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Old 02-08-2017, 07:51 AM   #1
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Default Am I Being Unreasonable?

I need feedback. Maybe I'm cheap, but from my position, I'm not. All I ever ask for is FBSM with a HE. I'm not in it for sex, EVER. (Most guys will think, WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THIS SITE), but I've been to most ALL the Mass Parlors around, and they are $80 up front, with $80 or more tip, EXPECTED. And I'm not complaining. But some ladies are offering Full Service for this price or less. So for a 30 minute session, I think I'm getting ripped. Big Chief turned me on to a Asian MP that gets $100 for half hour, and I think that's plenty. I'm usually not even in the building the full half hour. If you know what I mean. I do not expect something for nothing, don't get me wrong. But I've never had a job that I made $100 in that length of time. I know all of it is not ALL profit, but still, it's good money for the small amout of time. So, am I being excessively cheap minded, or am I right? A FBSM with a lady that lets me touch her while I'm being touched for what little time I'm there, isn't worth $180 to over $200. Am I right? And I'm expecting to hear, CHEAP SERVICE AIN'T GOOD AND GOOD SERVICE AIN'T CHEAP. Some feedback, please. Just let me get my rubber pants on, cause I know I'm fixing to get my butt eat out by the ladies.

PS, my thanx to Big Chief for the help.
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Old 02-08-2017, 11:18 AM   #2
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Your right, for 200, and just a rub when for a few $ more you can get a full meal deal. Kinda like going to burger king and just buying a whopper, its cheaper to get a drink and fries. And we all don't do this full time. So you might be the only client a lady might see that day or all week.
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Old 02-08-2017, 01:26 PM   #3
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Default Yes mam

But I don't want the full meal deal. Guess I may just be stuck with going to the AMP's. They don't seem to mind taking what I offer. And I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, AT ALL. I would not expect to try to talk a provider down on fee's if I was asking for full service. I just think $100 is plenty for a rub n tug. But that's just me.
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Old 02-08-2017, 02:30 PM   #4
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Unfortunately, we, individuals, do not get to set market prices. We as a collective get to influence prices. I would be grateful if providers offered a FBSM with HE on a discounted rate. I have never and I never will pay $300 for an hour FBSM with HE. But I would and have paid $200, never done a 30 minute session.

Know why Wendy's does not charge $20 for a combo meal, no one will pay it. Know why they charge just under $10 for a.combo meal because millions of people ar willing to pay it. I do not eat fast food, I as an individual think $5 for a fast unhealthy meal is enough but the collective market place does not agree with me. If we as a collected community stopped eating fast food, prices would comw down. If we stopped paying providers to rub us for $300 they would bring the prices down.

I am new to this indistry, sex for sale, but I have noticed in this area $300 seems to be average rate for an hour. What I do not understand is an older less than dazzling provider charges same price as young, thin, stunning provider. Now I know beauty is only one factor and is subjective, but Wendy's charges more for its product than Taco Bell, McDonald's, and most others. Because on the whole their product is higher quality. And in fast food market the flavor is subjective.

Most consumers will not pay same price for a pair of high heels at Payless Shoe Source as they would for designer shoes such as Louis Vouton. The difference is some quality but mostly image and marketing. A shopper could pay $40 for high heels or $800 for designer. That's a ridiculous difference. In sex for sale prices are pretty constant.

A missing tooth, unkept drunk provider charges and seems to get $300 an hour just as most model type well organized providers. CBJ gets same price as BBBJ???? The product is flawed how can charge same price? I do realize providers of the lesser service do not do as well as providers that give a full menu. Anyone ever have a CBJ??? I had one, just one!! Never again, there is a mountain of difference between BBBJ and CBJ. There are many women doing BBBJ why would any man ever pay same price? I might see a lady that was CBJ for $200 but never $300 when I can just call someone else for BBBJ. Why would I buy a burger without tomato when I love tomato on my burgers? And for same price??

This industry is baffling and unique at times.
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Old 02-08-2017, 03:16 PM   #5
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Gentlemantoo, then why are you interested in the hobby?
Some of us that do cbj do not want to do BBBJ, it is our choice.
It doesn't matter if a woman is older and womanly compared to a skinny spinner who just started bleeding
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Old 02-08-2017, 03:18 PM   #6
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Risk, Rewards, Benefits, Supply, Demand and all that stuff set prices.

For most part I am paying for privacy and security. And Time. And expertise.

(though lack of expertise is not a bad thing)

I want this and some of that. What I want is far less risky than doing something else. Hells Bells, you don't even need to undress to do this or that, though I would like it if you did undress .

Yet I pay the same as the dude that wants something else. Which is like the restaurant that has a single price for a full meal with all the trimmings. If I don't have the soup and desert, I still pay the full rate.

Which is kind of OK, somewhat, because I am paying for privacy and security and expertise. And time. And I am more or less the same amount of time as the dude wanting something else.

That said, I am I am pretty easy to make happy. Or at least you don't have to exert yourself as much to take care of me. And it doesn't matter what time of the month or other things.

So if you want to give me a discount for being so easy to take care of and would like to see me as a frequent visitor, so be it. If not, I also understand.
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Old 02-08-2017, 04:00 PM   #7
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Default I Appologize To Ms. Muse

While I am tring to make a point, I am not tring to start an argument, Seasoned Muse. Please know that. And I'm not tring to single out any particular Providers either. I don't want to get BANNED.
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Old 02-08-2017, 04:01 PM   #8
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It's just simply market forces at work. The ladies are charging as much as the 'market'(us) are willing to bear/pay, same as an other business. I've seen some that charged premium prices for sub-par services and they don't survive like that for long.

If a woman comes along that is highly desirable, regardless of services, and she asks $500 per hour, she is out of my price range. It doesn't mean she isn't getting that rate, just not from me. Now the way to know is if say 6 months from now she is still charging the same rate, then she's found her market and that price will stay. And it's the same in all the areas of the hobby.

That's where patience comes in. You've got to see if maybe you just aren't willing to pay what the going rate is for that service. It the price stays, that's the market. Pay or don't go is really the only choice.

I want a Ferrari Daytona Spyder but I'm only willing to pay $30,000...guess what I ain't gonna be driving.
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Old 02-08-2017, 04:16 PM   #9
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Yeah man, I mean, if I only put it in halfway, why do I have to pay full price?

I kid, but it's the same logic and I understand because I used to think the same way. For the providers, your 20min quick trip (at min) probably takes another 20mins on the front end and the back just to prep, clean up, and line up other visits. So that's an hour gone that they could have been making real money. Not worth it.

As for the activities, you're not doing them any favors by only wanting a HE/rub. They could be doing FS or extreme greek. That's not the issue, time is time.

You'll find that there are different people here for different reasons. There are those that are looking for the thrill of being with a super model half their age that they'd never have to opportunity to be with in the real world. Maybe they get miffed by somebody much heavier, older provider charging the same amount as the 19yr old vixen. Then there are others that couldn't care less about being with a 10. They just want to do all the weird kinky activities they can't find anywhere else. Maybe they get miffed by paying for vanilla activities they could get for free at the bar. Different strokes for different folks. That's where your research comes in.

As for those in & out parlors, it's a crap shoot. Most of those gals have no idea what they're doing, why they are there, and will most likely find something else to do with their lives by next week. Time from time a diamond in the rough pops up, but is usually short lived. My experience, you either get a crappy massage, a crappy hj, or both.
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Old 02-08-2017, 04:25 PM   #10
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Also, I had a provider tell me that she wouldn't mind charging less to stay competitive. But the safety factor dramatically shifts to something a lot more dangerous with the cheaper (creeper) rates.
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Old 02-08-2017, 05:18 PM   #11
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Default I Understand

I see what all of yall are saying. Really, I see each point that is being expressed. But I still want to express the point I was tryn to get across to Muse. She pointed out that I may be the only person a provider see's during a week. But if I went to an AMP and spent my $100, that's $100 a provider could have had, IF she would only do the same job at that price. But I do appreciate all the feedback. I asked to recieve it so I could get differant hobbiest ideas on this subject. Thanx to all of u.
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Old 02-08-2017, 09:43 PM   #12
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100 for a 30 minute rub with HE is plenty in my opinion. AMPs are a rip off in most cases unless the talent is extraordinary. My recommendation...find independents who focus on FBSM. There are some good ones around. Full service providers expect to be compensated for their time, regardless of activities. Can't blame them for that.
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Old 02-08-2017, 10:17 PM   #13
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The problem is FBSM is a little more niche and most girls just jump straight into full blown escorting. So it's harder to find those middle ground providers for massages, they do exist though.
100-140 for 30 minutes sounds about right if you do some digging
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Old 02-09-2017, 08:00 AM   #14
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Guitar, Miss Muse is not upset with you. She was attempting to clarify something to another poster who clearly has no idea what goes into a session with a provider, no matter what her services include.
And YOU, JackC866........ I LOVED what you said!
Maybe I can convince her to repost her very detailed list of activities and COSTS that any provider has to complete before she even opens the door to greet a TRUE gentleman.
As far as AMPs, they are a stationary target for LE. I never could understand the risk vs reward in a business that is constantly on LE's radar.
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Old 02-09-2017, 08:18 AM   #15
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Gentlemantoo, what you seem to be missing is that more mature women, like myself and others, have built a reputation as being a skilled and patient lover. Yes, there are a lot of younger providers out there who offer many of the services and maybe even offer menu items that another provider may not feel comfortable offering. It is definitely the provider's choice, her body, her rules. Like Ann pointed out, for some of us this isn't the only thing we do. I'm not high volume at all, I may only see one gentleman a week. No matter if it's one or more in that week, I always give my best to the gentleman I'm with. They are not merely paying for what acts are or are not included but for the experience itself. I think that's what sets a lot of us mature providers apart from the hundreds of ladies out there. To each their own though, there's an age range, experience range, menu range, lol, to suit everyone's needs.
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