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Old 03-14-2017, 11:15 AM   #1
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Default Low Volume

Just a question for the viewing audience.. Ever since I've joined the hobby 7yrs ago. I've seen lady's advertise heavily and still advertise " Low Volume ". So what is Low Volume per day? 3,6,9,12? I have hang ups with certain things with the hobby as I believe my peers do as well. Such as showers and being clean and asking yourself who did I just go after? In some cases some dudes might like going after some sloppy seconds but its not me. However I understand the nature of the biz but I think there are some general courteousies that should be followed. I suppose I mention it because Ive seen some beautiful upper class ladies that did out calls. I know damn well they didn't shower from other dude to me. Still had the after glow and that I just got fucked hair after several delayed text messages because she was late. I still hit it ! but DAMN! Really? It really boils down to do you want some pussy or not and does the lady in question make me horny enough to over look the down side of the hobby. What's your take on the burning question?
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Old 03-14-2017, 11:39 AM   #2
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I personally think that a lady's hygiene should be a priority, and vice versa. I know that I wouldn't want to see a man that smells badly. It's a respect yourself and the client type thing I feel. As for low volume..what are the numbers I wonder?
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Old 03-14-2017, 11:48 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by SweetSkye View Post
I personally think that a lady's hygiene should be a priority, and vice versa. I know that I wouldn't want to see a man that smells badly. It's a respect yourself and the client type thing I feel. As for low volume..what are the numbers I wonder?
I totally agree!! Ladies don't like funky balls and ball sweat or dick cheese. Gentleman don't like funky cats or the smell of GIO from another dude on his prize for the evening. I'm just saying. Clean that shit up for all involved!
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Old 03-14-2017, 01:08 PM   #4
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Why I haven't been with an out of towner, as it Seems they wanna pack as many dudes in on there stay as possible! And if I did see one, which some fine ass women have come thru here. I'd be the earliest appt that day, or get her as soon as she comes in town. So I feel ya Drinkin as I have the same hang up. I want my $ to go to a tight cat, and not to a looser one after however many she's had that day before me!!!
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Old 03-14-2017, 01:26 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Cassmann View Post
I want my $ to go to a tight cat, and not to a looser one after however many she's had that day before me!!!
Well as Jerry Lee Lewis once said referring to pussy...."If God made anything better he kept it for him self." He said "Jimmy Lee (Jimmy Swaggart) would agree with me on that. " Honestly Pussy is the most remarkable thing ever made. It never wears out and makes its on lube. LOL!

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Old 03-14-2017, 02:59 PM   #6
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Bleeds for a week and doesn't die.. someone once told me , you can't wear anything out that self lubricates ! He also said if you wanna make it tighter put a bigger dick in it !
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Old 03-14-2017, 03:07 PM   #7
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I would consider having more than 3 sessions in one day "High Volume". But that is me. I'm sure this differs from provider to provider.

Personally, I like to have no less than an hour or two between appointments. Time to catch my breath, shower, etc.

I would think that one could tell more by the rates. If she offers very low rates, she is probably higher volume. If her rates are high, she doesn't need to "pack em in" lol
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Old 03-14-2017, 03:21 PM   #8
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I appreciate your post and your honesty! Its not something you find a lot in the hobby. I've often wondered. Its not exactly polite to ask your lady. How many you seeing today? And where am I in the mix of things. I know myself when I'm with somebody and things go well and things are physical. I'm usually sore a couple of days. Honestly I don't know how some of you girls do it, with every hard dick that comes through the door wanting to give to you hard. Personally It gets to a point where I'm sexually satisfied, I don't want any more. Is it possible to have too much sex? Where yall hurt? I mean I've had some walk funny after a good session. lol
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Old 03-14-2017, 03:48 PM   #9
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LOL No....it's not polite to ask, never do it if you don't want to know. If I am ever asked, I just reply "I hate that question"

I have been asked if the appointment could be the first of the day. Not a problem unless, of course they want the session to be at 8pm!! Ya can't expect me to hold an entire day aside for your one hour session. lol
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Old 03-14-2017, 04:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Krystal_RoseBBW View Post
I would consider having more than 3 sessions in one day "High Volume". But that is me. I'm sure this differs from provider to provider.

Personally, I like to have no less than an hour or two between appointments. Time to catch my breath, shower, etc.

I would think that one could tell more by the rates. If she offers very low rates, she is probably higher volume. If her rates are high, she doesn't need to "pack em in" lol
I definitely agree here...I like a Minimum of 90 min from the end of one appt to another....2 hours is how I schedule, but mostly to leave wiggle room for traffic or delays, plus i hate watching a clock . And a thorough shower between Every date is a must for me, as are showers for the gents...down and dirty can still be clean
Drinking....speaking only for myself, I don't schedule more than I can have fun with. I know my clients fairly well, some like just my mouth skills, others like more. I'm all about pleasing my partner but never doubt that I will get mine too lol....whether it's the ego trip from making your eyes water, or having an O so hard we both feel it. Is Every session satisfying? No. We are human and subject to human emotions which play a large role in this world

Have fun and PLAY SAFE!!
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Old 03-14-2017, 04:30 PM   #11
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Drinking ... I concur with your hangup on this issue. It bodes well for me that I normally only have 3 windows of opportunity for playtime. I very seldom ever play at night or on weekends. My Monday thru Friday windows of opportunity are ...

1)6am-8am ... I will only schedule this time with a Playmate that I have seen before. I must know that I can depend on her to be awake and adequately prepared for our time together.

2) 11am-1pm ... this time slot can only be used with Playmates who are in Tyler for multiple day. I can catch them on the 2nd day and am fairly confident that she would hopefully be her first that day and at worst her second as most guys do not schedule early and most Playmates are not early risers.

3) 4pm-6pm ... I will try to catch a Playmate who is coming into Tyler, checking into her incall about 3pm and try to be her first.

We, as gentlemen, try to always respect the time issue but it does add something to the chemistry and the GFE experience when she isn't looking at the clock knowing that another guy isn't in the parking lot outside.
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Old 03-14-2017, 08:55 PM   #12
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Default Low volume

that's why I always try to book 2 hr appointment or more that way the provider makes enough money off me she might turn down other shorter appointments but I'm more than sure ive gone behind many guys in my hobby career and yes I have asked before how many guys were before me and lot of providers have been honest and told me and some have told me she would love to see me but didn't make but a certain amount of appointments and would have to see me some other time.
I guess we are all paranoid about following behind somebody else and always will be.
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Old 03-14-2017, 09:17 PM   #13
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I have two ATF's in the DFW area and they have both gone "low volume" They no longer advertise or take new clients and see no more than 4 guys a week.

They also request I don't write them reviews as reviews lead to calls.
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Old 03-15-2017, 01:28 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by sleepyweasel View Post
I have two ATF's in the DFW area and they have both gone "low volume" They no longer advertise or take new clients and see no more than 4 guys a week.

They also request I don't write them reviews as reviews lead to calls.
Weasel, I can relate to that. My dfw atf doesn't see anymore than 3 people A MONTH. If I want to see her, I gotta book weeks in advance so she can ask off work. She works so much that she can't get out much to play. It's always multi hr sessions with her, and it ain't about the money with her. When I text her, it might take her a day to text me back, and most people don't have that kind of patience. I love the fact that she's not "a last minute gal"

Good thread, drinkin
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Old 03-15-2017, 05:01 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by mrredcat43 View Post
Weasel, I can relate to that. My dfw atf doesn't see anymore than 3 people A MONTH. If I want to see her, I gotta book weeks in advance so she can ask off work. She works so much that she can't get out much to play. It's always multi hr sessions with her, and it ain't about the money with her. When I text her, it might take her a day to text me back, and most people don't have that kind of patience. I love the fact that she's not "a last minute gal"

Good thread, drinkin
I would say that this is an example of the difference in a lady being a Provider and a lady that this is a Hobby she indulges.

If a lady has a RW job/career that allows for a hobby like this, more power to her.
But it is just not the case for all.
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