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Old 03-07-2017, 11:28 PM   #391
the operater
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Hey yinz2016, I supported peace too!
I did it by standing a post with a rifle!
And I got hurt doing it, and it was done under contract with the American taxpayers blessing!
I did it under all circumstances and conditions!
So bitches such as yourself have the freedom to hold the assholish opinions that you do, and make the assholish statements that you have been making here!
Welfare is something for nothing, any asshole knows that, so where were you when asshole class was in session?
So the little bit of money I receive every month, and the VA medical benefits that I recieve for my service were earned!
As were my fathers before me, and his father too!
And you will pay for the honor guard at my burial, as you did so recently at my fathers, and yes his fathers too!
So in behalf of the American fighting men god bless them wherever they may be!
Go fuck yourself asshole!
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Old 03-09-2017, 08:31 AM   #392
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Originally Posted by jimmys35_2 View Post
Because you have no clue, I will say this. NO one wants peace more than a soldier. But they do it so c@m guzzlers like you have the freedom to run your p$ssy c×ck sucker and not be afraid of retribution. No I will stop posting so I don't get banned. If I haven't already.
How's that blue pill taste? Soldiers aren't protecting us, bud. If anything, the men and women who have volunteered since 911 have made our country and planet less safe that it was before. All the jingoism and faux patriotism won't change that.

Originally Posted by the operater View Post
Welfare is something for nothing, any asshole knows that, so where were you when asshole class was in session?
People on "welfare" pay taxes, too.
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Old 03-10-2017, 04:17 PM   #393
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My son Is a USMC Sargent.
I am very proud of his being a volunteer, and having achieved the rank of Sargent.
Not an easy thing to do.
Now and forever, he will be the beneficiary of debt that the American people will owe him.
I will fight with every bit of being in my body to make sure that our government and it's citizens do not fuck him over or any other veteran for that matter.

I am most thankful that my son returned, intact, and did not have to kill anyone or see any of his fellow soldiers killed or maimed.

I have zero use or tolerance for anybody that would besmirch our young men and women that make up our military.
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Old 03-10-2017, 05:54 PM   #394
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
My son Is a USMC Sargent.
I am very proud of his being a volunteer, and having achieved the rank of Sargent.
Not an easy thing to do.
Now and forever, he will be the beneficiary of debt that the American people will owe him.
I will fight with every bit of being in my body to make sure that our government and it's citizens do not fuck him over or any other veteran for that matter.

I am most thankful that my son returned, intact, and did not have to kill anyone or see any of his fellow soldiers killed or maimed.

I have zero use or tolerance for anybody that would besmirch our young men and women that make up our military.
Very cool and you should be proud. Thank you for raising someone brave enough to offer his life to protect others.
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Old 03-11-2017, 08:37 AM   #395
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Originally Posted by yinz2016 View Post
How's that blue pill taste? Soldiers aren't protecting us, bud. If anything, the men and women who have volunteered since 911 have made our country and planet less safe that it was before. All the jingoism and faux patriotism won't change that.

People on "welfare" pay taxes, too.
Yinz2016 I take it you never served in the military. The military does a good job of taking boys and making men out of them. The training and knowledge they receive will help them in life. I for one support them fully.

People on welfare and who don't work at all. Only if they can't work for some reason is ok but most are lazy asshole motherfuckers. A lot do get off of it and better themselves.

Right now only the blind could be a liberal. Let me put this to you in a nice way just watch how the say all inclusive yet shun anyone they feel they need to.

Women's day off was a not all inclusive and the women's march was not. Shouting down speakers on campus. They want votes and once they get them they will start kicking people like you off the island.

Dems won't do shit for you. All they will do is tax your soft drink and make sure the pond in your back yard is controlled by them. They will make you flush your toilet with two ounces of water. Its want they do. They will start entitlements with no way out OBAMA CARE. They will regulate your asshole and tax it.

Bill Clinton and his polices are not what the democratic party is now. The party is so far left its disgusting.

I'm an american first and to see democrats in government jobs try to derail any president whether they agree with him or not is beyond being an american first.
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Old 03-11-2017, 08:34 PM   #396
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
My son Is a USMC Sargent.
Thank your son for me.

I grew up next door to a (Polish American) Marine Sargent who served in Poland/Germany during WWII.
I've worked and rode with a lot of vets from a lot of theaters, and was married to a Vietnam vet.
My father was in the Navy, and I was a member of the Navel Sea Cadets.
I know what we owe our vets.
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Old 03-12-2017, 09:17 AM   #397
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Originally Posted by loneshark View Post
Yinz2016 I take it you never served in the military. The military does a good job of taking boys and making men out of them. The training and knowledge they receive will help them in life. I for one support them fully.

People on welfare and who don't work at all. Only if they can't work for some reason is ok but most are lazy asshole motherfuckers. A lot do get off of it and better themselves.

Right now only the blind could be a liberal. Let me put this to you in a nice way just watch how the say all inclusive yet shun anyone they feel they need to.

Women's day off was a not all inclusive and the women's march was not. Shouting down speakers on campus. They want votes and once they get them they will start kicking people like you off the island.

Dems won't do shit for you. All they will do is tax your soft drink and make sure the pond in your back yard is controlled by them. They will make you flush your toilet with two ounces of water. Its want they do. They will start entitlements with no way out OBAMA CARE. They will regulate your asshole and tax it.

Bill Clinton and his polices are not what the democratic party is now. The party is so far left its disgusting.

I'm an american first and to see democrats in government jobs try to derail any president whether they agree with him or not is beyond being an american first.
You are so off base and out of touch, it is a shame that you can't understand the difference between the good liberals do as compared to the evil of conservatives.
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Old 03-12-2017, 12:37 PM   #398
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
You are so off base and out of touch, it is a shame that you can't understand the difference between the good liberals do as compared to the evil of conservatives.
He is out of touch with your thinking Dr Stupid. That's a good thing.
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Old 03-12-2017, 04:40 PM   #399
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That is for sure.
We know the liberal/progressive mind set and it is hate, intolerance, spite, envy, jealously, racism, and just about every bad thing that there can be. Ever since Trump became a candidate, the vile vitriol has been spewing hatred toward him without any justification. the cries of "he has ruined our country" were flying way before he even was inaugurated. Sounds like a bunch of sour grapes by feminist, dried up old lesbians, and flaming gay men that are crushed because they backed an extremely flawed candidate that should be facing criminal charges.

Get over it.
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Old 03-12-2017, 05:06 PM   #400
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Originally Posted by yinz2016 View Post
Very few living vets "laid down their lives for our country". Many of the older ones were forced by our government for geopolitical purposes. And the younger ones made their own bed in the matter. They're not protecting us, they're feeding their families. If you want to talk about the men and women that actually protect us, look towards police officers, firefighters and EMS workers.

I'm proud to say that I have not.

That's part of it. The larger part is that most of the people using healthcare in this country aren't the ones that have to pay for it. You and I do.
I'm a sincere troll in that I don't care about a ban, I'll just get a new IP and make another account thus I will say about anything I'd like and there are very, very few lines I won't cross which makes me a major dickhead at times.

That being said, you are the biggest dickhead I've seen in my many years on icky and ASPD. To say absolutely anything negative about people serving in our military is out of line. You only say it here because you can be an internet warrior with no accountability. I don't care if someone doesn't like and speaks against our leaders, but the men and women that risk their life so we can go to a movie, vote for who we want to lead, watch what we want on tv, and come here and play asshole is because of those serving in our military. There's no greater coward than someone like you.
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Old 03-12-2017, 05:29 PM   #401
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
You are so off base and out of touch, it is a shame that you can't understand the difference between the good liberals do as compared to the evil of conservatives.
What is so evil about conservatives? Last time I checked, we seem to be doing pretty well.

Originally Posted by TheEccie214 View Post
To say absolutely anything negative about people serving in our military is out of line.
Last time I checked, there's an American flag flying in my front yard. I haven't said one truly negative thing about the military but, even if I did, its well within my right. We are a free people with the freedom to speak without fear. This is a natural and unalienable right and nobody in the military has anything to do with it.
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:05 PM   #402
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Originally Posted by yinz2016 View Post
What is so evil about conservatives? Last time I checked, we seem to be doing pretty well.

Last time I checked, there's an American flag flying in my front yard. (How did that get there?) I haven't said one truly negative thing about the military (They have swallowed the blue pill, they are not defending anything, they are feeding their famlies, their paychecks, pensions and benefits that they receive are welfare, all negative and and nonsense!) but, even if I did, its well within my right(Yes that is right, that is your right and it is kept secure by people in our armed forces! Not the police!) We are a free people with the freedom to speak without fear(only because of people willing to make the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of your sorry ass!) This is a natural and unalienable right and nobody in the military has anything to do with it(Really?the only thing natural about your ability to speak is just that, because your are human you can use your mouth! The right to say what you wish with that mouth as an American citizen is secured, bought and paid for in blood by the members of the American armed forces! There is no natural rights that you are born with other than in this country, tell that to Joe Stalin and watch him giggle as Beria takes you away to Lubianca for political reeducation! And it is only inalienable yes professor, I believe it is in, not un! It is only your birthright as an American citzen or as a naturalized American citzen that makes it inalienable, not just your birth! Go to Saudi Arabia, China, or Russia or any number of other countries to practice these rights! Then when you are arrested perhaps then you will understand! But from what read here I doubt it!
In the first decade of the 19th century Americans were being held hostage in Tripoli Lybia! (To the shores of Tropli! ring a bell?) I believe it had someting to do with them attacking our shipping in the Med! We were still a small and pretty weak nation at the time. (Now bear in mind this is all being recollected from my Jr. high school history class no help from the internet here!) The Navy got them there they the Marines landed quite some distance away because we were too small a force to execute a frontal assault, marched overland through the desert! Kicked in the back door! Then kicked their fucking asses in what would today be called a spec op! And bought back the Americans!
That is what they did, and it is what they still do, not just the Marines but all branches!
That the Navy and the Mairnes held hands the whole time while doing it, well that is a different conversation!
And before you think, that was then and they would never do that now!
Think Grenada, yes that the Commies were courting Grenada at the time had something to do with it, I am sure! Ronnie wasn't taking no shit, or chances!
I miss Ronnie, and I am sure time will tell D Trump was no R Regan!
And hey! It was better than our troops sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while the shit hit the fan, al, la Hillary, al, la Bengazi!
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