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Old 02-24-2017, 03:22 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Polls don't really matter at the moment, other than to cheer up the electoral college losers.

They sure a shit do to Twitler, JL!

Sure as shit do.

Oh, I forgot. Unless they favor Twitler, they're fake news!

I realize you're trying to make a semi intelligent argument, but this is the shit we've been getting from SCROTUS since he descended from Mount Olympus.

It's HIS bullshit. Own him!
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Old 02-25-2017, 11:54 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch View Post
What he said was quite clear. Your interpretation was so wildly far off base, I can only imagine you are trying to distract for (sic) the real point, for which you have no answer for.

The point is, Trump made sure not to ban country (sic) he does business with. Trump is a despicable dishonest snake. If Republicans ever decide to put country first instead of party first, Trump will (sic) history in a hurry.
You're the dishonest asshole, not Trump. You're a complete partisan hypocrite. You don't give a hoot about about putting the country first - if Obama had placed the exact same 7 countries onto a temporary immigration ban, you would be defending it.

Do you even follow what is happening in those 7 countries? You're too much of a fucking hyper-partisan jackass to acknowledge (as I previously pointed out) they're all wracked by civil wars and unrest. They're all havens/breeding grounds for ISIS, al queda and other jihad-crazed extremists. And they're all FAILED STATES, which means there is no functioning government we can rely on for processing visas and passports in a credible way.

The imposition of this kind of ban is a judgment that belongs to the POTUS, whoever holds that office. Anyone who puts the nation's interest ahead of partisan politics can see this. Or do you think it would be wise to allow judges to intervene, demand to see the classified intelligence every time a ban is imposed, and quibble over whether Syria but not Yemen, or Libya but not Sudan, belongs on the list? That's laughable and unworkable. You know this but you're too much of a despicable dishonest snake to admit it.

Your nonsense about Trump basing his ban on where he used to do business is so far off base, I can only imagine you're trying to distract from the real point, which is that you don't give a shit about keeping the country safe. You would rather open the floodgates to people who want to do us harm, as long as you can register them as Democrats, brag about how virtuous you are, and call anyone who has the balls and common sense to oppose your crackpot open borders policies a racist.
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Old 02-26-2017, 01:04 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
Yeah I don't take that guy seriously. He's so biased he infers whatever he wants from what I say and then tells me I'm wrong.
Too bad nobody takes you seriously, millsy. If they did, you wouldn't have trotted out your supposed UT degree recently. And you wouldn't have told us you're some kind of Austin political big shot either. Instead, you would have simply trusted your debate skills to let everyone know you deserve to be taken seriously. But like crunchyass, you have no real debate skills. The most you are capable of is posting a few hackneyed, partisan libtard talking points fed to you by the DNC, then quitting when those points are challenged.

Among other topics, you demonstrated you have no understanding of Senate filibuster rules, the emoluments clause of the Constitution, or voter fraud/voter suppression. Those are pretty huge gaps for someone who claims to have studied and worked in politics.
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Old 02-26-2017, 07:31 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Too bad nobody takes you seriously, millsy. If they did, you wouldn't have trotted out your supposed UT degree recently. And you wouldn't have told us you're some kind of Austin political big shot either. Instead, you would have simply trusted your debate skills to let everyone know you deserve to be taken seriously. But like crunchyass, you have no real debate skills. The most you are capable of is posting a few hackneyed, partisan libtard talking points fed to you by the DNC, then quitting when those points are challenged.

Among other topics, you demonstrated you have no understanding of Senate filibuster rules, the emoluments clause of the Constitution, or voter fraud/voter suppression. Those are pretty huge gaps for someone who claims to have studied and worked in politics.

HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah I have a supposed UT degree. And I definitely told you I'm some political big shot (no you inferred that, like you do with everything). You sir are the one with no real debate skills. All you do is spew the same talking points that Trump surrogates spew.

Sir, I believe anyone can go back and see that I understood the filibuster rules. You actually ignored what I was talking about and told me I was wrong when I literally said what you argued. Go back and look it up. I will help you and anyone who wants to see how horrible you are at this, go to the thread "Why is Trump President Anyway" (Page 4, Post #56). Also, I gave you the exact wording of the emoluments clause, so idk what you didn't get about that. Actually bipartisan ethics professors agree with how the clause is outlined and how Trump violates it. And as far as voter suppression/fraud, you like any Trump person live in the is world were voter fraud is so much higher than it is and voter suppression doesn't really affect minorities at a disproportionate rate with the use of voter ID laws:

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Old 02-26-2017, 09:28 AM   #125
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No matter where you choose to get your 'fake news', the bottom line truth is...

Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch View Post
the New York Times had overstated what the FBI had found about the Trump team’s communications with Russia
In other words, the New York Times is full of shit!
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Old 02-26-2017, 01:52 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah I have a supposed UT degree. And I definitely told you I'm some political big shot (no you inferred that, like you do with everything). You sir are the one with no real debate skills. All you do is spew the same talking points that Trump surrogates spew.
I prefer to apply my debate skills on the national Political Forum, the one you're too chickenshit to post on, millsy.

And thanks for debunking the suggestion that you're a political big shot... you're probably just a minnow, working at some low-level government sinecure, yet you feel a pathetic need to mention this on a hooker board, along with your mediocre education, whenever you want to cover up for your lame debate skills:

Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
I know how the government works. I've taken many course (sic) it, having majored in it and all and work in it. So no need to lecture me... I've probably forget (sic) more about Congress having taken a course on it, than many people trying to teach me on it.
Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
As I said, I've been in government in some form for awhile.
Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
Oh I took Con Law, Constitutional Interpretation also. So no need to try to enlighten me...
Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
So I know how to spell, wouldn't have made it through UT if I didn't.
Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
And no you didn't discuss your degrees, but I will put mine up against yours not knowing much and guarantee mine are better, so maybe you should go back to school. Maybe you will learn something. For instance I'm not a bad speller.
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Old 02-26-2017, 02:38 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
I prefer to apply my debate skills on the national Political Forum, the one you're too chickenshit to post on, millsy.

And thanks for debunking the suggestion that you're a political big shot... you're probably just a minnow, working at some low-level government sinecure, yet you feel a pathetic need to mention this on a hooker board, along with your mediocre education, whenever you want to cover up for your lame debate skills:
I'm not posting on that forum because I don't want to. Your skills don't tell me I need to anyway. If I want to hear your arguments I will just look at the things said by Trump surrogates and apply I less nuanced spin to it.

Lol talking about my skills, use anger and name calling when you want to cover up your lame debate skills. No response to me pointing out the lie you told about me not knowing about the filibuster. You know, when I used your own words against you. Your skill for that? Calling me names. And posting things that I said about my education. All which is true. Classes I took. What's the bold debate skill in that?

Wow you must have went to Harvard or Yale or something, since my UT degree is so mediocre to you. I'm proud of that degree. It's fine university and it's set me up well in life. And no it's not some low level job, but let's not belittle people doing those jobs now. I mean Trump and his supporters are suppose to be the new party of the working man. You are looking down at them. Not cool. Yeah i mentioned this on a hooker board, the same hooker board you are talking on. And the same site where you boost about this national forum that is for all the big time debaters. The one that scares the shit out of people.

And sir, just so you know government isn't politics. I said I'm not a political big shot (you inferred that from me stating fact that I work in government). You may want to sharpen up on those things. It doesn't help with your superior debating skills if you can't understand the simple things.
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Old 02-26-2017, 07:53 PM   #128
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Milly you might as well be talking or writing to the wall. Pro-trump people will give every excuse in the book for Trump's behavior. It's better to focus on getting trump out of office. Our country is truly at stake here. At least most Americans are waking up to these facts and slowly but surely starting to raise an uproar. Sadly it will probably take about 2 yrs but it will happen. So start putting all that energy and time doing what it takes to get him out of office because talking to walls generally goes nowhere.
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Old 02-26-2017, 08:13 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
I'm not posting on that forum because I don't want to. Your skills don't tell me I need to anyway. If I want to hear your arguments I will just look at the things said by Trump surrogates and apply I (sic) less nuanced spin to it.

The fact that you think I'm a “Trump surrogate” indicates how whacked out you are politically. In intelligent company, I criticize Trump all the time. It's reading your tripe that makes me turn around and defend him. You lose all credibility because you slam him whether he deserves it or not. Weeks before he was even sworn in, you were already whining that he had broken all of his campaign promises! What's amazing is how you're too stupid and biased to recognize how stupid and biased you look when you post such comments!

Lol talking about my skills, use anger and name calling when you want to cover up your lame debate skills. No response to me pointing out the lie you told about me not knowing about the filibuster. You know, when I used your own words against you. Your skill for that? Calling me names. And posting things that I said about my education. All which is true. Classes I took. What's the bold debate skill in that?

Who's angry? Who's name-calling? Not me. Are you “inferring” again? I'm rather pleased – not because Trump won, but because Hillary didn't. And I didn't post anything about your education – YOU did! All I did was re-post your own words as examples of how you run and hide behind credentials (that are unverifiable on an anonymous board) when you are losing a debate.

Wow you must have went (sic) to Harvard or Yale or something, since my UT degree is so mediocre to you. I'm proud of that degree. It's (sic) fine university and it's set me up well in life.

I certainly agree that UT is a fine university that has produced many smart and accomplished graduates such as Michael Dell, Walter Cronkite, and Neil deGrasse Tyson, to name a few. They received a quality education. You didn't even learn when to say “gone” instead of “went”.

And no it's not some low level job, but let's not belittle people doing those jobs now. I mean Trump and his supporters are suppose (sic) to be the new party of the working man. You are looking down at them. Not cool.

Who's belittling the working man? Not me. Are you “inferring” again? I initially called you a big shot, remember? You demurred. So make up your mind – are you a big dog or a low-level bureaucrat?

Yeah i mentioned this on a hooker board, the same hooker board you are talking on. And the same site where you boost (sic) about this national forum that is for all the big time debaters. The one that scares the shit out of people.

I don't give a fuck if you're too scared to post in the national Political Forum. The quality of debate there isn't stellar these days, and you don't have the skills to improve it anyway. The fact that you're so easily intimidated is your problem.

And sir, just so you know government isn't politics. I said I'm not a political big shot (you inferred that from me stating fact that I work in government). You may want to sharpen up on those things. It doesn't help with your superior debating skills if you can't understand the simple things.

Ummm, you repeatedly brought up your occupation (hoping it would make you more credible) in political debate threads, and now you say it has no connection? You may want to sharpen up on your logic and stop contradicting yourself all the time.
Poor Millsy.
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Old 02-26-2017, 08:59 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Poor Millsy.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Lol sir, I didn't call you a Trump surrogate. You highlight what I said and didn't read it I guess. The comment said if I wanted to hear your arguments I would listen to Trump surrogate. Man you should read what I say. And yeah I knew from the beginning that Trump wouldn't be able to keep his promises. Mostly because it was impossible. The wall wouldn't be built by Mexico and will not be a true boarder wall. And the ACA is too tied together to keep the parts he promised. Sorry if I didn't need a year to know what would be inevitable.

Not name calling? Inferring? What's chickenshit then if not name calling? Or minnow? And yes I posted about my education in response to you trying to teach me. And me telling you I didn't need you for that.

Sir if you are going to throw in comments like me using gone vs went, maybe fact check what you are saying. That way you can come off in the way you want. What I mean is you are talking about UT graduates, Michael Dell didn't graduate from UT. Facts, those things can be tricky huh?

I'm not intimidated if you are the best they have to offer. I find it pointless actually.

Sir when did I bring up my occupation? What do I do if I brought it up? Again use words that make you come off the way you want to. And saying I mentioned my occupation, not true. I don't need credibility arguing with you. Your viewpoint doesn't matter. You may want to sharpen up on your logic and stop inferring things. And maybe stop being so fast to respond that you miss things that come back to bite you like the filibuster thing or the surrogate thing. Or the Dell thing. Or saying I mentioned my occupation, yet having no idea what I do. Thanks
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Old 02-26-2017, 10:21 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by Milly23 View Post
Lol sir, I didn't call you a Trump surrogate. You highlight what I said and didn't read it I guess. The comment said if I wanted to hear your arguments I would listen to Trump surrogate. Man you should read what I say. And yeah I knew from the beginning that Trump wouldn't be able to keep his promises. Mostly because it was impossible. The wall wouldn't be built by Mexico and will not be a true boarder wall. And the ACA is too tied together to keep the parts he promised. Sorry if I didn't need a year to know what would be inevitable.

Not name calling? Inferring? What's chickenshit then if not name calling? Or minnow? And yes I posted about my education in response to you trying to teach me. And me telling you I didn't need you for that.

Sir if you are going to throw in comments like me using gone vs went, maybe fact check what you are saying. That way you can come off in the way you want. What I mean is you are talking about UT graduates, Michael Dell didn't graduate from UT. Facts, those things can be tricky huh?

I'm not intimidated if you are the best they have to offer. I find it pointless actually.

Sir when did I bring up my occupation? What do I do if I brought it up? Again use words that make you come off the way you want to. And saying I mentioned my occupation, not true. I don't need credibility arguing with you. Your viewpoint doesn't matter. You may want to sharpen up on your logic and stop inferring things. And maybe stop being so fast to respond that you miss things that come back to bite you like the filibuster thing or the surrogate thing. Or the Dell thing. Or saying I mentioned my occupation, yet having no idea what I do. Thanks
Wow... I've seen people grasping at straws before, but you're really desperate. When you tell me everything I say parrots a “Trump surrogate”, then yes - you're calling me a Trump surrogate.

As for your pre-judging Trump's promises, why don't you just come clean and admit you are rooting for his failure? You hope to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy by screaming fail, fail, fail before he even gets started. In other words, you WANT bad things to happen. No border security, no heathcare fix. Partisanship is more important to you than working to make good things happen for the country. Fess up, millsy, you'll feel better.

Oh my, so Michael Dell didn't graduate from UT? He famously dropped out and launched an Austin-based mega-firm... my bad! He's donated millions and received honorary degrees from UT, but hey, you got me on the graduation part. So do you think UT dropout Michael Dell knows when to use “gone” instead of “went”? Grammar rules, those things can be tricky, huh?

You've blurted out multiple times in the midst of political threads that you work “in government”, as if that is supposed to settle an argument. But now you want to look pathetic by crawfishing and pretending you never disclosed anything about your occupation? Umm, ok. And let's see... you don't need credibility, but you play the credentials card anyway? Err, right.

Better quit now, millsy. You're drowning in your own contradictions.
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Old 02-26-2017, 11:07 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Wow... I've seen people grasp at straws before, but you're really desperate. When you tell me everything I say parrots a “Trump surrogate”, then yes - you're calling me a Trump surrogate.

As for your pre-judging Trump's promises, why don't you just come clean and admit you are rooting for his failure? You hope to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy by screaming fail, fail, fail before he even gets started. In other words, you WANT bad things to happen. No border security, no heathcare fix. Partisanship is more important to you than working to make good things happen for the country. Fess up, you'll feel better.

Oh my, so Michael Dell didn't graduate from UT? He famously dropped out and launched an Austin-based mega-firm... my bad! He's donated millions and received honorary degrees from UT, but hey, you got me on the graduation part. So do you think UT dropout Michael Dell knows when to use “gone” instead of “went”? Grammar rules, those things can be tricky, huh?

You've blurted out multiple times in the midst of political threads that you work “in government”, as if that is supposed to settle an argument. But now you want to look pathetic by crawfishing and pretending you never disclosed anything about your occupation? Umm, ok. And let's see... you don't need credibility, but you play the credentials card anyway? Err, right.

Better quit now, millsy. You're drowning in your own contradictions.

Maybe you should quit.

I mean you say you don't infer, yet you took me saying I would listen to a Trump surrogate over you as you parroting and therefore being a surrogate. When I said they had more nuance in the comment you are referring to. Sorry sir, again you just misread what I said or inferred.

No I don't root for his failure. I just don't pretend to live in a world where he can get things done that he can't. I mean honestly, if it were so easy to repel ACA, wouldn't the Republicans have it ready to go considering that they've had 6 years. It's tough because there are certain parts that are popular, yet those parts are tied to parts people don't like. So that promise was doomed from the start. Same with a boarder wall. It's expensive to build, Mexico was never going to pay for it. And the price will only increase when they have to use eminent domain. Fiscal Republicans will not be up for those things. So that's a promise that's doomed from the start also. Sorry if I'm not waiting on the spin. Those promises aren't going to be kept. It's not about partisanship. And bad things? Healthcare such a bad thing. Millions now with insurance, bad thing. Boarder security when most illegals come by plane? Yeah ok.

See, you were wrong about Dell. If it was so famous that he dropped out, why did you call him a graduate? And instead of admitting your mistake, you go to well he knows how to use gone/went. Sir you have no room talking about my mistakes if you called the famous dropout a graduate. I mean unless you don't know what a graduate is.

Again I ask, you said I've mentioned my occupation. So what do I do? Unless again, you don't know what occupation means. Come on sir, I've said it multiple times to end arguments, tell the world what I do. I work in government, but that's not an occupation. And it doesn't give you anything to go off of. I mean if that's the "anything" I've said about my occupation, you are the one grasping at straws. That could mean anything.

I will quit when you can tell me my occupation. Deal?
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Old 02-27-2017, 06:18 AM   #133
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That's what I see here. People wanting President Trump to fail. I don't think some of these people understand that - we are all on the same plane with the same pilot. And I don't want him to go down. Just like I did not want Obama to fail either.
And on a side note-- wow, what about those Oscars? Blunder of the year award goes to......
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Old 02-27-2017, 07:31 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
That's what I see here. People wanting President Trump to fail. I don't think some of these people understand that - we are all on the same plane with the same pilot. And I don't want him to go down. Just like I did not want Obama to fail either.
And on a side note-- wow, what about those Oscars? Blunder of the year award goes to......
I hope you screamed at your Congressmen because they definitely wanted to see Obama fail. They prayed for a plane crash, saying they would oppose anything he proposed and then complained about him using EOs. But no one is complaining about EOs now. And the line is the people elected him, let him keep his promises to them. And we are all one nation. Obama won with more voters and yet that wasn't what we heard.

I never root against the president because I'm not going to cut my nose to spite my face. But I'm also not going to sit in a world of wishing thinking about things that won't happen.

And yes that was the biggest screwup at the Oscars.
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Old 02-27-2017, 07:59 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're the dishonest asshole, not Trump.

Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump View Post
"You're the puppet. NO, YOU"RE THE PUPPET!"

LOL @ Trump is "not" a dishonest asshole. OMG, you white trash Deliverance-country hack. You are so clueless that it's funny. Trump is failing so bigly. It has you on edge, incapable of thinking clearly.

I present Exhibit A:

"Analysts at the Homeland Security Department's intelligence arm found insufficient evidence that citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries included in President Donald Trump's travel ban pose a terror threat to the United States.

A draft document obtained by The Associated Press concludes that citizenship is an "unlikely indicator" of terrorism threats to the United States and that few people from the countries Trump listed in his travel ban have carried out attacks or been involved in terrorism-related activities in the U.S. since Syria's civil war started in 2011."

Oh lustyturd, you are too easy to dispatch.

"No, YOU"RE the puppet!" LOL
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