Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
Sorry for the misspe9.I am typing on a phone.I figured you will point that out. You are a sad little man
You are a laughingstock! And a lame one, too. Lots of people type on a phone - so what? The rest of us take enough pride in the way we present ourselves (yes, even on a hooker board) that we go back and clean up our post before we submit it. You're either too lazy or too stupid to do that.
This tells us you're not worth responding to, at least not in a serious way or on the merits of whatever it is you are straining to communicate here (assuming we can even figure it out).
So of course we laugh at your typos! Keep 'em coming, laughingstock! I especially liked the way you are so inept that you misspelled the word as "inneptitude"!