Originally Posted by Analeese
You run your business the way you want to and I will run mine how I want to Mya. End of story. Your comments and opinions are not at all positive or helpful.
You're no better than the guy who complains about a girls rate being too high.. And we all know how you feel about those guys.
There is no need for you to say anything else about me or to me anywhere on this board.
Thanks again for making me stay relevant here in our little world...
THINK, before you come for people you don't know next time... you can avoid the humiliation that way.
I suggest you raise your rates IMMEDIATLEY if you really that GOOD at what you do... Double booking $100-$200 appointments will get you no where it take too damn long to stack money $100-$200 at a time... If you that desired and booked up RAISE your rates DUH , then you will be more motivated for you appointments and not have to turn them down, because they will be more WORTH IT>
Imagine making $300-$400 off ONE client, you don't have to book so many people in one day or one week, and yu come out with more profit actually.
When i went from $100 to $250 i went from like 25 appointments a month to 15-20 and made MORE money, GOT multi hours, GOT gifts, GOT taken out to eat at classy restaurants ... right WTF i was like WTF
I made more money seeing less clients charging more than i did seeing MORE clients charging LESS!!! WTF surely that don't make sense!!! BUT THAT WAS WHAT THE NUMBERS READ!!!
Now imagine going to $400-$500 , now u seeing like 5-10 clients a month AND MAKING MORE THAN Y0U WAS MAKING SEEING 15-20 CLIENTS @ $250!!! WHAT THE FUCK???
they tipping booking multi hours, you getting $800-$1500 off one guy... But then again I'm a "Career escort" In it for the long haul... so i'm sure our values are different.
Shit the possibilites are endless, the most i ever got paid was like 6 stacks, AND i got flown out the country!!! WTF they spen 10k on ya girl!!!! and that was when i was still in Dallas, and wasn't nobody fucking with me at the time, but this ONE GUY who made up for a WHOLE month of mother fuckers!!! REAL FUCKING SHIT, don't limit yourself boo, i'm not upset at you , i want every one in the world to be UPLIFTED not put down! but it inevitably your own perogative to show these guys what you are worth!
Just like anything in life, if you left it up to the consumer, HELL WE WOULD ALL BE FREE PUSSY ON THIS MOFO!! LMAO
but the figures don't lie... The higher your rates, the less clients you need... and if you do get just as many clients as you did before !! WHEEEEWWWWWWWW