I cannot speak for others but when I'm getting ready for an appointment and about to visit with someone, I have a different mindset than I do in the real world.
First ... it's ALL about the sensual aspects of our lives at the moment.
I'm generally not ready to pounce on someone in the produce isle, or at a restaurant, when I'm out in the real world. My nipples aren't getting in the mood to be played with.
Or I'm not ready to grab someone and start kissing them when out in public. Most of the time, anyway.
And yes ... one "looks" and "sees" someone differently when you're jumping into bed with them after meeting for ... about 5 seconds beforehand.
So it's a guess, but a pretty good one, that I
could be one of those females that might not recognize a client that I had seen previously.
Especially if it had been a few years or more.
After a bit of time, you'll remember the REALLY REALLY good ones. And the REALLY REALLY bad ones.
Whenever I go out, often I'll see a few men who look familiar. But I'm also at that age, too.
Gosh ... it's my hope that if a client recognizes me out in public, he'll be cool and not say anything to me.
That IS what you're supposed to do.
SSSShhhhhhh. It's a secret life here!
Bottom line, if she didn't recognize you, please don't be upset about it OR think less of her because she didn't remember you while in a completely different environment.
Some of us are experts at compartmentalizing.