Originally Posted by JONBALLS
what happened to the "screening process" working ?
probabl being the most credible person here by just laying it out
screening on the fly seems a dead art.
but dang it why give a girl a lie errr ops RW info in text, email or pm so they can remember.
but when talking they soon forget that stuff
no blackmail can happen by the forgotten info
dang I just may have gave out I'm old school and age dang nab it
edit add. even posting can't help ya, but it can hurt ya
I'm ok with laying it out. But one can lay it out without killing options you may never take. mmmmm kaykay and Legacy I would think know I taint dating them. Without pissing them off, option I not going to take still open also with no ass kissing.
not need ta kiss butt of option you may want to take also.