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Old 02-21-2017, 04:21 PM   #46
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lol, im so sorry but i must say most providers dont enjoy ? i enjoy providing because i LOVE it . and i get very into sessions. thats why i cant even put GFE i say PSE because i am not your girlfriend. my boundaries are almost non existent. no bb fs . but thats about it. i think id just be a bartender if i didnt absolutely enjoy providing.
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Old 02-21-2017, 04:26 PM   #47
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There is so much delusion in this hobby. Have you people been doing this so long that you forgot what truth is? No man ever feels like you spent genuine time with him, ever! If he does, he is a moron and has mental issues, needs help badly. Genuine time spent is not paid for time!!! If it were genuine he would not pay you, like your boyfriend. Do you pay him for genuine time??

It is about a checklist, a man pays you for sex, the men that see you are okay with CBJ, that is cool. But sex is still going to occur. Tell your next regular client that you have a headache after he puts down the fee. Tell him you just want genuine time, no sex, covered or otherwise. See how far that goes, lol. You ladies have sex for money why is that so difficult to admit. We all know it. Without the sex acts you have no business. I know the truth, do you are not fooling me, and really others guys know it too, just are afraid some working girl may not like himif he says the truth. Fact is you already do not like him, he is merely a customer. Not a friend, you are polite to them and respectful as they are to you, but that's as far as it goes. The walmart greeter asked me "how was my day?" Do I think she truly cares for me? Or was she just doing her job?

GFE= marketing term, attempt to attract lonely men.

Provider = actress, pretends she is inti guy, he gives her orgasms, he is the dude! All an act

Hobbyist that believes GFE crap= knows it is an act, wants to be liked and spends money to get false sense of manhood. 15 mins after session reality sinks in for him, lonely again. On the prowl when funds allow.

Truthful Hobbyist= knows it is merely an amusement rise and enjoys it as such. Still polite friendly, great guy. Just realizes truth.

Both type of hobbyists have sex though, otherwise this board does not exist.
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Old 02-21-2017, 04:34 PM   #48
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After reading this thread I finally figured out what GFE stands for: "Go Fuck Elsewhere".
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Old 02-21-2017, 05:09 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by seductivestorm View Post
I am glad that the majority of the men I have dealt with and the other ladies understand that it is NOT the checklist.

It is THE overall experience.
Yes it's about the overall experience but for me it's also about what's on the menu. For me GFE should mimic real life which means dfk, daty, bbbj. Your view of GFE doesn't work for me. I'm not criticizing your quality of service, just your view of what constitutes a GFE. We're each entitled to our opinion on that. When you started this thread did you really think everyone would agree with you?
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Old 02-21-2017, 05:29 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post

Hobbyist that believes GFE crap= knows it is an act, wants to be liked and spends money to get false sense of manhood.
That's probably true for some guys. It's not the way I look at it. I prefer GFE's because the gals put forth the effort to make it seem they enjoy being with ya. I realize much of the time it's probably an act. But I appreciate the effort on their part. It makes for a much better experience. I'll gladly take the illusion of that over some gal who's detached and just goes through the motions.
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Old 02-21-2017, 07:55 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by WarmHoney06 View Post
lol, im so sorry but i must say most providers dont enjoy ? i enjoy providing because i LOVE it . and i get very into sessions. thats why i cant even put GFE i say PSE because i am not your girlfriend. my boundaries are almost non existent. no bb fs . but thats about it. i think id just be a bartender if i didnt absolutely enjoy providing.
WarmHoney06 next trip to Vegas will have to mix some drinks and see if a review comes out of it. To me a mix of GF and PS is my preference. Sometimes I wanna be smooth other times straight freak! Happy Providing
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Old 02-21-2017, 08:13 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by craig151 View Post
I'm a white knight because I have a different opinion than you and I agree with somebody who happens to have the opposite genitalia as me?

I'm going to make an ass of myself like you and make some assumptions... I'm going to assume that you have mother issues. Perhaps even incestuous.

Of course I'm paying more. Believe It or Not There are individuals who don't kick rocks over money. It's my money and if I want to pay more for what I believe is the best quality and the best experience just like women pay more for a Michael Kors,instead of a purse from Walmart * that serves the same purpose, I'm going to do that.

You seem heart broken about luxury items... And that luxury items do have a market! That's you feeling inferior. I'm not making it out like I'm better than anybody. I cant help that I prefer a Michael Kors quality experience over another bag from the flea market. And I am using this purse example as it appears there's a kitten between your legs per your reaction to my post

Now he's all butt hurt because I didn't agree that he was more manly like he said he was. He insults without thinking. This is usually a person that's not secure that does this. I guess if you need hours of conversation and fake affection then it makes you more manly. The only kitten between my legs is usually the one I'm fucking at the time. I don't need her to tell me that I'm the best or tell me what I PAY to hear. Face it. You act like a little bitch. Your retort tell it all. I'm sure the women that do 1 hr sessions will like it that you think they are Walmart hookers. Your much better because you PAY more money and have long walks on the beach. I personally think you're a insecure little boy but that's just me. To bring up incest also shows you have a large lack of intelligence also. I'm sorry you're not good in public and that you have no game. Maybe you can get a provider to spend the night with you ( At a large fee I assume) and tell you what a man you are.

Lets separate the locker boy blue ball having "Hobbyist" from normal men who need no title to validate them spending time with a gorgeous woman. I'm a man. Not a "Hobbyist" dude.

I'm so glad you never used the I'm a man thing
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Old 02-22-2017, 09:51 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by craig151 View Post
I'm a white knight because I have a different opinion than you and I agree with somebody who happens to have the opposite genitalia as me?
Now you are getting it! That is EXACTLY the definition of a WK as used on here. All men are divided into two groups: the MCPs and the WKs. If you are not a Pig you must be a Knight!

(Or someone tries to slink out of an argument they know they have already lost, so they call you a WK and hope they can retreat unseen under cover of that.)

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Old 02-23-2017, 01:56 PM   #54
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Twelve years enjoying this hobby, over 150 different Providers and I can't remember any of them having the exact same definition of "GFE". When a Provider lists "GFE" in her ad, that tells me...nothing. We know what CBJ, BBBJ, CIM, MSOG and the like stand for. But GFE? I've been with girls who said they were GFE and sucked and swallowed me dry. Also been with girls who said they were GFE and were CBJ.

If you advertise you're GFE without listing your Activities, I'm going to ask what they are if I can't find them in a Review or someplace else. If you don't tell me what they are, I won't see you.

This is sport fucking to me. One hour is all I do and nobody knows everything about anyone in an hour. Pleasant convo, occasional laughter, a relaxing time...and GREAT SEX is what I'm after. Keep the GFE with your real life S.O.
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Old 02-23-2017, 02:17 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by craig151 View Post
I'm a white knight because I have a different opinion than you and I agree with somebody who happens to have the opposite genitalia as me?

I'm going to make an ass of myself like you and make some assumptions... I'm going to assume that you have mother issues. Perhaps even incestuous.

Of course I'm paying more. Believe It or Not There are individuals who don't kick rocks over money. It's my money and if I want to pay more for what I believe is the best quality and the best experience just like women pay more for a Michael Kors,instead of a purse from Walmart * that serves the same purpose, I'm going to do that.

You seem heart broken about luxury items... And that luxury items do have a market! That's you feeling inferior. I'm not making it out like I'm better than anybody. I cant help that I prefer a Michael Kors quality experience over another bag from the flea market. And I am using this purse example as it appears there's a kitten between your legs per your reaction to my post
Craig151 I commend you on standing up for yourself on what you believe is your opinion and for not letting some douche bag tell you that your in the wrong. its not about being a white knight its about what you feel is right in your opinion. Not cause you agree with a provider. I really give you thumbs up for standing up for yourself. kudos
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Old 02-23-2017, 11:44 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Skittlez View Post
So that is indeed the issue... Look again at what you stated above -- you are trying to define away the 'girlfriend' part of GFE

Many guys want a (hobby world) 'GF' experience. That is what they are looking for and what they expect. If you don't offer that -- that's fine.

Just offer what you offer, but don't call it GFE - because it isn't.

Maybe call it SIPE (safe intimate provider experience)... that would be more accurate and there's nothing wrong with that.
Hell yeah! 1+
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Old 03-01-2017, 02:37 PM   #57
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This was a stirring discussion. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Storm. I hope all is well with you!
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Old 03-01-2017, 02:41 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
This was a stirring discussion. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Storm. I hope all is well with you!
I cant complain Ms. Lena. Afterall there is always someone , somewhere in a far worse state that any of us, lol. Hope you are well too.
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