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Old 02-02-2017, 04:42 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
You deplorables get all caught up with spelling and grammar and numbers to take the attention off of the facts. Hillary Clinton won the vote of the people over Donald Trump and it wasn't even close, she is the true president. OBama was a president popular enough to draw comparisons to Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and William Clinton, our 3 greatest presidents. Trump is being compared to Richard Nixon, enough said!
That would be true if the popular vote meant ANYTHING with regard to electing a president
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Old 02-02-2017, 05:27 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
When impeachment day arrives and the loser by 3 million votes Donald Trump is removed from office I will be waiting for apologies from the following deplorables, I'm putting you on notice:


Bambino who I think is a closet liberal that admires other great liberals like Babe Ruth will owe no apology as we have become good friends.
You are mistaken, I admire the Babe for his prowess as an athlete, a womanizer and a drunk. He hit his last HRs right here at Forbes Field. 3 of them. Yeah, that's why the Bambino was great!

And here's an excerpt where LimpDick gets his idea that the Babe was a Democrat. The Babe was a Catholic, Liberals aren't big on Christians:

"Ruth was a Democrat. We know that because he said so when Republican Warren G. Harding, running for president in 1920, asked for Ruth’s endorsement. Ruth replied:

Hell, no, I’m a Democrat.6

However, when Harding offered Ruth $4,100 (a tidy sum back then) to get behind him, Ruth took the offer.7 So he was a Republican for the right price. And that’s a rather good indication of the depth (or lack thereof) of Ruth’s political convictions."
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Old 02-02-2017, 05:29 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by lnino View Post
I think I said this before but California has 4 metro areas that combined would make it the 3rd or 4 largest state population wise. Where did she win the biggest? Think I said this before also, trying to say whoever wins popular vote is like saying whoever gets the most rebounds wins a basketball game, just not how it's done. Another thing to think about standing straight, there are 3,141 counties in the US. That is how vote counts are reported in states. Hillary won 487 counties. That's pathetic, that's around 15%! A mere fraction of America voted for her when you take it the way that it is actually counted. Fuck your popular vote, name one president that was ever elected with it? You need a better argument, matter of fact it's over, we have our new president, elected fair and square. Hopefully your crooked cunt of a candidate will be prosecuted in the near future.
Actually in a basketball game the team that scores the most points wins just like in elections the person with the most votes should win, determining the winner by any other method would be like declaring the winner of a basketball game to be the team with less points. It shouldn't matter how many counties or how large a state is, it should be who the people want as determined by total votes! Hillary Clinton is the true president of the people, that's why you have all the protesting and discourse in our streets, the people feel cheated.
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Old 02-02-2017, 05:34 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Fucking hilarious!!!!

Keep stamping your little feet pissants.

It won't bring Melania back to Twitler.
The Troll stalker returns. You seem to think Melania isn't going to be with her husband. You're wrong as usual. Because you're not very bright. And you've never had a women that could stomach you. But then again, Hillary sat in the WH while Bill was getting blow jobs from a pudgy 21yr old intern. Thank god that trash didn't make it back.
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Old 02-02-2017, 05:39 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
Actually in a basketball game the team that scores the most points wins just like in elections the person with the most votes should win, determining the winner by any other method would be like declaring the winner of a basketball game to be the team with less points. It shouldn't matter how many counties or how large a state is, it should be who the people want as determined by total votes! Hillary Clinton is the true president of the people, that's why you have all the protesting and discourse in our streets, the people feel cheated.
Our election is not a basketball game. Read the constitution and get over it.


BTW, how ironic that liberal thugs tried to burn down the liberal Mecca that is Cal @Berkeley. What a bunch of dumb asses. By all means, destroy it.

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Old 02-02-2017, 06:56 PM   #141
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But it's not and never has been, that's my point with the sports analogy. You make no sense, stop trying to say what should be and how it should be and talk about what IS. Get with reality, popular vote never has decided anything, there's a system for electing the president, obviously your not happy because it didn't work for you this time but fuck you. Who are you anyway? Anot her weak disillusioned so called liberal that wouldn't defend this country or probably yourself for that matter. Probably think the government will save you from all evils and that they should legislate everything to suit your delicate little feelings. Loser.
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Old 02-02-2017, 08:17 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
You deplorables get all caught up with spelling and grammar and numbers to take the attention off of (sic) the facts.
The facts? Like the FACT that you lied multiple times in this thread about Obama's outgoing approval rating, then after you were called out on your lie you shrugged and said "doesn't matter"?

Yeah, let's stick to the facts, limpdick.
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Old 02-02-2017, 09:37 PM   #143
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That hag had the two most popular presidents of all time campaigning for her, according to you and she still couldn't get her base to turn out for her. Thank god she is not in charge of the country.
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Old 02-02-2017, 10:08 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by bigguyt View Post
That hag had the two most popular presidents of all time campaigning for her, according to you, and she still couldn't get her base to turn out for her...

Lol... you just made StandinLimp even limper... faster than a naked picture of "that hag" would kill a boner!

Now let's hear from a real woman - KellyAnne Conway:

"...the modern Democratic Party... are hysterical about everything now... There's no gradation of hysteria. Everything makes them cry and scream."

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Old 02-03-2017, 05:28 AM   #145
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
The facts? Like the FACT that you lied multiple times in this thread about Obama's outgoing approval rating, then after you were called out on your lie you shrugged and said "doesn't matter"?

Yeah, let's stick to the facts, limpdick.
Limpy lied about the Bambino being a liberal. I shot that down. The Babe supported anyone for the right price!!!!
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Old 02-03-2017, 06:50 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Limpy lied about the Bambino being a liberal. I shot that down. The Babe supported anyone for the right price!!!!
Babe Ruth was a declared liberal democrat that agreed to a bribe to say he supported the republican presidential candidate. That does not change the FACT that he was a liberal democrat by heart! If the Bambino was alive today he would have been a Hillary supporter! I was just pointing out the fact that you choose to admire and borrow the name Bambino from a bleeding liberal, Babe Ruth! It shows your soft side and liberal tendencies, not that there is anything wrong with that! You will feel much better when you accept that and feel free of pretending to be a deplorable! If you want to be a deplorable Trump supporter change your name to Adolf and your picture to Hitler on a tank!
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Old 02-03-2017, 07:00 AM   #147
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
Babe Ruth was a declared liberal democrat that agreed to a bribe to say he supported the republican presidential candidate. That does not change the FACT that he was a liberal democrat by heart! If the Bambino was alive today he would have been a Hillary supporter! I was just pointing out the fact that you choose to admire and borrow the name Bambino from a bleeding liberal, Babe Ruth! It shows your soft side and liberal tendencies, not that there is anything wrong with that! You will feel much better when you accept that and feel free of pretending to be a deplorable! If you want to be a deplorable Trump supporter change your name to Adolf and your picture to Hitler on a tank!
Again Limpy, just a reach on your part. I posted the link that you plagiarized and it clearly stated Ruth didn't have strong political convictions. No facts, just your biased opinion.

This from the piece you plagiarized:

"However, when Harding offered Ruth $4,100 (a tidy sum back then) to get behind him, Ruth took the offer.7 So he was a Republican for the right price. And that’s a rather good indication of the depth (or lack thereof) of Ruth’s political convictions."
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Old 02-03-2017, 07:16 AM   #148
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Here is a great article,

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots?
Jonathan Chait has a theory about why Trump’s success took him and other pundits by surprise: “The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots. Far more of them than anybody expected.” But this idea is singularly unhelpful. It actually helps absolve Trumpkins of responsibility: Idiots are usually not held accountable for their acts.
Thankfully, we have actual data on Trump’s supporters. Far from being idiots, they are people who would normally be considered functioning and successful. Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average.

Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump’s supporters—who amount to at least a plurality of the Republican primary electorate—deserve to be looked at in their own terms. Trump’s essential appeal is based on racism. He launched his campaign talking about Mexican “rapists,” and subsequently stirred up xenophobia against many other groups, especially Muslims. His racist pitch succeeded because the Republican Party is overwhelmingly white and has relied heavily on dog-whistle appeals to racism since the early 1960s.

Trump is appealing to the aggrieved privilege of well-to-do white Republicans who feel threatened by America’s changing demographics and challenges to the traditional racial hierarchy in the age of Obama.

Racism is evil, but it is not idiotic from the point of view of racists. White racists see themselves as benefitting from Trump’s proposal to shore up the old racial status quo. Their value system deserves to be challenged, but they aren’t being fooled by Trump. They know what he’s selling and they like it.
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Old 02-03-2017, 07:48 AM   #149
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Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
Here is a great article,

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots?
Jonathan Chait has a theory about why Trump’s success took him and other pundits by surprise: “The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots. Far more of them than anybody expected.” But this idea is singularly unhelpful. It actually helps absolve Trumpkins of responsibility: Idiots are usually not held accountable for their acts.
Thankfully, we have actual data on Trump’s supporters. Far from being idiots, they are people who would normally be considered functioning and successful. Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average.

Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump’s supporters—who amount to at least a plurality of the Republican primary electorate—deserve to be looked at in their own terms. Trump’s essential appeal is based on racism. He launched his campaign talking about Mexican “rapists,” and subsequently stirred up xenophobia against many other groups, especially Muslims. His racist pitch succeeded because the Republican Party is overwhelmingly white and has relied heavily on dog-whistle appeals to racism since the early 1960s.

Trump is appealing to the aggrieved privilege of well-to-do white Republicans who feel threatened by America’s changing demographics and challenges to the traditional racial hierarchy in the age of Obama.

Racism is evil, but it is not idiotic from the point of view of racists. White racists see themselves as benefitting from Trump’s proposal to shore up the old racial status quo. Their value system deserves to be challenged, but they aren’t being fooled by Trump. They know what he’s selling and they like it.
No wonder your head is full of mush. Chait is a Liberal commie. Since Trump won the election you could characterize his supporters as "winners" and Clinton supporters "losers". And that's why the left is rioting and destroying property and generally being a nuisance to society. Because they are losers both figuratively and literally.
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Old 02-03-2017, 07:52 AM   #150
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So if you read the article, the good news is you may not be uneducated and unemployed or not even a idiot, your just all united in your racist tendencies and you like it! Except for CrustyLad and Inino who are idiots and racist, the rest of you have some hope of seeing the light and moving left with your political views.
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