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Old 04-05-2017, 08:47 PM   #1
Upgraded Female Account
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User ID: 336078
Join Date: Mar 11, 2013
Location: Portland Maine
Posts: 419
My ECCIE Reviews
Post When a Client is getting carry the way with his Plumber

Get Up from the bed
asap go to bathroom take a 10 deep breaths not get a a drink or a smoke Be Calm bring a hot towel out and explain that was a little to hard ..Tell Him "You Will take In Charge and Complete the session by Hj or Bj or Cowgirl ..Be nice and Polite Be Direct and Then Mark Him In Your Call Log
Guy Likes to get carry way His Plumber Style..

Remember the reason why you started escorting cause You are You Own Boss!!

EscortsBiz has a great client info tracking and rated system App
Entrapment Scenarios

Never inquire or speak of gifts, services, or acts PERIOD. You will be hung up on, asked to leave, and blacklisted. It is illegal to solicit a woman for sex. So save yourself the trouble. If you don’t have the means to bestow gifts on a model for her time or admiration, find another hobby or find another model to admire.
The only 3 things you EVER have to say to a law enforcement official is.
1. Am I free to go?
2. Am I under arrest?
3. May I speak with an attorney?
Don’t say anything else without a lawyer present and they will have no case.
If anyone asks you for your passwords, pin numbers, pass codes, unlock codes, safe combinations state “I cannot recall it at this time” Currently you are required to provide your fingerprint to unlock if asked http://prism-break.org
In my REAL LIFE I am a model/escort/companion who has a manager/agent/lawyer. In my online life I am a amateur porn performer who has a manager/agent/lawyer. This is the escort section I am NOT a prostitute nor do I have a pimp.

I do not answer any questions everything you need to know about me is in this post or on my website. I will not discuss contents of this post/website via email/chat/over the phone/verbally or in person PERIOD.
I do not answer or entertain sexually explicit questions. I do not discuss any services offered. I am a model/escort/companion/amateur porn performer.
Do not solicit me. Do not try to entrap me. Do not try to talk me into having sex or performing sexual acts. I don’t discuss it I hang up or ask you to leave so congratulations on wasting valuable time.
2 hour minimum for new clients, I am available for 250 gifts for an hour of my time 400 gifts for 2 hours. I do not offer time for print. I do not sign model releases outside of my own website. So if booking for modeling you will not be able to share, sell, release, make public, or profit from any pix or vidz you take of me.
By contacting me for booking you understand you are gifting for my time ONLY. Nothing is implied, contracted for or guaranteed to happen. I do not offer sex. I offer my time for select modeling, escorting, and companion opportunities. If you violate any of my terms by trying to engage in discussions of money for sex via email, over the phone, or in person I reserve the right to discontinue contact with you and end our appointment. No means no, and get out means get out.
My favorite movie is Fight Club : )
Whatever may or may not happen behind closed doors is between two or more consenting adults. You can spend your time with me out at a restaurant, bar, club, casino, theater, park, golf course, bowling alley, or we can converse in my room watching a movie getting to know one another, if you want me to model some outfits I’m also cool with that, last time I checked these were all legal activities. Just act like a gentleman and treat me like a lady.
♥ Gifts must be bestowed in advance.
♥ You must come to my location to meet me.
♥ I do not do same day appointments. Minimum 24 hours advance notice.
♥ I never book more then 1 client per day.
♥ 7 days per week 7am-7pm after 7pm-7am is for loyal fans.
♥ Outcalls are for loyal fans.
♥ 15-30 minute appointments are for loyal fans.
♥ VIP treatment is for loyal fans.
♥ 1st timers must book minimum 2 hours.
♥ Loyal fans, means you have spent more then 3 hours with me in REAL life.
♥ I am available for travel for 250 per Diem plus round trip airfare(I only fly 1st class), on top of my hourly gift request. When traveling I book my own airfare and hotel If you need a specific hotel please request it.
a person or thing that serves as a subject for an artist, sculptor, writer, etc.
a person whose profession is posing for artists or photographers.
a person employed to wear clothing or pose with a product for purposes of display and advertising.
a group of persons, or a single person, accompanying another or others for protection, guidance, or courtesy: An escort of sailors accompanied the queen.
a person employed to accompany, assist, or live with another in the capacity of a helpful friend.
a person who is frequently in the company of, associates with, or accompanies another
One who directs a business or other enterprise
a person or business authorized to act on another’s behalf
a person or thing that acts or has the power to act
a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters
a fee paid to secure services, as of a lawyer.
a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
a person, esp. a man, who solicits customers for a prostitute or a brothel, usually in return for a share of the earnings
to offer to have sex with in exchange for money
to seek to influence or incite to action, esp. unlawful or wrong action.
The only 3 things you EVER say to a law enforcement official is.
1. Am I free to go?
2. Am I under arrest?
3. May I speak with an attorney?
Don’t say anything without your lawyer present and they will have no case.
If a person tries to solicit you or engage in discussions of money for sex while on an modeling/escorting/or companionship gig ask them to leave.
A person is ‘entrapped’ when he is induced or persuaded by law enforcement officers or their agents to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit; and the law as a matter of policy forbids conviction in such a case.
However, there is no entrapment where a person is ready and willing to break the law and the Government agents merely provide what appears to be a favorable opportunity for the person to commit the crime. For example, it is not entrapment for a Government agent to pretend to be someone else and to offer, either directly or through an informer or other decoy, to engage in an unlawful transaction with the person. So, a person would not be a victim of entrapment if the person was ready, willing and able to commit the crime charged in the indictment whenever opportunity was afforded, and that Government officers or their agents did no more than offer an opportunity.
On the other hand, if the evidence leaves a reasonable doubt whether the person had any intent to commit the crime except for inducement or persuasion on the part of some Government officer or agent, then the person is not guilty.
In slightly different words: Even though someone may have [sold sex], as charged by the government, if it was the result of entrapment then they are not guilty. Government agents entrapped them if three things occurred:
– First, the idea for committing the crime came from the government agents and not from the person accused of the crime.
– Second, the government agents then persuaded or talked the person into committing the crime. Simply giving him the opportunity to commit the crime is not the same as persuading him to commit the crime.
– And third, the person was not ready and willing to commit the crime before the government agents spoke with him.
On the issue of entrapment the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was not entrapped by government agents.
If you have children, Never mention you have children to Law Enforcement. They will try to use it against you. Remember they work for you, you are only required to say 3 things to law enforcement. Know your rights. Be polite, respectful and keep your mouth shut.
In Short:
Police CAN, WILL, & ARE ALLOWED TO LIE TO YOU, you on the other hand cannot lie to police, lying to the police is illegal, (memory loss ” I don’t remember/recall/forgot),….so only say the 3 things you can say. Don’t consent to any searches or tests without an attorney present.
Know your rights.
Did You know “a prostitute is more likely to have sex with a cop(Read: be raped by a cop, its not like they choose to its jail or have sex with him) then arrested by one.” Who are
the real criminals? Rapists or Adult Entertainers?Reading is fundamental.
An Empirical Analysis of Street-Level Prostitution 2007 University Of Chicago

Bill Of Rights
Declaration Of Independence
Emancipation Proclamation
Good Reads:

Never plead guilty or except the plea ALWAYS PLEAD NOT GUILTY AND GO TO TRIAL.
Represent yourself until the trial date(the date you have to show up and the case is tried in front of a jury) to save money.
The only thing you need to say up until that point is NOT GUILTY
You only need the lawyer for that day. If you followed the RULES of ONLY SAY 3 THINGS to law enforcement, you will win the case.
The only 3 things you EVER have to say to a law enforcement official is.
1. Am I free to go?
2. Am I under arrest?
3. May I speak with an attorney?
Don’t say anything else without your lawyer present and they will have no case.
Be polite and respectful, they are going to take you to jail anyway don’t make it worse by talking to them, they are not your friends. Don’t engage in small talk don’t say anything become mute unless it’s those 3 sayings KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
If a person tries to solicit you or engage in discussions of money for sex while on an modeling/escorting/or companionship gig ask them to leave. They have to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that you broke the law when 9 times out of 10 they did. The burden of proof is on them not YOU.
Stop taking plea bargains the reason they target escorts is because a lot make it easy for them by accepting pleas or pleading no contest.
Remember they work for you, you are only required to say 3 things to law enforcement. Know your rights. Be polite, respectful and keep your mouth shut.
The only 3 things you EVER have to say to a law enforcement official is.
1. Am I free to go?
2. Am I under arrest?
3. May I speak with an attorney?
Don’t say anything else without a lawyer present and they will have no case.
Ladies if agovernmentofficial threatens to arrest you or uses their power to intimidate you to do things against your will, save the condom, save the semen, get some DNA under your nails during the act. When they leave go to the ER and report it as RAPE because that is what it is, then file a lawsuit against the department and the city. There is absolutely NO reason for a law enforcement agent or government employee to have their DNA in or on you.
Women you have the POWER to stop corrupt law enforcement but you have to think like them they are trained to collect evidence because that is what is needed for a conviction. NEVER let anyone abuse their power, those type of men are the worst kind of criminals and need to be off the street. You ALWAYS have a right to say NO & pick and choose who you have relations with, do not accept offers from law enforcement for protection in exchange for illegal services, even if they say they will protect you and not entrap you, whenever it serves in their best interest they will turn on you, they have no honor. You will make more from a settlement or lawsuit than modeling/escorting for a year maybe longer. The corrupt official will lose their career, bepubliclyashamed and more. A few hours at the hospital will be all the evidence you need and best of all it’s FREE.
The justice system is a business it has nothing to do with justice, as they say actions speak louder than words & the actions of the justice system demonstrate they despise actual justice & praise money. If you were entrapped, didn’t speak of money for sex acts, & were arrested plead NOT GUILTY & demand to have the trial heard in front of a jury this is your constitutional right.
Most charges are misdemeanors which usually result in a fine of less than $1000 usually less than $500 & possible jail time. A jury trial consists of 6-12 people usually on small charges 6 & costs the city thousands of dollars PER HOUR to perform. The officers involved are paid overtime to testify & are taken off the street for the day, the prosecute & judge have to spend time on the case, a court stenographer has to be paid, bailiffs need to be paid, 6-12 jurors need to be paid. Those costs can cost the city a total $5,000+ per day for your trial. A trial you may have a good chance of being found not guilty for.
Add to this that most likely someone on the jury may have been thru something similar, also be a woman, or don’t agree with the hypocrisy of the justice system.
If everyone arrested due to entrapment on prostitution charges plead NOT GUILTY & took their cases to trial, the city would telL the police departments to stop the entrapment stings, simply because it is no longer good business for them to spend thousands of dollars per hour for a few hundred dollar fine and or minimal jail time.
If you simply state “NOT GUILTY I want a trial by jury” at every hearing, you will not need a lawyer until the day of your jury trial (you can also represent yourself at a jury trial but it’s best to have a lawyer that day if public speaking isn’t a strong suit) so plead NOT GUILTY.
Here is a Great Book http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007UIYFII
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Old 04-06-2017, 04:50 AM   #2
El Hombre de la Mancha
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Why so much repetition? You forget what you copy and pasted? Drunck posting should provide entertainment, not make a "premium escort from Maine" look dumber every time she posts.
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Old 04-06-2017, 06:22 AM   #3
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Old 04-06-2017, 07:38 AM   #4
Ribbed, For Her Pleasure
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Are we free to go?

Are we free to go?

Are we free to go?

Are we free to go?
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Old 04-06-2017, 10:18 AM   #5
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Let me know when the English version of this comes out.
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