Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
What difference does that make? Like what does my ultimate fate have to do with any of this?...
It ain't got much to do with this threAd...just with the way you come across in general. "That's all."
Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I'm imagining that one day in the future will I eventually be as old and possibly even as physically unattractive as some of the old people here that fuck hooks as a recreational activity.
Imagining ain't got nothing to do with it either. And as for your "possibilities".....they be more along the lines o' "probabilities"....pretty certain ones.
Bob Weir said it best (though I'm kinda showing MY age here):
"There may come a day I will dance on your grave. If unable to dance I will crawl..."
One of my fav lyrics ever. Not as good as this one by Neil Young, though:
"It doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you."
(Now I damn sure am showin' my age!)