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Old 02-08-2017, 02:21 AM   #421
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I'm not going to read all of that long winded ghetto shit, but any chance there was a maybe in there? I'm still open to fucking an alien. And let's face it, you're the one. This is love.
1. Simply Afraid
David Asenov, a friend of mine and a mechanical engineering student at Florida State University, suggested that perhaps White guys just don't know how to approach Black girls. The difference in cultures might have an influence on this. "Maybe they just don't know what to say," says Asenov, "I don't get it, though, they're just girls." And that's the thing, Black girls are just girls.

2. Lack of Exposure
Young individuals (often White) from suburban, upper-middle-class households are more likely to stay within their communities, more than any other social class. So it's only natural that these individuals only mingle with their own race. Because no one around them and none of their friends date Black girls, these White guys will probably stick with what they're used to and what they understand to be normal.

3. The Effects of Slavery and the Reconstruction Era
I hate to be a broken record, and those of you who attend an HBCU or read my articles have probably heard this a thousand times already, but slavery had and still does have a very strong impact on today's society in America. Perhaps there is a reluctance to date Black girls -- girls who used to be deemed as less than human -- due to the fear of being looked down upon (interracial marriages were illegal, you know).

4. Stereotypes
Similar to the situation in my past article regarding a Black man who ridiculed and hated Black women because of the stereotypes he believed, it is possible that some White men believe the same. In the Reconstruction, Harlem Renaissance, and Civil Rights eras, many stereotypes of Black women arose from the widespread literature that misrepresented them. These stereotypes still exist today.

There are a lot of White guys out there that date Black girls or are married to Black women; that is obvious. Some of you may even be wondering why I decided to touch on this topic and don't believe it to be a real thing, but growing up as a Black girl in an upper-middle-class household -- with tons of beautiful Black girlfriends who are talented and intelligent -- has led me to wonder why Black girls are so undesired.

Lucas, the racist snitch;

i'm about convinced you have brain damage at this point ... but thanks for giving me a chance to re-iterate my point howver i'm sure this post makes you VERY PROUD
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Old 02-08-2017, 02:26 AM   #422
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I'm not going to read all of that nonsense but was there a maybe in there? It's a simple yes or no question. Stop playing hard to get my future alien conquest.
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Old 02-08-2017, 02:29 AM   #423
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I'm not going to read all of that nonsense but was there a maybe in there? It's a simple yes or no question. Stop playing hard to get my future alien conquest.
Let me start by saying this: I know writing this blog post is going to cause quite a bit of controversy, so let’s get this out of the way: I am intelligent, not what society deems “ghetto,” and from what I am told, and given where I work in the television business, I am attractive. Why is that necessary to say? Let’s start below.

Black men don’t like black women. Yes, I said it.

I don’t mean all black men, but it’s true of many, and it’s a growing problem. I think I wouldn’t really care if other races felt this way about black women, but the fact that my own men do has made me consider turning my back on them multiple times.

My boyfriend and I were having a conversation about black men vs. black women. (He is black and Puerto Rican.) It started getting intense, and I said, “You don’t get it! Black men are viewed as sexy and, in a sense, a ‘trophy’ for another race, but black women are never deemed the most attractive. Other races are always seen as a trophy on the arm of a black man.”

He looked at me like I was crazy and said, “You don’t understand the black-man struggle. They look at me like I’m a criminal.”

In a sense, I might not. But I thought in my head, “At least black women value black men. It’s becoming rare to see the reverse.”

This all started because I was referencing a conversation we’d had when I was pregnant with our son. My boyfriend had said lightheartedly, “I hope our son has my hair.” My boyfriend has beautiful, soft curls, a genetic gift from both his races.

But my heart sank. What did he mean? I am known for being sensitive, so I asked.

He said, “Courtney, I see you struggle with your hair, and I think it would be nice if he had my curly hair. You wouldn’t want him to have coarse hair if you could help it. It would be easier to manage if his hair was curly was all I’m saying.”

The rational part of me thought about what he was trying to say, but no matter how much I replayed it, it still didn’t sound right to me.

What was he trying to say about my hair?

Everywhere from pop culture to the hood, men are either consciously or subconsciously telling black women they aren’t “wanted.” I have seen black man not even look twice at black women whom I see as beautiful, yet I’ve seen them break their necks for decent-looking — dare I say unattractive — women of other races. Huh?

Why are rap songs all about white women? If you think I’m wrong, listen to your music and get back to me.

Granted, I think everyone is entitled to a personal preference regarding whom they like. But when, as a black man, you start saying things such as, “I don’t date black women; I don’t find them attractive,” I think we have an issue.

Even Psychology Today published an article about black women being unattractive. (It’s since been taken down.)

Black men, your mom is black. Your sisters are black. Your favorite aunt is black. Do you think they’re all unattractive?

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve met many men who will openly say they don’t want a baby with a black woman. They want a baby with “light skin or light eyes and good hair.”


Black men, if you don’t support us, how do you expect us to be able to support you? Do you even want us to anymore?

I never understood why it makes a certain type of black man feel good to have a white woman on his arm. It would be one thing if it were true love, but some are just doing it because they see it as a prize.

Even on social media, my heart will sink as I see black women I’ve known from high school or elementary school now say they’re “black and Filipino,” “black and Puerto Rican,” “black and [whatever race]” — just don’t say you’re fully black! It seems these women have been conditioned to think they’re not worthy if they’re “just black.”

These statements below are the most common things I hear about why black men don’t like black women:

“Black women have too much attitude/ghetto.”

Before I met my boyfriend’s mother in person, she thought I was white. No kidding. From the way I spoke on the phone to the way I “act,” I have been dubbed the “whitest black girl” everywhere from my hometown to a city close to the Canadian border (Syracuse, what, what!). The point of this is that I don’t have an attitude problem, nor am I ghetto. I will get an attitude over normal things, like any woman would. I have friends of many backgrounds, and I’ve seen Asian women, Caucasian women and Latina women all get an attitude (mind-blowing, right?)

I have many black friends who would prefer to not be confrontational and would rather pretend an event never happened than address it.

Most of my friends are educated —more educated than their significant others — and grew up in families from middle- to upper-class backgrounds.

We are not all ghetto.

“Black women are unattractive.”

I’m going to leave out Beyoncé and Rihanna, because duh. But have you met a woman named Gabrielle Union? Michelle Obama? Halle Berry? Iman? Vanessa Williams (who, by the way, is fully black; people get off on thinking very attractive black women are mixed). Nia Long? Taraji Henson? I can go through this all day. Even the women in my own family — beautiful!

“Black women wear weaves. I like good hair.”

This is probably the one that irritates me the most. Do men not realize all races of women are capable of wearing weaves and clip-ins?

For some reason they think only black women wear extensions. Why? I personally know many women of other races who wear extensions.

As in every race, there are some black women with beautiful, natural hair. Is that so hard to believe?

I, for one, am tired.

I know I’m an attractive female with a lot to offer. I have a degree — two, actually, including a master’s. I am intelligent, can hold a conversation and come from a background more like The Cosby Show than the PJs. (Do you remember that show? I digress.) I know how to cook, and I am known for being “everyone’s cheerleader” (that is, supportive).

Why do I feel so invisible sometimes, then? Passed over?

And, most importantly, why are our own men making us feel this way?


Thanks Lucas keep it up!


Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle View Post
227 replies... as many NOT black men whom are interested in seeing women who advertise that they don't want to see them because they are black posted on this thread (including myself lmao) it just goes to show peoples true feelings about "Preference" on this board.

What would have really made me look like a dumbass is if NOBODY posted on this mother fucker. Ha Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HA

My experiment worked excellent.

Thank you folks couldn't have done it without you!


______________________________ ______________________________ ________________

Well i made this thread to be sarcastic.


I made this thread to mock the AFRICAN AMERICAN BLACK MEN whom brag about seeing women who openly discriminate against them because they are black and put up a sign in their ads as if we are in 1925. They actually justify their own discrimination and accept it. That was whom this post was meant for...

If I am upset at ANYONE its the black men who practice this bullshit .
I'm not upset at the women whom post NO Blacks Allowed. I'm not mad at anyone who supports NO BLACK ALLOWED POLICIES... I AM NOT MAD AT ANYBODY WHO DOES NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE.


and it doesnt even matter because i can count on one hand the number of black men i have seen in 3 years since i went over 300/hr ... so i guess i'm jealous of that lmbo. But seriously Keep calm and Hobby on!
I stand by my statement you dont see the crap from women whom charge over 250-300 an hour hardly.
And why is it that the most legendary woman on this site you could argue because she has the most reviews has never increased her rates? has never progressed much at all it seems in over 10 years of escorting?

because they are being controlled... if not by a pimp then by other hobbyist for the most part, or are just caught up in the fake ass statics american media gives us.

( WHICH MEANS THEY ARE ALOS EASILY INFLUENCED BY THE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT RATES ON THIS BOARD WHICH KEEPS THEIR RATES LOW, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THE BULLSHIT, oh justtell me they don't want MORe money ROTFLMMFAO i know so many are doing this out the kindness of they heart, just like you MEN do on your job everyday.. not for profit.. lmao so they will be 200/hr FOREVER no matter how many Raises and promotions you get, you can count on your little "whore' (as dorthy like to call us) to still be 200/hr!!! SUPER F**ING GREAT!!! :celebration:

Just imagine you are one of the most popular girls in the region, you book up everywhere you go. You are praised and recognized and acknoweledged. You have been on the job over 5 years... You not gonna increase your rates? all the money you making, you still never gonna sit down? Come on now, read between the lines.

The point is people need to realize the color of their skin does not equate to more or less than. Fact is most people whom are racist are angry and just looking for something to be angry about or have low self esteem and need someone to feel better than, and then there is plain envy... that right envious of brown skin LMAO why else are half the No Blacks Allowed chicks tanner than me??? I guess its just the sun...

Thats the next thread i want to make... why do white people tan?

Many people understood the point i made by making this thread. Many more whom posted also did, but chose to make it into a great debate instead of the ISO it was made for on behalf of the brothas who don't care if she racist, he still wanna fuck her

Yes it is ridiculous for black guys to have to come on here and brag about still seeing women who openly advertise " No BLACKS allowed"

YES It is ridiculous for guys to get super upset and argue girls down to see them and try to convince them they are better than the other black guys. . .

all of the crap is stupid... but this world has been stupid way before this board was created.. LOL

I would rather no black guys ever complain about how some woman won't see them because they are black.

I would rather they ignore every woman they come across with the words NO BLACKS ALLOWED in their advertisement.

Not make a thread about why they are not like the sterotypes that they equate to the reason of her saying NO BLACKS ALLOWED.

Now yall can say whatever the hell yall wanna say about me cause, this is YALLS board not mine.

Yall can keep this mofo trust me. i don't want it.

This turned out just how i expected it would of course, a train wreck, almost 250 replies on a thread that was supposed to be about black guys who wanted to convince women who advertise NO BLACKS ALLOWED , to try to change their minds about just lil ol them themselves...

But its understandable, having a NBA sign up gets you an lot more business down south.

After all; "Money & Power" that is the only Religion. ~ Lil Durk

and this post was not directed at the person i quoted. I only quoted it because it was a good post.

and here is a pic to sum up this entire thread and everyone who replied whom is not a black man interested in seeing women whom openly advertise NO BLACK men allowed...

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Old 02-08-2017, 02:35 AM   #424
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Anyway, so was that a maybe? Why can't you answer my question? Nobody is trying to read all of that bullshit. Are we down or not? I want a 100% completion rate for my bucket list. Fucking an alien is number 7 on it.
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Old 02-08-2017, 05:12 AM   #425
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Can I get a TLDR please?
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Old 02-08-2017, 06:34 AM   #426
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Old 02-08-2017, 09:28 AM   #427
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Some motherfuckers shouldn't be hittin the pipe and posting.
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Old 02-08-2017, 09:49 AM   #428
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Them Chicago boys are lucky dealing with her nonsense, why would she come here to argue? Maybe cause she failed here?
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Old 02-08-2017, 09:54 AM   #429
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Them Chicago boys are lucky dealing with her nonsense ...
Include me out!
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Old 02-09-2017, 11:36 AM   #430
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and yall hispanic women down south need to STOP you are NOT white. they are trying to ship yall back to mexico anyways.

Just because yall hair grow silky and straight like their, and your skin complexion sometimes be white and you can come off as a white woman, doesn't make you better than black people either.

I noticed a couple hispanic women coming to take up for racism around here... just STOP!! they talking about your hispanic ass just like they talking shit about my black ass.

see up north its not like that, black people andd hispanic people feel like they one in the same up here pretty much. Down south all yall living in some racist ass bullshit and i am SOOOOO happy i don't got to subject myself the bullshit no more. lol not to mention the LOW TO DA FLO` rates... lol

I'm not trying to argue, and you just sound ignorant trying to say this is no big deal. If you had to wake up everyday and see no Mexicans Allowed, No Puerto Ricans allowed, IN EVERY OTHER AD , i'm sure you would not think the shit was soo easy breezy cool... You dont even kno what its like to black and your family didnt buld this country on their back FOR FREE , maybe for little pay but not ENSLAVED, robbed of your native language and families broken apart...

You need to go sit your ass down somewhere and get out of us black people and white peoples business and go roll a enchilada...
This debate has got nothing to do with you.
Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle

I would see a mexican who speaks english. If anyone called me and could barely speak english i would not make an appointment with them. If they can speak coherent fluent correct english and pass some screening they are in like flin.

It's not a stereo type that mexico does not have all the same immunizations as america, and TB cases break out all the time because they dont have those vaccinations in other countries.
Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle

I hang up when they cant speak english.... I don't trust mexicans i always think they may not be from this country and may not have had all their immunizations. They bring alot of diseases from mexico... I'm just saying.
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Old 02-09-2017, 12:42 PM   #431
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Never did get a response to my question Mya:

1. What do you think about the black people (EGYPTIANS) enslaving the Jews over 2,000 years ago?(looooooog before any Africans were brought to the Americas)
2. Do or should black people feel any racial guilt over this?
3. Do black people deep in their hearts wish those Jews/Hebrews were still enslaved?
4. Do you as a black woman feel that you or any of your ancestors that were slaves in America somehow had it worse than the Jews/Hebrews?
If so how?
5. Do you percieve the Jews as having a sense of entitlement or that black people owe them something for the generations in which the blacks/Egyptians enslaved them?
If yes do you feel any responsibility for trying to amend this?
If no, do you think the old addage of "Time Heals all Wounds" applies here and that after thousands of years the Jews as a culture have no grudge against the blacks?(oh wait a minute....That dude Hitler did try to erase them from the world and did actually murder MILLIONS of them around 60 years ago....but the average Jew today doesnt seem to have a grudge against Germans. Hmmmm....does that mean they're just more thick skinned?)

Ive enjoyed reading your insightful, educated and thoughtful replies and am looking forward to your thoughts.
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Old 02-09-2017, 02:15 PM   #432
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Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe View Post
Of course not....

This is the shitshow that guy was talking about in another thread
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Old 02-09-2017, 02:16 PM   #433
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Originally Posted by chicagoboy View Post
Lol what she do to you?
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Old 02-09-2017, 03:18 PM   #434
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Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy View Post
Never did get a response to my question Mya:

1. What do you think about the black people (EGYPTIANS) enslaving the Jews over 2,000 years ago?(looooooog before any Africans were brought to the Americas)
2. Do or should black people feel any racial guilt over this?
3. Do black people deep in their hearts wish those Jews/Hebrews were still enslaved?
4. Do you as a black woman feel that you or any of your ancestors that were slaves in America somehow had it worse than the Jews/Hebrews?
If so how?
5. Do you percieve the Jews as having a sense of entitlement or that black people owe them something for the generations in which the blacks/Egyptians enslaved them?
If yes do you feel any responsibility for trying to amend this?
If no, do you think the old addage of "Time Heals all Wounds" applies here and that after thousands of years the Jews as a culture have no grudge against the blacks?(oh wait a minute....That dude Hitler did try to erase them from the world and did actually murder MILLIONS of them around 60 years ago....but the average Jew today doesnt seem to have a grudge against Germans. Hmmmm....does that mean they're just more thick skinned?)

Ive enjoyed reading your insightful, educated and thoughtful replies and am looking forward to your thoughts.
I hope you're not a history teacher.
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Old 02-09-2017, 07:49 PM   #435
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Originally Posted by chicagoboy View Post

heh.......And I thought you were "in" cb

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