to Charlie Rose in Oct 2014. Go look at the video (about 30 seconds in)in post #5 of the Susan Rice lied and Children died thread. The same thread where the above link comes from.

I did not lie. What I wrote in post #115 is accurate. Kerry and Rice used the phrase "Declared Stockpiles when speaking publicly about the Syria's WMDs.

This is what you need to read. Your statement about qualifications not being made is incorrect regarding Kerry and Rice.

The fact is over 2,000 lbs of chemicals were turned over by Syria.
You're an idiot, flighty. You said 3 times in this thread Syria turned over “2000 lbs” of chemicals. That amount is so small I could store it in your garage. Get your fucking facts straight. According to wikipedia, Syria declared a total of “1300 TONS of chemical precursors and agents and 1230 unfilled munitions” to inspectors. That's tons, not pounds, you idiot.

And you're being a disingenuous fool when you suggest the fact that Susan Rice and John Kerry occasionally inserted the qualifier “declared” before “stockpiles” makes either of them less of a liar. Their INTENT WAS TO DECEIVE US into believing the problem had been 100% cleaned up and this represented some kind of odumbo foreign policy accomplishment. Both Rice and Kerry knew from their own intelligence sources that Assad had failed to declare all of his chemical weapons in the first place and he was, in fact, continuing to unleash chemical weapons against his opponents.
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Old 04-15-2017, 01:52 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
That's tons, not pounds,

And you're being a disingenuous when you suggest the fact that Susan Rice and John Kerry occasionally inserted the qualifier “declared” before “stockpiles”.
Different links have different numbers. I said over 2,000 lbs and that is good enough for this forum. You made my point over 1300 tons were turned over by Syria. Tt is a lot of material.

Hankering wrote in post 115 that no qualifications were made regarding the WMDS. I showed him two different places where "declared stockpiles" were used when speaking publicly and you're still not happy.

Do you know how easy it is to mix two chemicals together that are not toxic to get a compound that is toxic? That is why they used the term "Declared Stockpiles".
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Old 04-15-2017, 02:00 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Ok, I'll play! You say you can find lots of Republicans? Start by naming just one.
You read the the link in post #107. You already know that it does not give names. They spoke two multiple sources of lawmakers from both parties regarding the unmasking. This is from the link in post #107. The same link you quoted from, although you wrote it was not worth responding to.

Members of the House and Senate intelligence committees have since been able to see the intelligence reports connected to Rice’s requests at the National Security Agency'sheadquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, over the past week, CNN reportedWednesday. But counter to the president’s view, Rice’s requests were "normal and appropriate" for a national security advisor, one congressional source told CNN. Another said there is "absolutely" no conclusive evidence that Rice did anything wrong or illegal. The network said it spoke with multiple sources in both parties, including congressional aides.

Nice try, you lose.
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Old 04-15-2017, 05:49 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Susan Rice lied about:

The Benghazi Video
The existence of chemical weapons in Syria
Unmasking and illegally distributing the name of Donald Trump
and/or his associates

And she did it on national TV...with gusto. I don't understand how you can defend her.
He is an enemy of America. He is a fanatic of the liberal cult who is willing to sacrifice everything, including his life for his master, Barry Hussein O.
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Old 04-15-2017, 06:24 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by Marshall2.0 View Post
He is an enemy of America. He is a fanatic of the liberal cult who is willing to sacrifice everything, including his life for his master, Barry Hussein O.
To borrow a line from Bush43 regarding the Trump Inauguration. "That is some weird sh!t there.
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Old 04-15-2017, 06:55 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're an idiot, flighty. You said 3 times in this thread Syria turned over “2000 lbs” of chemicals. That amount is so small I could store it in your garage. Get your fucking facts straight. According to wikipedia, Syria declared a total of “1300 TONS of chemical precursors and agents and 1230 unfilled munitions” to inspectors. That's tons, not pounds, you idiot.

And you're being a disingenuous fool when you suggest the fact that Susan Rice and John Kerry occasionally inserted the qualifier “declared” before “stockpiles” makes either of them less of a liar. Their INTENT WAS TO DECEIVE US into believing the problem had been 100% cleaned up and this represented some kind of odumbo foreign policy accomplishment. Both Rice and Kerry knew from their own intelligence sources that Assad had failed to declare all of his chemical weapons in the first place and he was, in fact, continuing to unleash chemical weapons against his opponents.
Flighty is a liar lying to cover the lies of his adored liars.
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Old 04-15-2017, 07:10 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by Marshall2.0 View Post
He is an enemy of America. He is a fanatic of the liberal cult who is willing to sacrifice everything, including his life for his master, Barry Hussein O.
The left is willing to sacrifice your dorry ass to re-education or the killing field, makes no difference.
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Old 04-15-2017, 07:12 AM   #134
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Any of you wanna put money Rice does not "Go to jail".

Be like locking up Trump for getting that Navy Seal killed or locking him up for killing innocent Syrians.

Just not how it works.

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Old 04-15-2017, 07:24 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Any of you wanna put money Rice does not "Go to jail".

Be like locking up Trump for getting that Navy Seal killed or locking him up for killing innocent Syrians.

Just not how it works.

I will bet you will build your next house with illegal alien labor!!
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