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Old 02-11-2017, 08:51 AM   #1
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Default Before him YES YES YES YES YES YES and then he says “Meh Okay”

This guy was one of the sweetest, respectful guys I have met here. I don’t know why he would say mabe he would recommend me because I would totally recommend him. We clicked at least I thought we did. He was clean and smelled fresh. He was just what I would expect any client to be. I responded to him well and he never gave me any indication that he didn’t enjoy it. He never stopped the session and said he was un happy or expressed to me he was unhappy. I would give him a do over if he wanted but I would never submit to do BB for a make up session. Me and this guy hit it off. Mabe he wants me to himself. I don’t know what the motivation is behind this but My recommendation for him is a YES even though girls may not want to deal with him after ME and HIM enjoyed the session and then apparently says he didnt. Anyways……

Why don't guys just tell us what they want instead of acting like things are ok and leaving unsatisfied? All you have to do is tell me and I will do my best to provide.
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Old 02-11-2017, 09:19 AM   #2
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Aww honey!!! I will pay you just for listen you singing ��
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Old 02-11-2017, 12:52 PM   #3
guy fawkes
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Why don't guys just tell us what they want instead of acting like things are ok and leaving unsatisfied?
You may have not had chemistry and he felt that telling you would not benefit either of you and will sample others

All you have to do is tell me and I will do my best to provide.
I do not think all providers are up to a Q&A after a session, but it refreshing to know you do care
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Old 02-11-2017, 03:05 PM   #4
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You do realize he's had more than 25 sessions in about a month to month and a half. I'm surprised he would give anyone more than meh at this point due to being desensitized from the experience each girl has to offer. I'd be burnt out and just going through the motions to give reviews. Which is why I see regulars and hobby once to maybe twice a week. Keeps new experiences fresh and more open minded.

Not sure that many partners in that short time is healthy for anyone either. But who am I to judge?

But who knows, he might be able to give an honest answer to you personally.

Your pics look great, but perhaps the art of providing I talk about in my coed thread might be looked into. I've never met u, and not saying you have any issues. Can't say for sure what happened, but that would be a start. Ms Francisca and her friends I would talk with on the subject of art within the hobby. Always room to fine tune your craft.
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Old 02-11-2017, 03:09 PM   #5
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Whoa, Nelly (or Honeysuckle, or her “handler” or whomever though it was a good idea to start this kind of thread). Sniping at a customer who gave you a lukewarm (and not even bad) review is going to do you more harm than good.

The customer who wrote that review is relatively new around here, but has already won a solid reputation for himself and has a history of writing very good and well-detailed reviews.

Your implication that he demanded BB for a retraction seem very specious and unless other providers speak up to say he did the same, I don’t expect they will be taken as truth, just bitterness and a petty attempt at revenge for saying you’re less than perfect.

The reasons for his “meh” are well supported in the ROS details (which you can’t see) and some of the shortcomings of the experience he pointed out are echoed in a number of your “yes” reviews from other customers. You’ve got a few things to work on to compete with other providers in your chosen price range, and throwing public tantrums when you get a less than perfect review is clearly #1 on that list.

If you’re still chapped and raging, you’ll probably take this as backing up a fellow customer, bros before hos, or some other lame excuse to be dismissive, but I do hope you pause to consider that it’s meant as constructive criticism and take it to heart: you’re a stunningly beautiful young woman, and could be one of the must-see destinations in the local market if you could work out a few things in your service … and work them out in a more discreet manner that making a public spectacle.
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Old 02-12-2017, 12:08 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by HoneySuckle View Post
...I would give him a do over if he wanted but I would never submit to do BB for a make up session....
Did he ask for it to begin with?

John, she has every right to ask here in coed. If it helps her improve, it's better for everyone so any issues are resolved. I personally don't see any wrong doing in asking what happened. Especially in the event he may have asked for bbfs during his time.

She can't see ROS details and perhaps pussy whipped mongers can leave a no review once in a while. Issues could of been corrected long ago.
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Old 02-12-2017, 03:34 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post
John, she has every right to ask here in coed.
I would not (and did not) say she doesn't have the "right" to retaliate against someone for a lukewarm review ... it's been done before, and the consequences are usually more negative than positive.

And BTW, this is the second instance in a very short amount of time you've followed up to one of my posts immediately with an accusation of saying something I didn't actually say. Not very sporting of you.
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Old 02-12-2017, 05:14 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by John4229 View Post
I would not (and did not) say she doesn't have the "right" to retaliate against someone for a lukewarm review ... it's been done before, and the consequences are usually more negative than positive.

And BTW, this is the second instance in a very short amount of time you've followed up to one of my posts immediately with an accusation of saying something I didn't actually say. Not very sporting of you.

Ditto, I agree he's not being sporting.
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Old 02-13-2017, 07:26 PM   #9
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Having read this review....a few of the reviewers other reviews....and also a few reviews of the OP...I have to say....It seems to be a fair an honest review....something more guys (myself included) should strive to deliver.

OP: suck it up...if you really want some honest feeback, PM the reviewer and asks him what could have made the session better...but posting this thread did you no favors.
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Old 02-13-2017, 09:16 PM   #10
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Where's my violin?
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Old 02-13-2017, 10:26 PM   #11
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some people have negative things to say no matter what.
you are beautiful, you are in my book of top 5 providers and you can SING! don't worry about what one person says.
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Old 02-14-2017, 01:52 PM   #12
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Old 02-14-2017, 08:17 PM   #13
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ART; somebody sees a bunch of colors, other's see an abstract statement of 21st century social-economic inner city distress.

SEX; same thing - everybody sees/feels/processes something different.

That's life.....
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Old 02-16-2017, 10:54 AM   #14
Joe Buck
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Originally Posted by guy fawkes View Post
Why don't guys just tell us what they want instead of acting like things are ok and leaving unsatisfied?
You may have not had chemistry and he felt that telling you would not benefit either of you and will sample others

All you have to do is tell me and I will do my best to provide.
I do not think all providers are up to a Q&A after a session, but it refreshing to know you do care

Honey from your pics you are a very beautiful woman, however based on activities in his review though you may have clicked during your conversation there was a very obvious lack of IOP during the session.
While IOP may not be your thing (and I always say to each their own, do what you are comfortable doing) it is something that the majority of men here look for in a session, it is easy for some guys to get all reved up about seeing a lady as beautiful as yourself and can be a major let down when the experience is not there. As far as him not being vocal about what his expectations were he was probably trying to be polite.
I myself have considered on more than one occasion seeing you however when researching your reviews I do see a lack of IOP in them and that is what has kept me from pulling the trigger.
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Old 02-16-2017, 02:12 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by John4229 View Post
I would not (and did not) say she doesn't have the "right" to retaliate against someone for a lukewarm review ... it's been done before, and the consequences are usually more negative than positive.

And BTW, this is the second instance in a very short amount of time you've followed up to one of my posts immediately with an accusation of saying something I didn't actually say. Not very sporting of you.
I've seen many cases where things turned out better for the lady. Guys can also make their cases as to why they won't see someone like Joe Buck did here. It's the same reason I haven't.

Don't take it personal John, you're a cool dude. I appreciate all your posts and reviews around here. I would of responded to anyone who posted. You just happened to respond and I had my take on the comments.

You stated that they take care of the manner discreetly instead of asking for feedback from the community.

Just stating she can ask in coed if she wants to and people need to realize she may just be asking for help to improve as opposed to a tantrum. Sounds like she even offered a make up session which is good customer service if you ask me. Another girl around here did the same in her first no review ever, and it turned out well for her.

As it goes, seems people are leaving helpful feedback. No harm done bringing issues to light as the review was made public all the same by the gent.

She is trying to salvage her business and can't blame her for that. If just the review stood, most would pass on her. Seeing how she's looking for help and trying to figure out what's up, seems like a decent enough lady to me of things improve for her. Maybe not for the guy who reviewed her, but for others who witnessed what was going on.

As for being a good sport? Thought I've done well discussing the issues and bringing alternative views to the table. Lol.
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