Originally Posted by BabyDallass
I think she is very good looking and I never ever said that at all to her ever. Let's make that clear, and along with the others ladies on ec...except Cassie and jessika I wouldn't even fuck y'all if I got paid to...you both look gross to me...lol the other girls can get it, but you two can get the door...Cassie I think your almost worst than jessika...just have a dirty grungy look, not a sexy one more like havnt taken a bath in weeks....again my opinion  you remind me of a smaller younger version of Ms.sassy...lol oh and that BBw chick wouldn't touch it with a stick...nasty...
Lmao Dallas you wish I would want to touch you, your conversation and attitude is horrible...you even text me before offering to do doubles with me and I turned you down and nobody wants to be pimped anymore its 2017 time to be independent hunny
And your comebaks are pathetic lol its cute

you know these tattoos turn you on lmao

I'm not dirty I have plenty of gentlemen who can vouch for that..you're pretty but your attitude ruins it for you.
Serenity you are rocking The red and your personality just makes you more gorgeous!!! Ignore the haters and keep staying you! Rocking the red girl!!