Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If Clinton had enforced the VISA laws then most of the hijackers would have been deported when their visas expired.
Had they been adequately vetted back then they may not have ever gotten a VISA ... and there was reason for doing so by Clinton, since there was a Muslim/Islam effort to bring down the Towers in 1993 right after the Bonnie and Clyde of Politics occupied the People's House.
Take a look at Gore's 1996 Airline Safety report submitted to Bill in the Blue Dress days!
Also, recall in 1998 the Clinton Administration obtained a warrant for the arrest of OBL in which his participation in MUSLIM terror activities around the World were described.
"Connecting the dots"!
These same Anti-Trumpers sing the praises of HillaryNoMore, but INTENTIONALLY IGNORE her "EXPERIENCE" while Bill AND HillaryNoMore were in charge!
For 8 fucking years the Clintons fiddle-farted around. They need to STFU...the Clintons and the Cry-Babies.