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Old 03-10-2017, 05:00 PM   #31
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I would love to have a hooker as a neighbor. I'd be on her 2-3x/week and never have to deal with these girls and their car problems, etc.

As for engaging your creative services, I will keep you in mind.

Originally Posted by James1588 View Post
Which is cool, by the way. They make excellent neighbors.
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Old 03-10-2017, 05:06 PM   #32
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I never said anything about hatred. Why the jumping to conclusions, doc? No one used the word hate. Sociopaths are not necessarily hateful individuals, as such. They just lack empathy for others and so as a consequence often engage in amoral behavior because they have no reason not to, short of getting caught. With the right training, a sociopath can be trained to act like an otherwise normal person in society, all through their life, thus avoiding behavior that makes them objectionable. Possibly most sociopaths fit that description, and thus are not worthy of hatred.

If what I say is true, that pros. fall farther down the socio scale than other people, then it's also true I have little against them even though they fall farther down that range. Respondents to my post seem to assume I am motivated by hatred, misogyny, etc. Despite clarifying that that is not true, the hate-fest continues.

Brothers and sisters, may I suggest that it is possible that you are simply wrong about dear old spa999? Perhaps I am what I say I am, someone seeking truth and trying out new ideas, and nothing more? You all seem ready to give pros in general the benefit of the doubt. Then why not me? As I said, I see a lot of white knighting going on here.

Originally Posted by OldGent View Post
As a professional person in the mental health field who can diagnose, that study is badly flawed using anecdotal evidence. Something I would expect to see an idiot like Dr. PHIL using. Obviously you are trying to justify your hatred of sex workers by hiding behind pop science. Try using those "realities" you work with more openly and honestly.
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Old 03-12-2017, 06:06 PM   #33
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Old 03-12-2017, 06:18 PM   #34
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But what were you just spouting off in this thread about "Being there for providers"?


You have issues dude.
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Old 03-12-2017, 06:37 PM   #35
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Lmfao I seriously knew op was from upset NY, Dallas, or Pittsburgh before I even looked at the handle after reading.
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I am the happiest lamb"
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:20 PM   #36
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Spa, you seem to have struck a nerve with one or two people, which is telling in itself.

I disagree about providers being hypersexual. Obviously they have lower than normal inhibitions about sex with strangers, and for some there is surely an ego boost associated with having men pay handsomely for brief access to their bodies, but none of the nymphomaniacs I ever knew were providers. (They do seem to always have personality disorders - maybe not sociopathy but always full of drama.)

Sociopathy among prostitutes has been studied for decades and is widely agreed to be common (not universal). From those I have known and "ex" providers I have dated, I have to agree. The sociopathic or borderline sociopathic majority are unlikely to read or respond here, however; they are stealing pics to put on (whatever replaced) BP, not reading discussion forums where there is no money to be made.

I also disagree that the hobby engenders sociopathy. In the First World, at least, no woman is forced to sell herself to survive; she chooses to do so. She doesn't shut off normal emotional reactions - if she had them in the first place, she'd get a regular job or a husband or get on welfare.

Incidentally, I think sociopathy is more common among welfare trash than providers, and welfare does develop sociopathic tendencies among its dependents.

Originally Posted by spa999 View Post
Since being involved with prostitutes, I have changed. I have become more emotionally callous. I have become less sensitive and/or empathic... if we are going to be in this game, we must... accept a greater level of sociopathy in our personalities.
The opposite was true for me. Maybe instead of battling monsters, Nietzsche should have fucked them.

I don't find the DSM-IVTR criteria for sociopathic disorder to be reasonable. Any teenager would meet them, and most do not grow out of it by age 18. The DSM-IIIR criteria were less vague and inclusive, and much better at identifying male sociopaths. Being more oriented toward violent (male) sociopathy than deceptive (female) sociopathy, the older criteria never really worked for identifying female sociopaths, and "borderline" sociopathy is undoubtedly most common. Nonetheless it is easy to see that most providers do meet a lot of the DSM-IVTR criteria, which have always been known characteristics of sociopaths even if they weren't included in the diagnostic criteria (just like hypersexuality, which I noticed is still not in the criteria).
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Old 03-12-2017, 08:27 PM   #37
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Just read the article and it does not say women 20-30 make more than men. It said the women in NY make 1 cent more on the dollar than men if they do not start a family. So, single women in NY make a penny more and have not had a child yet either. Once a woman has a child or starts a family even in NY her pay goes down. It further stated single non parent women make less then men from 28 cents to 23 cents on the dollar than men most places. The article further recognizes the gender gap is heavily in favor of the men.

I thought so, you gave false evidence to try to prove your point. Not cool dude, further makes your argument weak. No credibility. Giving false data just shows how much the one poster was correct, you got issues man!
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Old 03-13-2017, 08:20 AM   #38
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many hobbyists are simply guys who have become addicted to porn and decide to take it to the next level. but there was always prostitution before online porn came along too so we can't entirely blame that

how about simply saying many of us are in relationships that are deprived of fireworks or that doesn't satisfy us sexually, but are otherwise good. so we choose to hobby to make up that void without getting involved in real life drama

when you hobby it is just sex and you move on. there isn't the stalker girl who tries to ruin your relationship by contacting your wife or who texts you 10X a day cause she is needy
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Old 03-13-2017, 09:59 AM   #39
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Who understands these hoes, man?

Who understands women, in general?

It's a great mystery.

These hoes ain't no sociopaths, though.

Quit speculating on some bullshit you know nothin about.

Hoe ass trick bitch.

I mean, are you claiming that your own mother is a sociopath???
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Old 03-13-2017, 11:04 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged View Post
My thoughts are that you are totally full of self imprortant shit and badly need to
find another hobby. Perhaps you are describing yourself and think every guy here is like you?
Good advice.Clients paid for fantasy with pros.
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Old 03-13-2017, 11:07 AM   #41
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Hoes is hoes

How do you differentiate between someone who demonstrates a disregard for other people and someone with a mental disorder?

As an example, everyone gets depressed. Some people have months of depression, maybe even years, but that doesn't mean they have a mental disorder. Say your mother dies, and you feel depressed for a long time. Does that mean you have a mental disorder?

So, why do you diagnose people who may be disconnected from others due to their hoeing as having a mental disorder? Maybe they just hoes.

If it's truly a mental disorder, the symptoms should be extreme, and someone who is truly sociopathic has the symptoms to an extreme. Otherwise, you could diagnose anyone with sociopathy depending on their mood.

Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven View Post
Sociopathy among prostitutes has been studied for decades and is widely agreed to be common (not universal).
You should drop a link.

Clients paid for fantasy with pros.

I could easily post some bullshit list of the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder as evidence that my dog is borderline psychotic, but you're not really doing anything scientific. You have to find a peer reviewed article or something on the subject, as this trick ass above suggests exists.
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Old 03-14-2017, 06:49 PM   #42
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Yep, you caught me, Amber. On the surface it seems contradictory. But there is nothing wrong w/ being nice even to a sociopath. While they may not be emotionally closer to you if you do so, they can appreciate you. And contrary to popular belief, many sociopaths do limit the degree to which they use other ppl, possibly out of fear of getting discovered, but also possibly due to training from parents, etc. Because they lack compassion/empathy doesn't make them automatically Josef Mengele-level evil. And I never said all pros were total sociopaths... I suggested that most are at least drawn that way.

Also, I do take ideas out for spins. Even if I am not 100% convinced of my own position, I may just put it out there to see what others think. Re this and the other topic I started, I have gotten a great deal of food for thought from these threads. That has been good. Really, the eccie boards have their fair share of nimrods and trolls, but also some pretty bright and/or thoughtful people, both pros and johns. TBH, I rarely see this level of serious engagement in any other forum. And the bluntness/honesty is SO refreshing.

Originally Posted by Amber Does View Post
But what were you just spouting off in this thread about "Being there for providers"?


You have issues dude.
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Old 03-15-2017, 12:38 AM   #43
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You should say why you felt the need to label hoes as sociopaths. One day you thought to yourself, "these hoes right here is a damn sociopath." Then what did you do? You went on google and looked up some lame ass list to support your idea. You got an erection when you connected the dots. You know, anyone can use google to support whatever biased idea they want. You had the idea first, then you googled for confirmation. Why? Why did you do it? This isn't a thread for intellectual debate or "food for thought." If it were, you would have spent more than five minutes researching the topic. This thread is the product of you masturbating over some personal event.

You might as well admit it.

Trick ass hoe bitch.
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Old 03-15-2017, 03:07 AM   #44
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My new saying:

Trick ass hoe bitch.
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Old 03-15-2017, 04:07 AM   #45
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You said: "As an example, everyone gets depressed. Some people have months of depression, maybe even years, but that doesn't mean they have a mental disorder. Say your mother dies, and you feel depressed for a long time. Does that mean you have a mental disorder?"

Yes, if your depressed for years you have chronic depression which is a mental disorder. Your way way off base on the depression thing.

I've had major depressive disorder since I was 16. Some people just don't "get over" depression. It can and is life threatening.

Being depressed over a death eventually goes away. Major depressive order Does not just go away.
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